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HERE YE HERE YE! MxF to FxF pairings.

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Apr 17, 2011
Wouldn't you like to know? Illinios.
Anyway, let's start this off right shall we? I'm 22, straight, (although I tend to play rather convincing characters of both genders), and I'm a story driven detail oriented RPer. No one liners you shall find here, hopefully lol. The rest, I'll make up as I go along but for now know that I'm a big fantasy and sci fi nut. Star Wars, Doctor Who, Stargate, both SG 1 and Atlantis as well as the movies that came along with them, Batman, Batman Beyond, the Forgotten Realms as told by R.A. Salvatore, and countless other things besides. Feel free to ask and you'll get an answer.
Ok, now that the spider has seem to have gone for now, I am able to think of things to put here lol. For the most part, I am craving a good, hopefully longterm, sci fi game but I LOVE fantasy as well. Just ask and I'll be sure to get back to you when I can. For now, here's a few quick cravings in an easy to read list.

Rule 1; I do have an RL life just like everyone else, and of late it's been a little rough. So, I do offer fair warning now. If I disappear for any extended amount of time, it's because certain events, (check A/A page for more details,) have not worked out and I won't be able to get to a comp for some time. For now, things are alright though so hopefully that won't be an issue anytime soon.

Rule 2; I don't do straight sex or endless smut stories. I love details, character driven, plot oriented stories of considerable length. Posts should be a minimum of two paragraphs, four sentences a piece. More is more than welcome, but I understand RL and time restrictions, time differences, and stuff like that.

Rule 3; Grammar is also a must for me. I can take a few mistakes here and there, but please PLEASE try to be intelligible. There's a spell checker here on E as well as on any MS Word program. Use it, it's not that hard. I won't be a grammar Nazi or anything but I do expect some level of coherency is all. Is that too much to ask for?

Rule 4; I do ask that if you do an RP with me, that you post more than once a week. I'd prefer once a day, but I will take three posts a week at minimum. If you are going to be slow in replying for any reason or you won't be able to post at all, PLEASE let me know and I'll be sure to return the favor.

Rule 5; The most important rule of all. HAVE FUN! "Pulls out party poppers and whirly gig things." Lol, joking aside there, I do hope that no matter where we go from here, that we are able to enjoy ourselves to the fullest. Now, to the stories!

Mass Effect and Forgotten Realms collide?! Such blasphemy! This is madness! Lol, sorry, had to get that out of my system. Anyway, needless to say, I do want to combine the two a bit if at all possible. It'll mostly be a Mass Effect story with me playing the fantasy oriented badass next to a male or female Shepard. However, if I do male, I don't want the Shepard to be male as well. Other than that, the story is pretty open to where we go, but I do prefer to start out shortly after the Normandy is given to Shepard to use as he or she sees fit. I'd PREFER but I won't complain if they aren't a Paragon of society or anything, but open murder of innocents won't be tolerated, among other things like that. Otherwise, go nuts I say lol.

Supernatural; A Hunter's Woe. I've been watching Supernatural and wouldn't mind trying to do something along the same lines with custom created characters along for the ride through Hell and back. I'll even supply the Wiki for this one so that any creatures we run up against we'll be ready with their weaknesses....nine times out of ten after some uh...difficulties starting out of course lol. M/F or F/F are welcome here. For the monsters, ghosts, demons, and other things, we can take turns for the NC stuff that might occur along the way.

Dragon Age; A New Blight. I haven't played Dragon Age 2 all the way through yet, but last time I checked, I was nearing the end. I won't spoil anything for those that haven't played it, but I do want to try my hand at something as epic as the stories of the Grey Wardens and their allies fighting against another Blight, or the very first Blight if you feel adventurous and wish to explore the Tevinter Imperium. (Probably didn't spell that right lol.) Anyway, whether we do the Fifth Blight as seen in 1 or the First Blight that is told about in stories and books you pick up along the way is totally up in the air. I'd be willing to do either or myself.

Dragon Age; Creating a Broodmother.

