Hunting the beast (Stickyfun x Himeko)

If Temari had the control to stop she would have done so, however she couldn't control herself as she was lost to her lustful side. She herself didn't know what would happen to Ino if she had came inside of her, but at the moment, she really didn't care. Letting out a loud howl as she felt her orgasm hit its peak she gave one massive thrust as she came hard inside of Ino, her member was already coated with the girls cum and her pussy felt like it was trying to crush her member as well. Her cum flowed deeply inside of Ino, as if it was trying to inflate her stomach. It had been minutes since she began to cum and it was starting to slow down now. As her orgasm started to end she slowly pulled her member out of Ino's pussy, as she did cum poured out like a small waterfall as it hit the ground. Temari looked down at Ino with saddened eyes as she could feel the urges starting to hit once again in full force.
Even through her orgasm Ino could feel it....that twitching, the way that Temari's cock was was just like Chouji's had been before he.....of course that time had been different with the use of protection. This though....oh god what was going to happen?! "N-NO!!" Ino cried out, though the noise was completely subdued by Temari's own almost deafening howl of pleasure, and then she felt it. The first spurt going deep inside of her, followed quickly by more and more....far more than Ino could ever have imagined. "St-STOP!" Ino cried out as her body squirmed in an instinctive attemt to escape, though Ino had to suppress it in order to stop herself accidentally catching on the other girls claws. "NNGH!" There was so much cum, and Temari's cock was so thick it was all trapped inside. Between the two of them, Ino's belly had bulged a little from the amount of cum pumping into her, then finally the flow seemed to stop, Temari pulling herself out, cum pouring out immediately between Ino's legs.

The blonde kunoichi lay there panting heavily, physically exhausted as her belly flattened once again and pushed most of Temari's thick cum out, though there was still plenty leftover inside of her body. "Nnn...." Ino coughed slightly, looking up at Temari as she panted for breath, her naked body glistening with sweat in the moonlight and her breasts rising and falling with every breath.
Temari still hadn't had enough, her member still throbbed for more. Looking down at Ino she could tell that the girl was exhausted. Her head turned swiftly as she heard a faint sound in the distance. "Temari! That is enough for tonight! Let the poor girl at least get her rest!" The voice called out as he jumped from the tree he had been it. It was Konkuro, her brother. Temari looked at him and let out a low growl. "But... Brother..." She tried to protest as she saw him glaring at her. "No Temari! You're going to kill her if you keep this up!" He snarled as he tossed Ino his cloak. Looking down at Ino he smirked as he pointed towards the cave. "Go to the cave girl and get your rest. I'll deal with my sister, however if you breath word of my sisters condition to ANYONE I will make you wish I hadn't stopped my sister from having her way with you again." He threatened as his eyes went back to Temari. "Don't look at me like that Temari, you know full well if you were to kill this girl, even by accident Gaara would have BOTH our heads." He said as he walked over to Temari and placed his hand on her chest, chanting for a brief moment before Temari fell over in a deep slumber.
For a moment Ino thought she was in for another round with the werewolf Temari, but then another voice echoed through the night, distracting Temari if only for a few moments. At first she didn't recognise it, but then as she was able to look up, she realised who it was....Kankuro? Her brother? What was he doing here....? Then again Ino didn't particularly care about the why.....all that mattered was that Temari had stopped...for now at least. He was reasoning with her...maybe it was because he was Temari's brother, maybe it was just because he was a man, or maybe it was just because Temari had relieved enough lust for her rational mind to kick in even slightly. Ino coughed and groaned slightly as she was covered with Kankuro's cloak, weakly reaching to pull it around herself a little more, taking a few more deep breaths before she moved, crawling her way out from under Temari's towering form. God....seeing her up close like this....she was huge. "I....I...." Ino whimpered as she stood, feeling more cum leaking from her body and running down her thighs, watching as Kankuro seemed to subdue his sister with some kind of sleeping technique....why couldn't he have been around to do that earlier?

