Hunting the beast (Stickyfun x Himeko)


Mar 9, 2009
Ino sighed as she ran a hand through her long blonde hair, grumbling as she flicked the sand away. She had been travelling through this desert for a few days now in order to reach the sand village....and it had left her with sand everywhere! In her hair, under her clothes.... "Ugh....and not a shower in sight..." The girl sighed and shook her head, then glanced up and couldn't help but grin. At long last....there it was....she could see the sand village! Well, so long as it wasn't another mirage....that had happened a few times now...though it had been more her desperation to actually arrive than any kind of exhaustion or heat stroke. "First thing I'm gonna do is take such a long shower.....I must have half the desert on me at the moment...."

Another half hour of walking and Ino was finally at the gates, holding up her ID to the guards and being allowed in. She had been sent here on a special mission...apparently the area around the sand village had been getting terrorised by some kind of beast lately....they'd already lost several ninja to it, so they had requested some outside help, someone who could bring new ideas and new tactics to the hunt. Ino had been the only person available so....they had sent her.

With a stretch, Ino headed towards the Kazekage palace in the center of the village, intending to report in, though not directly to the Kazekage himself. Her orders were to report to his sister, Temari. She was being put in charge of this hunt, and the two of them were supposed to begin patrols almost immediately.....though Ino hoped that almost was long enough for at least a quick shower....
On arrival at Temari's office, Ino knocked on the door, waiting until she was called for before slowly stepping inside. "Hello.....I'm Yamanaka Ino....I've been sent from the Leaf Village as per your request"
Temari had been waiting in her office for the representative from the Leaf Village to arrive. She sighed as she filled out more papers and looked outside, the sun wasn't to go down for another good five hours which was fine with her. She didn't want to have to change before the girl arrived, after all they were supposed to be "hunting" the beast that was killing off fellow ninjas from other villages. Her brothers knew what she was, Konkuro had walked in on her one night as she was changing into her true form. Her brothers wouldn't say anything about this to anyone, after all she was their sister and the only one.

She heard the guards outside and then heard Ino's voice. Oh how she had remembered her so well from the tournaments a few years ago. "Come in." She said as she heard the knock on the door and watched the girl walk in. "You're late Ino." She said curtly as she stood up from her desk and stretched out, her back was aching from sitting there for too long. "You were supposed to be here hours ago." She said in a low growl, she was irritated and had been dealing with all the paperwork that was driving her more nuts as the day had dragged on.
"My apologies for being late" Ino bowed her head slightly out of respect, and as an apology. "But I was caught in a sandstorm on my way here, a rather violent one. I had to take shelter for several hours whilst I waited for it to pass, after that I got here as soon as I could" She nodded slightly, then looked up at Temari, trying not to look too nervous. Ino may have been confident but....when confronted with Temari like that....well....the sand princess was a rather imposing figure in just about any circumstance...and when she was annoyed...well she was even more imposing than normal.

"Well....if you wish for us to leave immediately then I'm happy to leave. I was hoping to take a shower first but....I suppose that can wait until we return" It probably made more sense to shower later anyway....after all, they were likely heading back out into the desert meaning that she'd get sand all over her again. "Though do you know anything about this beast we're hunting? I've heard conflicting reports....anything from 7 to 12 feet tall....some people said it looked like a wolf and others said it was some kind of indescribable monster....."
Temari looked Ino over carefully and then turned her back to her, smirking and smiling to herself. Oh how Ino had grown up so much since they had last encountered each other and it made many ideas pop into her head. "You really need to learn to deal with the sand, after all this is the Sand Village and sand storms are bound to happen here. After all, you knew this and should have dressed for this..." Turning back to Ino she nodded. "Yes, we should leave immediately, after all the beast doesn't come out till night..." She paused for a brief moment before continuing. "As for the beast... I know quiet a bit about it. I know it only comes out at night, it is very tall... Around 10 feet tall to be precise. It has similarities to that of a wolf, but there's no wolves out here in the dessert, so all I can say personally is it like a hybrid." She replied as she walked over and grabbed her cloak and tossed it to Ino.