"First day, they come and catch everyone.
Second day, they beat us and eat some for meat.
Third day, the men are gnawed on again.
Fourth day, we wait and fear for our fate.
Fifth day, they return and it's another girl's turn.
Sixth day, her screams we hear in our dreams.
Seventh day, she grew as in her mouth they spew.
Eighth day, we hated as she is violated.
Ninth day, she grins and devours her kin.
Now she does feast, as she's become the beast."

—Hespith's chant. Broodmother wiki page.

A Broodmother, probably one of the most fearsome enemies ever encountered in the Deep Roads, far from Orzammar, and far from any hope of aid against such a wicked fiend. Darkspawn taint at its worst is present when a woman of any race is forced to bear their poison in their bodies, mutating into violent, ravenous beasts, should they be unfortunate enough to survive the process of course. Depending on what race is used depends on what creatures are born from a Broodmother, much like an insect queen in that she is constantly giving birth to more and more of the creatures. This story won't have a happy ending, unless we steer elsewhere of course. I'm open to ideas, but this will be decidedly dark and depressing, and thus this story is not for the faint of heart or the weak stomached since it will be heavy in NC once the darkspawn gets one of our characters.

Sci fi oriented.​

Doctor Who.
.Hack/SIGN. (Haven't seen them all unfortunately.)
.Hack/ROOTS. (Same as above.)
.Hack PS 2 games. (Both the original and G.U.)
Mass Effect. (Both one and two. Soon to be three)
Star Wars.
Stargate SG !, Atlantis, and any of the movies pertaining to them.
Battlestar Galactica. (Still learning about that particular world.)
Star Fox. (Yes, I was into those games way back in the day lol.)
Farscape. (Same as BG.)
The Matrix series.
Star Ocean. (Mostly Till the End of Time.)
Xenosaga. (All of them though I know the most of the first and third games. The show I didn't get to watch much of.)
Mobile Suit Gundam. (Ask first since there's so many out there.)
Power Rangers In Space and Lost Galaxy. (I think that's what it was called anyway. Been a long time since I've seen either.)
Final Fantasy 7-13. (Some do have Sci Fi elements to them, but I know mostly fantasy lol.)
Batman Beyond.
Resident Evil. (Both the game and movies.)
Megaman. (Not the kiddie versions with Cuts Man and all that crap. I'm talking the ones with Zero, Sigma, and all the rest.)
Justice League. (The older ones with the black Green Lantern and all. Sorry, just can't think of his name at the moment.)
X-Men. (Both the old cartoons though I didn't get to see many of them at all, and the movies. Never read a comic book of them.)
Original settings.
And more to be added as I think of them.

Fantasy Oriented.​

Now for the fun stuff.

The Legend of Drizzt series placed in the Forgotten Realms.
Forgotten Realms lore in general. (Mostly what I can look up in the wiki lol.)
Fullmetal Alchemist.
Legend of Dragoon.
Shadow Hearts. (Both the original and Covenant.)
Dragon Age. (Both 1 and 2.)
Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross.
Pokemon. (Before they changed all the voice actors.)
Digimon. (The first two series with Tia and all them. Couldn't really get into the card version of it. Although that could go in either or lol.)
Ninja Gaiden. (Sigma 1 and 2.)
Devil May Cry.
Onimusha. (The actual GAMES and not their crap spinoffs. Dawn of Dreams was especially fantastic.)
Yu-Gi-Oh. (Haven't seen enough of 5Ds to really say one way or the other. LOVED every series otherwise.)
Yu Yu Hakasho. (Probably spelled that wrong but what I remember of it was pretty good.)
Dragonheart. (Both movies though the original was the best. Sean Connery nailed the role as Draco.)
Highlander. (Only saw the first one unfortunately. THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE! Lol.)
Final Destination. (All of them for their gory deaths mostly lol.)
Soul Calibur.
Spartacus; Blood and Sand.
The Legend of Zelda. (Any of the console versions.)
Original material.

