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Literate m x f (PM/IM/WoW only)

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Jun 5, 2009

I am currently seeking new partners to role play with! Could you be one of them?

I write mostly at a two paragraph minimum, fleshing it out more to several paragraphs where I need to for where it counts and would appreciate it if you did the same. Good punctuation and spelling is a must. I understand mistakes will be made and that is fine, however if you find yourself going out of the way to "typ liek dis cos its kewlies" or you write in one-liners only, please don't contact me.


I am not all about smut! The storyline and character development is what draws me in. Sex by itself to me is well, boring. For me it needs the background to make it interesting. I am also fine with rp that contains no sex, and rather if it happens between the characters, well then so be it.

My favorite settings:

Modern Day
World of Warcraft


Rather than write a list of what I do like, or create a rabbit hole/f-list, I'll just mention below what I won't do, however -everything- else is fair game. /smiles.

Scat, Vomit, Necrophilia.


My preferred way to rp is via. MSN/Yahoo however I am also happen to do go by PM's. I also enjoy rp'ing on WoW so if that is something you are into also I am happy to jump on. Please, just let me know if you are not interested in the rp anymore to let me know as I will do the same for you.

Pairings I like (your choice of character):

Fantasy: Angel x Angel
Fantasy: Angel x Human
Fantasy: Angel x Demon
Modern Day: Girl x Group
Modern Day: Dad x Daughter
Cyberpunk: Hacker x Authority
Cyberpunk: Assassin x Authority
PA: Assassin x Merc
PA: Merc x Civilian

Please share with me any of your own plot/pairing idea's you may like fulfilled.

Plot idea I am currently craving:

PA: f Merc x f Civilian (Fallout Universe)

A Mercenary recently discovers a settlement in a mutant infested area. Going inside the walls of the settlement she gets caught up in a firefight between the settlers and mutants. She aids in the fight, eventually rescuing a settler from death. The Merc and settler form a bond, with the Merc offering the settler to travel with her. The Merc however makes extra money on the side through the dangerous world of prostitution in the torn world, dragging her new friend into it also.

Thanks for reading! Just to finish...

Above all, think of me as a writer at your service. Let me help you fulfill your cravings, no matter how dirty or kinky they are (with the exceptions of the above).

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