"Take that, you'll be needing it more than me." She said as she opened the door and left the room to gather their provisions they'd need for their mission. She knew she wouldn't need much, but Ino would need more than her. After she got the packs ready she saw Ino was out of her room and motioned to her. "Take this, this is your pack of provisions." She said as she handed Ino the bag. "Let us leave now." With that said she made her way out with Ino behind her.
"Very well....we'll leave right away..." Ino found it next to impossible to hide the slight disappointment and frustration in her voice at the thought of leaving without a shower, but such was the life of a ninja unfortunately....still...on the other hand it was something to look forward to, a nice shower when they returned. Oh that thought alone was going to keep her going through all this. She blinked as the cape was tossed to her, catching it and glancing down at it. "Hm? Oh, thank you..." Ino nodded, folding the cloak over her arms as she turned to follow Temari out of the room, watching as the Sand Princess prepared their packs. It was probably better to leave it to her....she knew what they would need after all.

"Ah, thank you" She nodded again, taking the pack and slinging it on, along with the cloak, before moving to follow Temari out of the building. "So what patrol route are we taking? Around the outskirts of the village or a little further out? I've studied some maps of the area but from what I understand the layout of the desert can change pretty quickly. Maps just a few months old can be completely out of date after a sandstorm or two"
[Read my signature hun, taking a small hiatus but will be back to reply to all my rps! I'm not abandoning ANY of my rps, I just need a slight break. ^^;; I hate leaving the rp like this when we just started, but I need to take a slight break and tend to some stuff. But I will be back to continue our rp! D=]
"You're welcome." Temari replied as she led them outside. "Better put the cloak on cause where we're headed it's gonna be harsh for an outsider such as yourself." She said as she started walking, knowing Ino was behind her. "Where we are going is a place not located on the map. It use to be but it had vanished a long time ago and just recently reappeared." She had hopped Ino wouldn't catch onto anything suspicious since it had been Temari that had made the spot reappear. It had became her only safe place to transform without anyone finding the spot or seeing her transform, except for her brothers.

"This is going to be a long walk, we will reach it by nightfall or before if you can keep up." Temari honestly didn't know what she'd do to the girl if she saw her transform or saw her true form, but she'd have to deal with it when the time came. The only reason she had killed the other ninjas was because they threatened her life, but hopefully Ino wouldn't threaten her life. They walked around what would seem like aimlessly to Ino for a couple hours, the sun was almost hidden behind the mountains now as they neared the cave. "We're almost there." She said as she pointed at the cave in the distance.
Ino nodded lightly before sliping the cloak on as Temari had instructed, pulling it around herself to protect herself from the harsh, sandy wind that was blowing around them. Temari was right, it certainly was harsh for her....Ino couldn't even believe Temari was able to handle this. Even just her exposed face...her skin felt like it was being blasted by the sand picked up on the hot wind. "An area that vanished and then reappeared? That must've been some incredible make an entire area just vanish off the face of the earth....who would even be capable of such a thing?" Ino shook her head softly, continuing to follow Temari, able to keep up with her despite the difficult conditions.

"Oh don't worry about me, I can keep up just fine. I'm not going to let a little sand slow me down" The girl grinned cockily, much as she always did. " you know anything else about this creature? Why it's here? How we can possibly fight it? Obviously normal tactics aren't going to work or it wouldn't have been responsible for so many deaths already....." She rubbed her head as their pace slowed, the sun beginning to set on the horizon. "Hm? A cave? Is that where the creature is known to sleep? Or is that to be our base of operations?" Either way, Ino was going to be glad to get out of the sand and wind....a little shelter sounded so good about now.
"A very powerful ninja." She simply replied as she continued walking closer towards the cave. "As for the cave, it'll be our safe place to stay till nightfall. At night time is when the 'beast' comes out and it's also the best time for the sand storms to calm down, for your sake that is." Temari had everything all planned and worked out, she knew how she'd be able to slip away to change, but she had hopped her 'companion' wouldn't follow her.