Hentai oriented.​

Viper GTS.
Dark Love
Bible Black. (All of them.)
La Blue Girl. (Some of them.)
Angel Blade. (Most of them.)
Angel of Darkness. (Oldy but goodie.)

Characters I play often.​

Basic Attributes

* Given Name: Giselle Do'Urden. (Full name is Giselle Daermon N'a'shezbaernon, thankfully rarely used.)

* Nicknames: Black Rose.

* Gender: Female

* Appearance:

(Considerably less evil looking.)
- Age: 300
- Height: 5’ 7”
- Weight: 150 pounds (Most of it is muscle and her armor/equipment.)
- Hair Color/Style: Long flowing silver gray locks much like her father.
- Eye Color: Brown deep ageless eyes. Mother's side.
- Makeup: She doesn't bother with such things usually, being a warrior first and a woman second...usually.
- Clothing: She wears powerfully enchanted mithril chainmail crafted by Bruenor Battlehammer himself. Mostly it protects from lower level elemental magics, but it is also lighter than normal to help in her lightning quick attacks and reflexes.
- Jewelry: Other than a necklace of a unicorn's head made of silver around her neck, Giselle has a small metal stud in her bellybutton that her folks don't have a clue about and she plans to keep it that way.

* Race: Drow/Light elf halfbreed. (Drow is the equivalent of Dark Elf in common.)

* Physical Abilities/Limitations: Giselle is like most Drow in her abilities only. She's able to see in the darkest of shadows due to her dark vision, able to see in the infrared spectrum, and able to use the natural innate spells that come with being such a dark skinned creature of the Underdark. Able to drop globes of darkness upon command that NO level of sight enhancements or light can penetrate, able to light harmless faerie fire upon a target, making it easier to see and target, and while she can't do it like her kin, most Drow are able to levitate at will. Thankfully they have spells to do the same thing, and so much more is in her considerable arsenal thanks to training with some of the best and most powerful of wizards. However, her eyes are light sensitive, and while not to such a degree as her full blooded father, staring into a bright light for too long or a sudden flash will blind her and disorient her.

Still, the other half, her light elf half provides with a natural love for the woods and forests that dot Faerun's landscape, and whether it is because she is part light elf or because of her father's teachings, she has a gift with animals of all kinds much like the ranger before her. Wood craft and surviving out in the wilds is easy for her now, though at first she did have trouble like any kid growing up. (Thank the gods for family connections and good friends lol.)

Background; Giselle Do'Urden is a chip off the old Do'Urden block, as Bruenor might say if asked. She is honorable, stoic, fast as greased lightning, and has a heart of gold that shines no matter the darkness. Still, she is fierce in battle and not one to ever give up, no matter the odds, much like a stubborn dwarven king she knows. Despite the color of her skin and the hardships it has brought in the past, the halfbred warrior of many battles already doesn't let it slow her down in her drive to see peace brought to any and all lands she visits if war is on the horizon or there are monsters that need slaying before they cause harm to untold innocents. Her beauty and grace as well as her deadly precision with a blade has earned Giselle the nickname Black Rose because much like a real rose, she has her own thorns that usually come in the form of her deadly whirling scimitar blades she received from her father a hundred and fifty years ago. Along with her two older brothers, (by a year since they are twins,) Giselle carves a name for herself, earning her own place in Toril's history as a heroine for the ages. As it has been said before, she's a chip off the old block.


Socioeconomic Class/Standing

* Class: Ranger/Spellcaster. (I say Spellsinger but eh lol.)

* Religion: Follower of Meilikki, goddess of the forests. (Among other things, too tired to go and look at the moment lol.))

* Place of Birth: Continent of Faerun within the Plane of Existence of Toril. Home town is, or rather underground fortress/community is Mithral Hall, home of the Battlehammer Clan.



* Weapons: Icingdeath and Twinkle, both inherited from her father. Icingdeath is a powerful fire absorbing weapon, able to take the bite out of even the mightiest of flames, enchanted or otherwise. Twinkle glows brightly when the wielder is close to danger from enemies, and is far sharper than it appears due to elven enchantments cast upon it during a full moon. She carries a dozen throwing knives on her person at all times as well, tucked into various hiding spots on her person. Also uses an elven bow that she's able to enchant on the fly if the need arises, though she normally fires them as they are.

