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Dominant Male Seeking Long-Term Roleplay (Big Update - April 25)

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Apr 18, 2011
(Taken Directly from my Introduction thread.)

Good evening, my fellow denizens of the Blue Moon Role Playing community. I am Dawnbreaker, formerly Mallkior for a brief period of time but a string of unfortunate events revolving around my old e-mail account being hacked has forced me to create new accounts on many of my subscribed websites. Hooray for Yahoo's poor security! Anyway, I am not new but I thought that getting a post count would be a good idea lest I suffer account deletion under bot suspicion.

I am a twenty-two year old male with the better part of ten years of role playing experience. Sexually, I am straight but I can role play with just about anyone regardless of gender. I do not do male/male role play pairings but I am willing to play female characters upon request to accommodate male partners or play with another male who is also willing to play a female character.

My expectations of my role playing partners are not unreasonable, but I do have them. First and foremost, I expect a fair amount of literacy. I do not demand, nor expect, perfection but if I am struggling to make sense of what you have typed then I am not going to enjoy role playing with you as much as I would someone who can type coherently. Second, I expect substance to your posts. I don’t need, nor desire you to write me eight paragraphs in your responses but nobody enjoys one-liners. One to three small paragraphs will keep me happy and I usually give what I receive.

I adore creativity! I like to believe that I am a fairly creative person myself and when I am met with an equally creative mind then there are sure to be sparks flying within our role play. No matter how many times you have done the same old scenario, there are always new spins that can be put on it and I love it when my partners are willing to help me find those new angles and explore them.

Kinks? Oh yes, I have them. I have many of them but I feel that it is better left to off-site areas such as Rabbit Hole or F-List to display such things. Speaking of, here is mine. I just feel that they are so much nicer than typing out a jumbled list off the top of my head.

The one kink that I feel like I must pay homage to is domination. Now, it should be noted that domination is not synonymous with cruelty. Cruelty can be part of domination and I do enjoy incorporating it into my role play from time to time but it is not a necessity. I am just as happy playing the forceful, but gentle and loving long-term boyfriend as I am playing a cruel and aggressive slaver. Both are fine examples of domination in role play but they represent two sides of a vast spectrum.

That should just about cover it for now. If I’ve caught anyone’s eye then don’t be too shy to PM me. Being new here, I could use a few friends and a few stories to capture my imagination.

What I am looking for…

-*- Literacy -- I do not expect perfection and I am far from the perfect typist myself but I do expect to be able to make sense of your posts. If I need a decoder to read your part of our story then I’m probably not going to remain interested in it.

-*- Creativity -- Is your plot getting stale? Are you tired of everyone wanting to play out the same repetitive stories? Well stop moping about it and spice things up! I’m a creative person but I don’t want to be the only one putting a flavorful spark into things.

-*- Activity -- I don’t expect you to sit in front of your computer all day long and serve as my personal amusement for role play when I can make it to my computer but I do want to see reliable activity. One post per day will make me happy. More is great but I won’t expect more than one. Of course, I will understand if life bites you in the ass and you have to step away for a few days. All I ask is that you try to let me know and I’ll return the same respect.

-*- Story -- The story is the most important part of a role play to me. As such, it deserves respect and attention. I am looking for long-term role plays with an engaging story behind them. Depending on the story, this could mean that the role play will have a lot of sex in it or it could mean that there will be very little or even no sex at all. I’m not here for smut; I am here to role play.

-*- Thread/Forum RP -- I am only interested in role playing through forum threads at this time. Yes, I do have some IM services but I am not in the habit of handing them out to complete strangers. Yes, of course I have an e-mail but again, not in the habit of handing it out to just anyone. That's a good way to get cyber-STDs... That pun makes me feel dirty... Anyway, thread/forum RP only; no exceptions.

What I am not looking for…

-*- IM, PM, or E-Mail RP -- As stated above, I simply do not hand out personal off-site information such as my direct e-mail address or my IM Messenger names. As for PMs, I simply don't like role playing through this medium. I always accidentally delete important posts when I am cleaning out my inbox which is never good for anyone. Again, threads only.

-*- Flakes -- I am looking for long-term role playing partners for long-term role plays. Nobody likes to have their partner simply stop responding to a role play that they have been enjoying and never let them know that they are finished. If you’re finished with a story then please let me know and I will understand. Again, I will give you the same respect.