Temari made sure she was the first on in the cave to make sure she hadn't left anything of hers out that would give her away. Thankfully there wasn't anything that could place her here before and she was glad. She sat her bag down and pulled out a sleeping bag and laid it on the floor of the cave as she watched Ino follow suite. "We will set our beds up for the night and wait for the creature to come out." She sat down on her bed and looked over at Ino. "I don't know much more about the creature, but it's highly intelligent, very powerful, and quick. It has speed most ninja's would kill to have, the kind that doesn't make sound when you move swiftly." She said as she got up and looked outside before turning back to Ino once again. "You stay here, I'm going to go scout around the area till the sun is completely down. You stay here and rest some." She said as she headed out the cave, knowing full well that the moon would be up soon and she had to get away to safety for now. The only thing she had hoped for was that Ino wouldn't follow her, which wouldn't turn out good if she did.
"A safe place hm? Well I suppose as safe a place as you can get with some kind of monster running around the area...." Ino shook her head, looking up at the cave as they approached. Given the sand blowing around even something like a cave looked like a very welcome sight right now. The Konoha blonde couldn't get into the cave fast enough when they arrived, shaking her head to try and get some of the sand loose, letting out a sigh of relief.

"Alright...setup our beds and wait..." Ino nodded and unrolled her own sleeping bag, smoothing it out. "It's really that strong....? That's amazing....I wasn't quite expecting this mission to be all that difficult. Maybe I should've objected to being sent alone..." She chuckled slightly, leaning back against the cave wall, then blinking as Temari said she was going to go out and scout the area. "Hm? Well alright....though if you know the area already is that absolutely necessary?" Ino looked at the Sand Princess for a few moments, before just shrugging slightly, deciding to let the older, more experienced ninja do what she thought was best. "Alright then, but be careful alright?" Ino waved a hand as Temari left, then went back to leaning against the cave wall, looking out at the darkening sky outside, the wind finally dieing down.
"Hm....." A short while passed before Ino slowly stood up, moving towards the cave mouth. "Perhaps letting her wander around alone isn't quite such a good idea...." She stopped at the cave mouth, looking at the horizon, still a few minutes until the sun set and the moon came out. "I'd better go catch up....we should probably stick together if this creature is that strong..." Ino nodded softly to herself, then immediately left the cave, attempting to track Temari quickly.
"It is necessary if you don't want to be taken by surprise." Temari replied as she had looked at Ino. She had hopped to get away from her so that she wouldn't see that she was the monster they were hunting down, it was her curse and hers to bare and she didn't want to involve an outsider with it. "I'll be careful." She said as she made her way out of the cave. She made sure to be out of sight before she started running to the other side of the cave, hoping to get far away from the place before she changed. The moon was starting to show now and her body was starting to burn in pain as her transformation was nearing. "Shit! I need to move faster or else someone's going to see me!" She said startled and scared at the same time.

Temari wasn't the one to lose her cool that well and for her to act like this was saying a lot. She made it to the place where she experienced her first transformation and looked around nervously as she started removing her cloths. After all she didn't want to shred this pair up as she knew would happen when she changed. Her cloths was completely off her body now and laid down by one of the dessert plants as she buckled over in pain as the transformation was starting to take hold. She laid on the ground as she grabbed her sides, screaming in pain as her body was starting to shift forms. This was starting to become normal for her now, she had been like this for a few months and it was still painful to adopt to the change. Her smooth skin was starting to become covered with fur as her hands and feet were morphing into paws. A tail spurted from her lower backside as her mouth pushed out and her nose flattened. Her eyes changed color as they were now glowing red, the fur was pitch black and her body was now much larger. When standing she stood at least twelve feet tall, however there was a slight difference when she transformed. She had also grown a new part that was only there when she changed, and that was of a male werewolf's cock.