* Misc; The halfbreed warrior carries a heavy pack wherever she goes, full of gear to meet with any and all possible wilderness situations she might contend with. Heavy gloves, clothes, and the like for winter. Dried rations and bait for hunting and fishing as well as the necessary equipment to match, and medical supplies in the shape of herbs, balms, and the like as well as spells she has picked up over the years because one just never knows when a slip down a mountain might occur. (Happened once, and quick thinking saved her life in more ways than one.)

She also carries a magical figurine, capable of summoning a creature from the Astral Plane, a powerful and beautiful panther. Guenhwyvar has traveled with Drizzt for centuries, and now she travels with Giselle when she was passed from father to daughter.


Basic Attributes

* Given Name: David Do'Urden. (Full name is David Daermon N'a'shezbaernon, thankfully rarely used.)

* Nicknames:

* Gender: Male

* Appearance:

- Age: 301
- Height: 6 foot 5 inches
- Weight: 220 pounds of pure muscle power
- Hair Color/Style: Long brown hair, left to fly wildly much like the elf himself.
- Eye Color: Brown ageless eyes much like his sister.
- Makeup: "What are you kidding? I'm a guy."
- Clothing: Animal furs mostly over leather hide armor, enchanted to stave off the cold of his preferred home of Icewind Dale.
- Jewelry: While he favors golden studs in both ears, David rarely wears them except for special occasions.

* Race: Drow/Light elf halfbreed. (Drow is the equivalent of Dark Elf in common.)

* Physical Abilities/Limitations: Much like his sister, David has the full range of Drow powers and abilities which include infrared vision, able to drop globes of darkness, and so on. He also has light elf blood, and thus everything it entails is also within his reach, but that is where the similarities differ. He trained along with his sister and twin brother in the same manner as they, but he didn't go for the magical aspect but rather the physical training of it all. Wulfgar, Bruaner, even the beautiful Cattie-Brie had a hand in his upbringing along with Drizzt and their mother. He rarely stayed inside except to forge weapons and armor with Bruenor and his clan, which gave him surprisingly large muscles over the years that matched the mighty barbarian before too long. His passion, along with his indomitable will made David quite the impressive warrior, a fact that wasn't lost on anyone as Aegis-Fang was given to him by a dying Wulfgar years later. Due to his giant sized body though, small doors are a problem as are narrow hallways and the like. Practical issues that can be easily rectified with a few good punches....if you don't a few holes of course.

Background; David started out like his twin brother and younger sister, at ease in a world that was both wonderful and terrible at the same time. Orcs, goblins, trolls, evil dwarfs, and other things besides were constantly being fought off at some point or another in their long lives. Still, he enjoyed the thrill of it all, and his sense of humor was quite beyond the understanding of some since it didn't seem naturally born to a Do'Urden. All the same, Drizzt and his allies could see great potential in the young man, just as Bruenor had saw the same in Wulfgar years before. David rose to the occasion in more ways than one, learning all he could and training hard though enjoying every second of it at the same time. Magic was his only failing, but who needed it when you could crush stone with your bare hands or shatter bones with one mighty swing of his muscled hands and arms?


Socioeconomic Class/Standing

* Class: Elven barbarian. ((Strange as that sounds lol.))

* Religion: Tempus, the barbarian god of battle and war

* Place of Birth: Continent of Faerun within the Plane of Existence of Toril. Home town is, or rather underground fortress/community is Mithral Hall, home of the Battlehammer Clan. His chosen place to run though is the planes of Icewind Dale, beyond the Spine of the World mountains.



* Weapons: The mighty and perfectly forged Aegis-Fang, the pinnacle of Bruenor Battlehammer's creative prowess at the forge. Taulmeril the Heartseeker, Cattie-Brie's bow and enchanted quiver of arrows that never ran dry he wears upon his back wherever he goes. Beyond that, David carries the usual survival gear and equipment that one would expect for living out in the woods and icelands of their world.