"I...I wont tell anyone...." Ino swallowed nervously. Who would she tell anyway? Nobody would believe that the Princess of the Sand Village was a werewolf, not coming from a lowly kunoichi like Ino anyway. At best, they'd think she was joking around. At worst she'd be charged as a criminal attempting to sour relations between the leaf and the sand villages.
Kankuro looked back over at Ino and smirked, as if hearing her thoughts. "I know better than stop stop her when she's mating, foolish girl do you know nothing of werewolves?" He asked as he hoisted his sister up over his back. "If a werewolf is mating, and is disturbed, well the one who disturbed the beast while they were mating would be dead without a second thought. And besides..." He paused as he looked over to his sleeping sister on his shoulder. "She's always liked you Ino, and was in many ways... Happy to hear you were coming out here." He knew full well that his sister had pretty much claimed Ino as hers tonight and now Ino would have to stay, even against her own will. Temari was very large in size, much bigger than Ino or Kankuro. However Kankuro was able to hold her up with ease. "You will stay by my sister's side from here on out Ino. She has marked you and claimed you as hers now, therefore you cannot ever leave her side. Now... I do not know if she is able to reproduce but chances are very high that she can. Only in here werewolf form can that... Cock appear... Gaara and I do not know why or understand how it's there, but it's only there while she's a werewolf." He said as he helped Ino to her feet and led her back to the cave.
Well....Kankuro's explanation made some sense at least....Temari had completely lost it....if he had approached when she was doing that he would probably be dead. Still.... "....You....were watching?" She frowned at him, pulling the cloak a little more around herself to make sure she was covered up. "What....? What do you mean claimed me...?" She frowned and shook her head. "I'm...I'm going to get some fresh clothes from my bag and then I'm going straight back home....there's no way I'm letting her do that to me again..." Ino growled as she kept her distance from the siblings, watching Temari carefully for any sign she might be waking up. "I'm going home and never coming anywhere near this place ever again....she can go and 'claim' someone else....I'll keep her secret and that's all" She clenched her fists tightly, looking to Kankuro. "How can you expect me to want to be anywhere near her after what she did? You already said yourself she's likely to kill me if she tries doing it again"
It was as if Ino's words had pierced Temari's chest when she spoke. Temari's ears twitched as her eyes snapped open and a loud growl emitted from her muzzle. Kankuro sighed and let his sister down gently, knowing full well that Ino's words had woken her up. "I'm sorry, but once you've been claimed you can never escape." He said as he watched his sister. "And besides, she could have only killed you if she had gone another round, yes I was watching, but believe me it's not something I enjoyed. Gaara had me watch over Temari to make sure she was safe." He said as he watched Temari looking pissed at Ino. Ino didn't even see Temari move before she was pinned down. "You are MINE Ino, you are branded by my mark!" She snarled as she took one of her clawed fingers and pointed at Ino's neck that showed a small, yet noticeable symbol, the symbol was a flame encased in sand. Smirking she held the girl up and pulled her over her back. "If you try to leave my side, I will make you like me. I WILL give you the same curse I am forced to bare!" She snarled as she bared her large canines.
Ino had been looking away from the sand siblings when she heard a growl, blinking but just shrugging her shoulders and dismissing it as mild frustration, not really paying attention to Kankuro's warning. So he had been watching...feh....he said he didn't but she bet he had enjoyed it even a little, not that she particularly cared, it wasn't like he could tell anyone about this anymore than she could. Just as Ino was beginning to look back to the siblings all happened so fast. She thought she caught a glimpse of a blur, before she was suddenly pinned to the ground. Temari was pointing at her neck, but then Ino couldn't see her own neck. She just squirmed a little, then yelped as she was suddenly pulled up over the 12 foot werewolf's back, the jacket she was wearing flicking up and exposing a smooth, round ass. " wouldn't dare!" Ino squirmed around a little again. "M-my friends will come for me! They wont just let you keep me you know that!"
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