As she finished her transformation she whimpered slightly as her eyes wondered towards the moon. Getting up off the ground she tilted her head back and let out a loud howl at the moon. She hated this curse, but she couldn't help it now. She now knew what her brother Gaara had to suffer with, even though it wasn't the same as having a demon living in your body, it was still the fact that she had to suffer changing forms and being a danger to those around her. Her ears twitched slightly as she heard movement nearby as she looked around, sniffing the air as she caught the scent of Ino nearby. 'Fuck... Why couldn't she have just stayed in the cave?! What if she's seen me?! What if she saw me change?!' Temari was panicking now as her eyes now landed on Ino and knew it was all over for her... She had to make a choice now and she didn't want to choose one of the options, which was to kill her.
It had been surprisingly easy to track Temari, the tracks that had been left behind seemed to have been made in a desperate hurry. It was rather unusual really, normally a ninja would cover their tracks a little better than this naturally, without even having to think about it. But these was almost like Temari was running from something. "Could it be the creature...? Is it chasing her? But no tracks...." The girl frowned, speeding up a little as it started to get darker, the tracks seemingly getting more frantic. They seemed to be heading for a clearing just up ahead, a large open area surrounded by a few trees and rocks.

Ino came to land on a rock, somewhat confused by the sight that met her. Temari was....naked? Why was she naked and laying in the sand like that when they were supposed to be on a mission? Before Ino could call out Temari's name however, the girl suddenly doubled over, clutching at her sides. Ino was about to go and help, until she suddenly saw the change start. Muscles bulging, bones seemingly shifting and rearranging as Temari's entire body seemed to grow larger. "My god...." Ino took a single step back, gasping as fur began to sprout from Temari's body. She....she was the was had been her all along! But was this possible?! Ino had read books about werewolves before but.....but she thought they were just fictional. When the change was finally complete, Ino could only stare, examining Temari's new form carefully. Tall....muscular...clearly far stronger than Ino. But then....then there was the other change aswell. Temari's overall body was still clearly female....breasts still on her chest, somewhat larger to suit her new larger body, but also there was....a penis?! Where had that come from?!

"I should get out of here before she sees me..." Too late. No sooner had Ino muttered the words was Temari suddenly looking at her. "Damn..." Ino took another step back, unsure what to do. If she ran then Temari was certain to be capable of catching her easily. If she stayed and fought then whilst she would be on guard...she was clearly outclassed. Ino didn't even know if Temari still had her own mind or if it was now the mind of an animal like in the books she had read. "I can't run...." Ino slowly reached down to the kunai pouch on her leg, quickly drawing one to defend herself, swallowing nervously. "T-Temari...? Is that still you....? I....look maybe we can help you....just...just come with me and....we'll try and find a way to fix this alright....?"
Temari watched Ino and saw her reach for her kunai pouch and knew she was going to defend herself is she attacked. She heard the words Ino said and gave a low growl. "Help me?! How in the hell can anyone 'help' me now?! I am far from being saved from this curse! There's nothing anyone could ever do for me to save me from my torment!" She snarled as she started to turn to flee. She didn't want to fight Ino, she didn't want to kill her, but if she had no other choice left she would have to do so. "Just forget what you saw and go back to the cave till morning. I'll be back to normal then..." She said softly yet loud enough for Ino to hear.

"I..." She paused as she prepared to make a run for it. "I didn't ask for this. I didn't want you to see me like this, to know it was me who you was after. I only killed those ninjas to defend myself for they were out to kill me. It was me or them, and I chose to live. Heh... Not like their blades could really hurt me anyways..." Konkuro wasn't going to be pleased to know she had let herself get exposed to an outsider, if it had been someone else from the village she would have been more safe, but not now. "If you intend on killing me Ino... Then I'll have no choice but to defend myself..." She sighed and started moving away from Ino slowly, not even looking back to her now. Oh how this night was turning out poorly for her and she didn't know how this would turn out now.
The fact that Temari could actually talk was what caught Ino off guard more than least her mind seemed to be intact, even if her voice was somewhat deeper than it had been before. "I....well I...." Ino wasn't quite sure how to react. This she hadn't been expecting. During the entire journey here she had been expecting a fight with some kind of wild animal, or some ninja in an elaborate disguise. say it was the last thing she would have expected would be an understatement. So she'd be back to normal by morning? At least something about those werewolf stories was true then. Still, Ino couldn't just ignore this, couldn't just forget what she had seen and carry on like normal. Even if she did, when she returned to her village then people would be expecting a report, expecting her to either tell them the beast was dead or at least give them more information about it.