-*- Pure Sex RP -- Please refer to the section entitled ‘Story’ under ‘What I am looking for…’.

Playstyle and Pairings

I am a pretty flexible individual when it comes to these aspects of role play. What matters to me more than anything is the story, but there are things that I simply do not like to do just like anyone else. For example, I have seen a handful of request threads here on Blue Moon asking specifically for role plays in a reality based setting. While I am willing to play in a reality setting, it is far from my favorite scenario. Now if you add a fantasy element or two, even if it isn’t anything major, I will be far more willing to sate your semi-realistic desires. Sometimes you just have to compromise and I am far from a disagreeable fellow.

That said, my typical style of play is more fantasy based but I am willing to make compromises for a good story or even play in various fandoms. I am fairly well-versed in several mainstream anime and video game worlds, Dungeons and Dragons (and Pathfinder by association), Shadowrun, Warcraft, the Anita-verse crafter by author Laurell K. Hamilton, Harry Potter, and various other worlds. If you have an interest that isn’t listed, do not hesitate to ask. The worst I can do is say that I don’t know what you’re talking about.

My pairings are a little more restrictive and definitive. I never have and never will even consider doing a male on male erotic role play. I’m straight; it just isn’t my thing. That isn’t to say that I will not role play with other men/male characters. It just means that there won’t be any clothes coming off during the RP. The pairings that I am willing to do are male/female and female/female if requested to play a female character.

The species that I am willing to play with and play as are not as restrictive and definitive as my pairings. What I will play as/with really all depends on the world that we are playing in and the preferences of my partner. I do prefer to stick to sentient characters, however. I am willing to play as beasts of many kinds if requested for a certain scene but I will always prefer to stick to characters capable of sentient thought. It’s just more engaging when the characters involved aren’t running on pure instinct.


If you have an idea that does not match up with my current cravings then I urge you to message me about it regardless. These cravings are just current desires that have caught my own attention but they are by no means the only thing(s) that I am willing to do. Maybe I will really like your idea. Heck, maybe it will be even better than my cravings and isn't here because I simply didn't think about it first. The worst that I can do is say that I am not interested and I will be polite about it if I do. In addition, feel free to mix and match various cravings from my three lists below (Setting, Kink, and Pairing) or simply message me regarding one of my pre-existing plots. The plots are open for editing if there are any small gripes about anything therein and the names are open for editing in any plots where I use names to distinguish different characters.

Setting Cravings

-*- Historical Fantasy -- I’m sure this term gets tossed around quite a bit here on the website and if it doesn’t, it should! What I mean by the term ‘Historical Fantasy’ is a setting based in real world history with a touch of fantasy thrown in. An example would be a Pharaoh from ancient Egypt with the powers of sorcery, emphasizing the Egyptian belief that their Pharaoh was close to the gods. Another might be an ancient Shinto priestess rom Japan or a nun from the Victorian era in the United Kingdoms charged with the task of exorcising demons. There are endless possibilities.

-*- Dynasty Warriors -- I picked up the seventh installation of everyone's favourite video game series based on feudal China and might be in the market for someone else familiar with the franchise. I would mostly be interested in original character pairings but if you wanted to play as an existing female officer then I wouldn't stop you; just don't ask me to play an existing officer myself. I won't be able to do them justice and none of them deserve to be done so wrongly; not even Xiahou Yuan, or Captain Generic as I affectionately call him. My favourite kingdom is Wu, with Shu falling in a close second. Wei and Jin are far behind fighting for third and fourth. I would be willing to play as officers of the same faction or as enemy officers. I have a few plots in mind for this setting but I am also open to here your ideas if you have them as well.

-*- Naruto -- I’m sure that we’ve all at least heard of this mainstream popular anime from somewhere. While I’m not a fan of the American voice acting for this particular anime, I have read many of the manga and I do keep myself up-to-date with the subtitled Japanese episodes. That said, I am not really looking to role play within the Naruto story, just the world therein. As per usual in my fandoms, I am mostly looking for original characters here.