* Misc; A knucklehead trout pendant, a carving of Regis, Cattie-Brie, Bruenor, Wulfgar, his father, his brother, his sister, and Guenhwyvar the barbarian wears around his neck.


Basic Attributes

* Given Name: Seth Do'Urden. (Full name is Seth Daermon N'a'shezbaernon, thankfully rarely used.)

* Nicknames:

* Gender: Male

* Appearance:

- Age: 301
- Height: 5 foot 5 inches
- Weight: 150 pounds
- Hair Color/Style: Silver gray locks that are tied in a tight ponytail.
- Eye Color: Lavender orbs much like their father.
- Makeup:
- Clothing: He prefers the ranger look with a green flowing cape and mithril chainmail armor with an abundance of amulets, rings, and the like which more than half bear some kind of enchantment upon them.

* Race: Drow/Light elf halfbreed. (Drow is the equivalent of Dark Elf in common.)

* Physical Abilities/Limitations: Just like Giselle and David, his eyes are a tad more light sensitive than either one but that might be due to his habits of peering into some tome or another for long hours at a time in a darkened chamber more than anything else. He is not physically strong like Giselle and David, but he makes up for it in magical strength many times over. Don't expect any heavy lifting or being on the front lines exactly. The day he runs out of magic, is the day the world ends, or so he is fond of saying. Still, even he requires rest like any other person and time to prepare his magics...but don't expect much time.

Background; Seth Do'Urden is the most serious of the three. His power is amazingly strong in the arcane arts, and Lady Alustrial herself took note of that fact. Agreeing without hesitation despite his parents request he at least give it some thought considering the huge amount of training involved and the dedication required that made swordsmanship seem pale in comparison in some regards. Seth wouldn't be dissuaded, and despite his incredibly young age at the time, he excelled in everything the ruler of the city could put him through after she passed him along to others she and his family trusted, Melchior Harpell being one of them, the only truly safe member of the Harpell clan. Seth learned much and grew incredibly strong over the years, and now he is one of the strongest arcane wielders that has ever walked Faerun.


Socioeconomic Class/Standing

* Class: Sorcerer and mage

* Religion: He doesn't have one. He believes in the gods true enough, just he doesn't consider himself the religious type.

* Place of Birth: Continent of Faerun within the Plane of Existence of Toril. Home town is, or rather underground fortress/community is Mithral Hall, home of the Battlehammer Clan. Lady Alustrial's city of Silverymoon is Seth's favored home, the cultural heart of Faerun itself.



* Weapons: Wielding a powerfully custom made enchanted staff, Seth has made it a piece of art rivaling his imagination and power which he uses both to great effect. The oaken wood hard enough to deflect a normal sword on its own, but with his magic infused into it, Khazid-hea itself had trouble making a mark upon it. It's not unbreakable by any means, and Seth uses it as it was designed to be used rather than a physical defensive weapon against enemy blades and arrows.

* Misc; Several rings negate if not lower the damage of the elemental magics aimed his way. One amulet keeps a record of his adventures, storing nearly limitless information, (much like a tape recorder combined with a video camera,) and he's able to play it back using a crystal ball or some kind of reflective surface. To make hand gestures easier to perform, Seth wears two mithril bracers upon his arms, making him quite fast in delivering spells that require such a component to them. Among the usual pack of supplies and the like, Seth carries a belt full of pockets and pouches that contain components for his magics.


Basic Attributes

* Given Name: Neria Zathrieal

* Nicknames:

* Gender: Female

* Appearance:
((In armor.))


- Age: 165
- Height: 5' 4''
- Weight: 135 pounds
- Hair Color/Style: Golden lustrous blond that falls across her back in waves.
- Eye Color: Deep sea green eyes
- Makeup: Usually only uses exotic perfumes for the most part.
- Clothing: When not in her elven mithril chainmail, Neria favors transparent robes made of silk or satin to other soft and usually revealing outfits. Not a fan of leather or anything else associated with BDSM since pain is not her thing.
- Jewelry: Neria lives simply to serve and aid others, and so she doesn't like to flaunt wealth in the form of necklaces and earrings and the like.