" did this happen....?" Ino swallowed nervously, still gripping her Kunai tightly, but not making any really aggressive moves. Temari didn't seem to want to hurt her after it was probably a good idea not to provoke her. "There has to be something we can do. I mean''re a wolf and....and you've practically changed gender! I mean that''s....." Ino shook her head as her mind tried to analyse the situation, though it was getting nowhere. "Look I can't just....walk away from this. This's just too...." Ino had no idea how to finish that sentance, she was still in shock over all this really.
Temari stopped walking as she turned her head back to face Ino. "I was bitten about five months ago. It was by a much larger werewolf than I, I don't know who they were but all I remember is being attacked from behind while training and when it finally got off of me it fled. I ended up passing out shortly after and then woke up to my shoulder bleeding and a nice chunk of flesh missing from there. The full moon triggered my transformation and from then on every night I change. As to how I got the... Penis... I have no idea... Its just there everytime I change and I don't know why." She sighed heavily as she turned her whole body to face Ino fully.

"Please just forget about this, tell your people you killed me or something. I don't want anyone else to find out, my brothers have been doing the best they can to help me but nothing works. I'm not human anymore Ino, I will never be human again. That werewolf took that away from me and left me with this curse. And besides... If I hadn't killed those ninjas they'd be cursed to... And I don't want anyone else to suffer like I do... Just leave me be till morning Ino... Then you can head back to your village and tell them 'the beast' is dead or whatever... Just don't expose me anymore than I already have been..." She whimpered as her body was still aching, however there was another problem now. Her member was already starting to slowly stiffen and she could feel it starting to throb. Turning her back to Ino again she let out low growl as she felt the urge to either run away and deal with her newer problem or rape Ino. Raping Ino however wasn't what she had in mind though. So the other option would have to do for now till she figured something else out.
So....bitten by another werewolf...that part of the story was true aswell....though if Temari still had her rational mind, had the other werewolf too? Had it done this on purpose? Or perhaps only certain strong minded individuals were capable of resisting the mental degeneration into an animal. The other, rather more serious question was, where was this other werewolf now? More than likely it was still running around out here somewhere....and that thought perhaps scared Ino more than anything.

"I....I can't just forget about this! It's....there's no way anyone could ever forget about this...." Ino quickly shook her head and looked back up at Temari, swallowing nervously as she saw that penis begin to....was it stirring? Oh god it was....Ino's eyes widened, transfixed on it as it began to shift and move, obviously beginning to harden until Temari turned around again. "T-Temari....?" Ino felt conflicted. On the one hand she was scared....scared of the fact that there was a werewolf standing before her and scared of the fact it was getting aroused. What if that was what triggered Temari into losing her mind? On the other hand however....well...seeing something like that....Ino couldn't help feeling at least a mild arousal at the sight, a slight heat and dampness forming between her legs. To any normal person it would be unnoticeable, but to someone with the sense of smell of a Werewolf....
"Fine... Just don't go telling anyone else about this please?" She whimpered as her cock was almost fully hard now as it was throbbing more. Ino had seen her member was hardening and starting to throb and it worried her. When she heard Ino call out to her she didn't know how to reply. Temari stood there with her back still facing Ino as she tried to figure out what to do now. Just as she was about to reply a strange scent fill her nostrils and knew exactly what it was and where it was coming from. Temari would never lose her mind to the curse, however when werewolves mated it got a bit wild, but not to where they'd kill each other.