-*- Warcraft -- What can I say? I used to be addicted to Warcrack and even though I have broken that addiction, that does not change my love for the world itself. I am a huge fan of Warcraft RP and am very familiar with Azeroth and her lore. I am capable of playing as many of the races and willing to play with a female of just as many.

Kink Cravings

-*- Cosplay -- This should be pretty self-explanatory. I am interested in playing in a real-world scenario where my partner’s character is interested in cosplay and often dresses as her (or her boyfriend’s) favorite anime and video game characters. Have a plot down below that I would very much like to find a partner for if this sounds like something you might enjoy.

-*- Anthro/Furry/Pokemorphs -- There’s not enough of this on the website, or at least not enough that is has any story to it. Sadly, most of the furry stuff here on BlueMoon is all smut and no plot. Though I will admit that there isn’t really anything wrong with this, I like story but if you’ve read this far into my ad then you already know that and you probably do to. Both furry on furry and furry on human are fine by me.

Pairing Cravings

-*- Mentor + Apprentice -- I have done a lot of role plays like this in the past. In fact, my all-time favourite character that I have ever role played as met his wife in this very scenario and now they have two wonderful twin children. Well, if a dominant male twin being sexually obsessed with his female counterpart is your idea of wonderful. Anyway, before I get sidetracked, this pairing is very open and flexible. It can be incorporated into almost any fandom, generic fantasy, or even in a real-world situation. A plot revolving around this pairing will take some effort to set up on both of our parts but it is sure to be a great role play.

-*- Young Man + Girlfriend's Younger Sister -- This is a very generic pairing that could go in a lot of different directions. Perhaps the younger sister is a tease and the guy is just fed up with it. Perhaps the older sister is tired of her younger sister being such a brat and tells her boyfriend to fuck her straight. Perhaps the older sister is somehow killed and the two find comfort in one another. I could shoot of scenarios for this all night but I'd rather hear what you think of this.

-*- Step-Son + Step-Mother -- As many people who have role played with me before could tell you, I enjoy sibling incest thoroughly but I generally do not like parental incest. This pairing, however, is not truly incestuous and I am interested in giving it a shot. I'm not looking for a huge age difference here; maybe ten to fifteen years. A young man's father finds himself a 'trophy wife' sort of deal. I have a plot for this below that I would love to try.

Pre-Prepared Plots (Open for Discussion)

-*- The Perfect Team -- (Pokemon Fandom) -- When Team Rocket genetically engineers anthropomorphic pokemon, the world is forever changed. Team Rocket quickly becomes a superpower through some of the most unexpected means possible. Pokemorph pornography floods the adult market and brings in far more currency than anyone could have guessed and some of the weaker specimens are sold off to the pokemon professors of the world for top dollar. Team Rocket has done well to safeguard their secrets. Only twelve pokemorphs have left the hands of Team Rocket to date and all of them have been sold to the professors who have yet to isolate the gene that has caused this transformation. When a young woman goes to see Professor Oak to begin her trials as a pokemon trainer, she is gifted with a most unexpected surprise; one of the pokemorphs which he had purchased. This plot would revolve around you playing as a pokemon trainer charged with helping Oak with his pokemorph research and me playing as (up to a full team of six) pokemorphs of both male and female genders. We would both have to play additional characters from time to time and the sexual scenes could be open to three options depending on your tastes; human x pokemorph, pokemorph x pokemorph, or pokemorph x pokemon.

-*- Disgrace in the Basin -- (Warcraft Fandom) -- In the harsh battlefields of the Arathi Basin, a lone Sin’dorei warlock is left to defend one of the precious goldmines alone. Hours pass and he sees no one; not a single fellow Horde or Alliance soul. As dusk is settling in over the Basin and the battle begins to slow to its nightly halt, a lone figure appears over the horizon. As the figure grows closer, it becomes clear just what is coming his way and a wicked grin slides across the male Blood Elf’s face. At last, after waiting all day, he will be able to have a little fun. The race is open for discussion but for this plot, I would need an Alliance female. For Alliance women, I am willing to accept a human, night elf, draenei, or worgen. On the other side of the coin, I would be willing to play my warlock as human and have the woman a part of the horde. In this case, I am willing to accept an orc, troll, blood elf, or tauren. Where the story goes from their Arathi Basin encounter is open for discussion.