* Race: Light elf

* Physical Abilities/Limitations: Longevity, agility and dexterity, strength, and far seeing eyes and other keen senses are all traits of the elven race. Neria is in prime physical condition since she was trained as a cleric at an early age after the brutal deaths of her family and friends. However, even after her near complete recovery, if even a sign of an orc is seen by her, don't expect much mercy to be had if she manages to catch up with the brutes. The only time Neria loses her calm and gentle nature is in the presence of foul orcs....

Background; Neria's story begins when she was fifteen, when orcs raided, slaughtered, and raped her family and friends. She had been spared thanks to her mother hiding her within a hollowed log, but a hundred years would pass before she ever fully recovered from that night and the events that transpired. She learned to be a cleric from the man that led a group of adventurers through the orc horde that had destroyed everything she held dear, but there were some wounds that not even his considerable power was able to touch. Learning to be a Sacred Prostitute years later, Neria found that due to her traumatic start, she wasn't able to get intimately close to anyone until she went on an adventure of her own. The journey led to her meeting a man that showed her she had nothing to fear anymore, and gave her peace of mind, body, and soul before they parted ways. From this feeling of utter peace that she had never known until then, the elven cleric used what she had learned and felt and wanted to share it with any that would receive it, and had created the Temple from that simple wish to aid all that came to her door.


Socioeconomic Class/Standing

* Class: Cleric/Sacred Prostitute

* Religion: Corellan Larathain

* Place of Birth: Continent of Faerun within the Plane of Existence of Toril. Born in an elven encampment deep in the Trollbark Forests.



* Weapons: A sword and shield that bears the crescent moon of the elven god of war and protection, Corellan Larathain. Both items are enchanted with holy magics, making them quite effective against the undead although they can be used against more common foes like orcs, goblins, and the like easily enough.

* Misc; Other than a pack and a belt full of healing potions, spell components, and gear to survive out in the wild, Neria travels light and without showing any apparent physical wealth in the form of money or jewels, (although she has plenty of both through the donations offered to her and her followers back home,) Neria keeps a necklace of her god around her neck at all times to serve as a holy symbol to aid in her healing magics.

There's much more I could list probably, but you get the idea. Anything and everything to do with the fantastical or the science fiction genres, from locations to the races, is up for grabs.

And since I can't add it to my sig yet, here's my new RH profile.

Sacred Temple of Passion and Desire.
Have you ever played Dragon Age Awakenings? There's actually a Broodmother who retains a rather humanoid body from the waist up, as well as her conscious - although she's been driven quite insane by the death of the Archdemon.

But anyways, I'd be up for trying the Broodmother plot. Dark and gritty is always fun.

Otherwise, the Tevinter Imperium could also work. I know it's supposed to be very similar to Ancient Rome, and that it's run by Mages - basically the classes are broken down into Mages/Magisters, their Apprentices, and Slaves. Any sort of preference for either?
No, I actually haven't had the fortunte to play Awakenings, believe it or not. Still, maybe that'll change but we'll see lol. Um, for the Broodmother deal it would kind of depend on what gender you're willing to play since it's the women that get turned into Broodmothers and all, and thus someone would have to control the Darkspawn and all that for the very disturbing scenes of being force fed the taint and all, among other gruesome things I'm sure that we could think of. If I end up playing the woman then you'd end up controlling the foul fiends and having your way with my gal, or vice versa. If we both do women, then one of us or both if you wish to do that would be subjected to all that wonderful torture lol. However, we wouldn't start down there by any means. One of us could be a Grey Warden or just simple adventurers, whatever you want to do.

