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Just going where the wind blows

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Apr 16, 2011
Hey there, come on in, take a look around and see if you like!

I'm looking to find males interested in creating stories together -doing something fun, I might be convinced to do a f/f, but it will take some convincing :)

What drew me in, was reading other peoples' posts, and I still like to stalk other stories. If nothing else, I am a reader at heart! And if you want to talk books...I am more than willing to do so. I even take reading suggestions!!!

As for RP, I don't have any rules on post length, or grammer or anything. I just want to be able to read what you write, but I am not a spelling or grammer Nazi. I will let you know if something doesn't make sense, or if I get lost, and expect the same from you. We're all here to have fun, aren't we? So play nice, that's all I ask.

I'm a box of contradictions sometimes in what I like and don't.[/i] Meh I'm a woman, that's kinda how we roll.

I am a big fan of treat others the way you wish to be treated, and will always try to extend the same respect I expect. So please let me know if you are going to *poof* and I will endeavour to do the same. I do have a thread:A Figment of Your Imagination, so please look in on it if I've mysteriously vanished, usually this will tell you why.

Somedays I have a lot more time on my hands to dedicate to the computer than others, so if it feels like I'm always about and then I'm not, well guess what? That's likely the case!

Scared you away yet? If not, feel free to drop me a line and we can see what we come up with.
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