-*- Warsong Wrath -- (Warcraft Fandom) -- Thrall had always done his best to protect what little peace existed between the Horde and the Alliance but Thrall is no longer the Warchief. As standing Warchief, Garrosh Hellscream has reopened the gates of all out warfare against the Alliance, their allies, and all who would stand to oppose the Horde. With no one to hold them back, the Warsong clan is once again free to do things their way; by answering doubt and opposition with an axe. One Warsong orc in particular has been causing the Alliance forces in the areas around Ashenvale quite the amount of grief by capturing their women on the battlefield and taking them back to his encampment where they are being forced to fight against his forces in gladiatorial combat. Those Alliance unfortunate to lose their fight are awarded to the victor as slaves. Those who manage to best their Horde opponents are sent forced to fight again and again until they eventually fall. Those among his ranks who have dared to speak out against his treatment of the Alliance war prisoners have either met the same fate if they, themselves, were women or have been killed if they were men. It would seem that the only ones safe from this group of extremists are those who offer the Horde unwavering loyalty.

-*- In Enemy Hands -- (Dynasty Warriors Fandom) -- An up and coming female officer of one of the three kingdoms is sent as part of a unit to investigate rumors of a rebel force with their kingdom’s borders. While investigating the region, she is separated from her comrades, ambushed by the very rebels that she was sent to investigate, and taken prisoner. Where this story goes from there is open for discussion. Your female officer could be an original character or an existing officer if you so wish. She could become a personal slave to the leader of the rebel rebellion or she could try to turn the rebels and make them allies of her kingdom. They would have to possess some skill to isolate and capture her, after all. I’m open to suggestions here and happy to hear what you think could/should happen.

-*- Lost In the Land of Fire -- (Naruto Fandom) -- A young jonin from the Village Hidden in the Mist has defected from the village, disgusted with the policies of the new Mizukage. As one would expect, fleeing from a village with a past so drenched in the blood of even their own ninja was no easy task and he had barely fled the city gates before he was pursued. While he was able to elude capture and flee from the village, the surprise assault left him injured and forced him to leave much of his belongings and identity behind. Some days later, he found himself in the Land of Fire. Injured, tired, and weak, the missing-nin dozed off beneath the shade of a large tree not far from Konohagakure. It was then that a young kunoichi from the Village Hidden in the Leaves stumbled upon him. How will she react to the sleeping, injured man with no way of identifying him as an enemy ninja?

-*- Step-Mother Slavery -- (Incest Warning) -- After seeing one another for roughly a year now, a divorced housewife with no children of her own has finally married the slightly older man whom she has been dating. Being in her early to mid thirties, she is still very attractive and could have her selection of any man on the lot with the right game plan but she had decided on her new husband long ago. Sure, he might be a little older than her in his mid to late forties but he has been nothing aside from respectful and faithful to her since they met and has a stable job and income. Besides, he isn't entirely unattractive himself so it isn't like she married him just for his money; he does his best to do right by her and that's more than a lot of the men she has dated have tried to do. In their entire year of dating, he's only done one thing to really upset her and that was postponing their honeymoon for a four month business trip. Yeah, it's a nasty blow but his job was on the line and it isn't like he was leaving her completely alone. His twenty-two year old son was set to return home from college on the very day that the busy business man was scheduled to leave. This would give the woman and her new step-son a four month stay alone together to bod and get to know one another. What could possibly go wrong?

-*- The Many Faces of Love -- Alice had always had a bit of a thing for her older sister's boyfriend. Fiona, the aforementioned sister, had been dating him for about six years now; ever since middle school. In truth, Alice didn't see what he saw in her sister. Sure, Fiona was beautiful and talented, not the worst cook in the world, and willing to put out but she was so bossy and always treated him like a dog. He wasn't bad looking himself but he was, for a lack of better words, a gamer. A social stigma seemed to follow him around because of that and despite his looks, his friend's insecurities seemed to have rubbed off on him. This, of course, was unattractive to most girls but it meant that Fiona could rule him. Coincidentally, it was the fact that he was a decent looking gamer that Alice was so drawn to him. She loved games herself; not as much as most other gamers her age though. She dabbled but she didn't really get into the stories of the games. She more or less used them to fill time. One night, Alice overhears Fiona on the phone with her gal-pals about a strange 'fetish' of her boyfriend's. Apparently, he had been asking her to dress up as other women when they had sex or even for just lounging around the house with him. While Fiona couldn't make sense of what he wanted, Alice could; Cosplay. Was the key to stealing him from Fiona so simple? If Alice could figure out what her sister's boyfriend's favourite games and movies were could she steal him away? There was only one way to find out. Who would have guessed that Alice would be playing dress-up at eighteen? Can she handle Fiona's wrath if she succeeds? Will she be able to handle the object of her affection for that matter? Maybe if she had listened a little longer to Fiona's conversation then she'd know that he isn't so timid behind closed doors. An optional addition here would be for the young man to study psychiatry and hypnotism. He could hypnotise Alice into believing that she is who she is dressed as.