For the other one though, I don't really have a lot of ideas for it other than just to explore how life would have been like back then and all before the First Blight. We might end up fighting as Grey Wardens and all before it's over, but again it's all up in the air at this point lol. I don't have a preference for either of them since I would love to explore them both.
Really? It's actually really short - but it introduces you to Anders, and you can really appreciate how retarded Bioware was when they decided to make him and Justice super gay. But yeah, Awakenings is interesting, and you should definitely try it. It gives you a new view of how the Darkspawn work, and there's also really cool talking Darkspawn. I just wish it didn't have so many damn glitches. But, anyways, when I play a male, I'm usually doing slash. So, since that's not something you're into, I'll stick to a female.

Well, there was the case of those two chicks, Branka and... what's her name - one chick was pretty much allowing all the others to die and be made Broodmothers.

The First Blight was kind of depressing, at least if you were a Gray Warden. I mean, the first Gray Wardens died while fighting the first Archdemon. :p
I just got done playing through the Orzammar quest line for the third or fourth time today to tell the truth lol. I mean I've beaten that part over the course of me having Dragon Age Origins and all lol. Anyway, that's what brought this whole dark idea about if you were curious and yeah, I know all about Branka's insanity and her obsession with claiming the Anvil of the Void and what she gave to get it, mainly her entire thaig, sacrificing them to the Darkspawn just so the beasts would tear through the maze Caridan had created to protect it. And the other dwarf that Branka loved more than Oghran was Hespith, just so you know lol. Beyond that, I am curious what slash is but I'd be happy to have ya do a gal if you feel comfortable doing so. I am a guy, yet I find myself usually RPing gals more times than not, strangely enough lol. Anyway, heck, I just now thought of this, but we could almost do a combo of the two ideas, the first Blight as well as the Broodmother thing if we wanted, but I think I'd rather stick to the Broodmother idea as a stand alone project kind of thing myself. That's just me though.
Just Broodmother is fine. It's a lot simpler. And a Gray Warden getting dragged off might work. A bit of a spoiler, but in Awakenings, the "intelligent" Darkspawn actually kidnap Wardens to harvest their blood. And yeah, it's been a while since I played Origins. I'm actually on the last section of Dragon Age II, but I've just been a little... lazy.

So, would you prefer it being set during the period of Origins, or DAII? DAII has no Archdemon, and most of the Darkspawn are in the Deep Roads. We could even follow a route similar to what happened to the Mother in Awakenings - a woman becoming a Broodmother, or beginning the transformation, during the Blight, but with the death of the Archdemon, and some intervention, the transformation could be partially reversed.

Would this be strictly Broodmother transformee x Darkspawn, then? If we came up with some way for the transformation to be partially undone or interrupted (considering full broodmothers look like something outta Star Wars), we could always have an Explorer, Gray Warden, or some other being happening upon her, and ultimately being faced with the choice of what to do with her.
Lol, glad we agree on that point then. Um, as for when it's set, I'd see us as being around when the Archdemon still lives from Dragon Age 1 and so maybe they were at Ostegar before it fell. I wouldn't mind looking up a few things for Awakenings but that'll have to wait until tomorrow probably since I'm about to head to bed here soon. I see this story as starting out as a kind of Origin story, and go from there, eventually winding up in Orzammar either before or after a king is appointed and heading to the Deep Roads for some mission or another. I don't see this as being strictly about just the Broodmother deal, but we'll eventually get there and I like your idea as well and I'd be willing to go for that myself. I don't know why but I'd love to do our own version of what happened at the Joining and all lol.

If you're willing to play two characters from time to time, I'll be sure to do the same thing as well. NPCs are easy enough to handle for me, but I might require help from time to time and clarification on the whole Awakening story arc since as I said I haven't played it and know virtually nothing about it should we get that far. Beyond that, I too have beaten part two just about, having reached the final chapter I believe after having Bethany die on me, Hawk's sister on our way through the Deep Roads. I about cried there myself, and then to lose Hawk's mother too?! I about quit right there lol. Anyway, just to ask, do you wish to start or do you want me to do so? I don't mind either way, but I won't be able to do so tonight since I'm heading off, as I said.
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