"HAve had to get up earlier for training." Altain reasured the girl, a soft smile of amusment on hsi face as he watched ehr try and tidey up her appearance. IT ws cute to see ehr so unprepared for him, but mroe so withthe new look, he ha dnever seen her with her long hair bundled up, she almsot seemed a strangr to him it it werent for her trade mark cow bell and ears. "pluss i slept early,no homework."He added jsut incase she still worried, he spent most his time looing aroudn the restrautn not out of curiousity but just trying to be polite, knowing she woudl jsut feel mroe awkward if he watche dher clean herself up, though as he looked around he began to understand her outfit, the frist tiem he saw it a few moments a go he was baffled by the uniform for soem one workign inteh kitchen, but ashe ran his thumb of the engraved name onthe counter he understood. "Anna Miller's.... I ate there once..." He said quietly, hsi sentence lot as eh was yanked away by the girl to the kitchen.
Th boy listene das intently as he could, lettign ehr point out the instrumentsint eh kitchen, but eveyr time his eyes wandere dback to ehr bossom, jsut barely covered by the skirt,her tail nohelp what so ever as it lifted the fabric up jsut slighly that he could see th top of her thighs, a slight tease to wher her ass woudl begin. though every tiemhesnappe dhsi gaze away as she spoke, trying not to think such irty thoughts, but it was ahrd to, ever sense she said theywere alone mroe and mroe images flooded itno his head, none of it helpe dby their little fun theyhad had the night before. Finaly the boy just wraped hsi arms arodutneh girl, hugging her from behidn as he chuckled, all he neededaas the physical cotnact to calm him down again ."I think i know how a kitchen works." altain mused sarcasticaly, a soft grin on hsi face as a thumb came up to rub the flour fromher cheek, the soft white powder stickign out brightly agsint eh girls tanned skin. once clean he pressed hsi lips to her cheek befoer he spoke again. "I came to help my girlfriend, not be tutore dby her."