-*- The Wedding She Never Wanted -- It should have been a happy day for everyone but it wasn’t. Today, he would lose his best friend in a time-honored ceremony that bound together a man and a woman. The bride had been his closest friend through almost all of their schooling. They had met in the second grade, went through the awkward middle-school years together, experimenting with one another. They had dated in high school but things didn’t seem to click then. They had even gone to college and roomed together. He had always believed that she was going to be his; that they were meant to be until her jackass groom entered your lives. Well he wasn’t going to give her up so easily. He had a plan to make her his whether she liked it or not.

-*- Exorcising the Beast -- A young nun, newly sworn into the Roman-Catholic covenant, is sent to investigate reports of what the church believes to be a lesser demonic haunting. What she finds when she arrives at her destination, however, is something far from a simple lesser disturbance. Can she complete her sacred mission and return to her sisters alive or will she become another casualty of Hell’s fury? This plot is just a very bare skeleton of what we could make it. I would be interested in playing any one of various creatures for this plot from an incubus to a vampire to a lycanthrope and many more. I’d be interested in hearing your own thoughts on what the beast should be as well.
RE: Dominant Male Seeking Long-Term Roleplay

I'm oen for an Anita-verse setting. Any kind of modern fantasy would be nice. I can give as many paragraphs and details as I get. I play female roles and depend my character on your character choice. I love the idea of using any type of fantasy from Roman Gods to vampires to demons and twisted fairytales. I'm open for anything. Have any ideas?
RE: Dominant Male Seeking Long-Term Roleplay

Alright; I am going to take a moment here to address a problem that I had on my previous account and am already having on this one. Creativity is an absolute must, ladies and gentleman, this is stated clearly in my request thread and yet, I am being contacted and being expected to do all of the planning. If you are not responding to a particular craving that I might have then I expect you to contact me with an idea of what kind of pairing you might be interested in or what world you would want to play in at the very least.

"I might be interested in role playing with you. What did you have in mind?"

This is NOT an acceptable greeting. I've left my request thread rather open, I know, but I am the kind of role player who can enjoy far too many kinks and plots if given a literate and friendly partner to play with. Limiting my thread would have been a disservice to myself and, possibly, to my readers depending on what they might be looking for. A certain level of effort went into this thread so that I might put myself out there and I expect at least a portion of that effort to be returned in the answers that it invokes.

Do I expect you to send me a PM several paragraphs in length? No. What I do expect is that you give me something, anything, to work with when you contact me. I am going to start outright turning down any responses that appear to be from someone expecting me to do all of the planning and preparation for a story.

I'm not trying to sound like a self-important jackass, but it takes a minimum of two people to form a role play story. I won't be the only person putting any effort into it.

-end rant-
RE: Dominant Male Seeking Long-Term Roleplay

Updated cravings again as well as added a section for pre-formed sample plots. Been getting a lot of those 'what did you have in mind' PMs so I'm hoping that a plot section will curb some of those. Also, I will be adding more plots throughout the day so check in now and again to see if I've added anything that you might like.
RE: Dominant Male Seeking Long-Term Roleplay (Updated April 22)

Another small update; included more plots and expanded on current cravings.
RE: Dominant Male Seeking Long-Term Roleplay (Updated April 24)

Another small update. More plots added as well as another new craving.
Bump with a fair-sized update. Cravings revised to fit current desires and three more sample plots added. One of my sample plots this time was borrowed from another request thread buried pretty deep in the male section. Props go to Irvine for 'Lost in the Land of Fire'.
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