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A moment of your time please

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Jan 31, 2010
Well after some long searches I've decided to say 'F-it' and just make my own search thread. So... HERE WE GO!

1. Now I hate these literacy titles that people use nowadays. But You could consider me Literate. Not in the sense of how much I type but as in the fact I comprehend my native language (english) and can write sentences and read. But if you must know how much I write I tend to at a paragraph or above a paragraph depending on whats going on.
2. My preffered mediums of RPing are Thread or PMs. Do some convincing and I may do one or two over Email. Also I have skype now so you can contact me through there if you want ^)^
3. I'm an open minded person. Whatever kink you have, more than likely I'll love it too! Just no vomit, toilet stuff and physical abuse.
On the abuse part I'm talking about the piece of shits who beat their wives and kids non sexually. You know. The people who I believe should be put in a camp underground and forced to fight to the death Battle Royal style. But I digress.
4. I'm open to Het and Yaoi. Sorry, I'm not that good at Yuri.
5. Don't be afraid to chat with me during the RP. I'm a very friendly person.
6. Don't be afraid to share your ideas.
7. Have fun! That's what an RP is all about. FUN. F-U-N. Don't make me play that Andrew W.K. song.
8. Send me a PM rather than posting here. Helps control clutter.

Next post will be some pairings/plots/et cetera.

Plots and such.

Now I can do both mindless smut or RPs with an actual plot.

Ideas to get our heads a thinking. These can be either Yaoi or Het
1. Your character is sent to fight off a terrorist group (guns a blazing and some cool Medal Gear type shit)
2. My character is given a sex doll from a mysterious benefactor
3. We're both a married couple who are trying to spruce up their sex life.
4. My character moves into a farm where a cow girl/boy lives (I have something of a lactation kink)
5. I'm a convicted serial killer who your character is in charge of escorting to a prison. However on the way we get stuck in a town filled with monsters, mutants and zombies (Kinda like the game Killing Floors)
6. Our characters get stuck inside a mall during a zombie outbreak.
7. You're a futa mistress and I'm your cuntboy slave (as in a boy who has both a pussy and a cock). Would love an anthro mistress.
8. My character is a prince who gets raped by your character during a cou de tat. (Want this to mainly be Yaoi)
9. Your a Necromancer who is payed to bring loved ones back to life so people can find out the mysteries of their death. I'm a homunculus who is your assistant.

Pairings (The first item in each pairing is what I usually play as)
HumanxAnthro (Big craving honestly)
Incest pairings
Teacher x Student
Rival x Rival
Husband x Husband/Wife
In the closet x openly gay
Host Family's son x Foreign Exchange student.
Human x Elf

Street Fighter
Sailor Moon
High school of the dead (I'll give you a large cake and some cookies if you can play a good Saeko ^_^)
Higurashi no naku Koro ni
Queens Blade
Gundam Crossover
Resident Evil
Tail Concerto
Monster Hunter
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