However, a werewolf to mate with a human... That would be a bit difficult. "Ino... Go back before something bad happens. I don't want to end up raping you... But these urges are hard to control and I don't know just how much longer I can keep it under control before I do something bad to you." She called out as she let out another whimper as the throbbing in her member was starting to become too much for her to handle now.
"I....well....who would believe me if I tried to tell them right...?" Ino laughed nervously, rubbing her head as she continued looking at Temari's fur covered back, unaware of what was now happening between Ino's legs. "Hm? Bad happens...? R-rape me...?" The girl blinked again, suddenly starting to feel her previous anxiety returning....was Temari being serious? Maybe it was just a ploy to get her to leave? But then again she had seen that cock start to get hard. "W-well I....m-maybe I uh....maybe I should go..." Ino took another step back, but the scent of her own arousal was still strong on the air, and as the breeze picked up it only seemed to get stronger. "I'll uh....I' heading the cave ok...?" She laughed nervously, slowly making her way off the rock, though it may already have been too late....
Temari was starting to lose it now. The scent of Ino's arousal was driving her mad now. "Ugh... I cannot control it!" She growled loudly as her eyes glew with lust now as she turned to face Ino once again. "Forgive me..." She whimpered as she darted towards Ino and pinned the girl down. She still had enough control not to bite or to claw the girl, she didn't want Ino to face the same fate she was forced to face. She gently grabbed Ino's shirt with her teeth and ripped it off of her as her claws ripped the bra off next. "Please forgive me for what I'm about to do..." She said as she started ripping her pants off of her next.
Ino had been about to turn and run back toward the cave when she heard Temari say something. No sooner had she turned around was a huge ball of fur flying towards her, knocking Ino from her feet and pinning her to the ground easily. "Ngh! St-stop!" Ino struggled and squirmed to try and free herself, but she dared not struggle too much. After all, if she tried to fore her way free then there was a possibility she could cut herself on Temari's claws....if that happened....well she knew it would only take that one scratch. " Temari don't!" Ino squealed as her shirt was suddenly ripped away, followed quickly by her bra, her firm breasts bouncing free, nipples rock hard in the cold night air. "Don't....please...." Ino squirmed a little more, then went still as her pants were ripped away, not wanting to accidentally catch herself on Temari's claws.
[JUST got my account back the other day, so replying now. ;>>]

"I cannot control this Ino!" She whimpered as her member throbbed, wanting to desperately be inside of Ino's wet pussy. "Just... Hold still please Ino..." Temari said as she rubbed her member against Ino's clit, getting herself nice and slick before she'd thrust inside of her. Moaning softly she knew her member was nice and wet as she then looked down at Ino, unable to speak but nodded, letting her know she was about to begin. Slowly pushing her member inside of the girl's pussy was incredibly amazing. Panting heavily she closed her eyes as she fully pushed herself inside of Ino and began moving her hips back and forth.
((Welcome back ^.^ I wondered where you were, hehe))

Ino whimpered softly, wriggling ever so slightly in one final attempt to get free, but she didn't dare try too much. There was a good chance she could escape forcefully, but the attempt would almost certainly result in injury. "P-please Temari....d-don't....don't do this...." She wriggled again, then gasped as she suddenly felt Temari's thick cock starting to rub up against her, seemingly lubing it up. "Stop....don't...don-" Ino cut off as the werewolf girl suddenly thrust into her, Ino's own howl echoing through the night air. She wasn't a virgin, she'd finally done it with Chouji a few weeks ago, but she was definately as tight as one. "NNG!" Ino's eyes went wide, her back arching slightly as Temari continued to slide inside of her, then finally their hips met. There wasn't much time to get used to the sensation though, before Ino could even get used to such a large cock it was moving, starting to thrust into her, the blonde girl beginning to cry out in unwanted pleasure, her breasts bouncing from the force of Temari's thrusts, her body writhing in pleasure no matter how much Ino tried to keep still.
[Thanks hun. It's good to BE back. D=]

"I cannot stop Ino... I cannot control this... So please... Just don't move your arms too much or you'll get scratched..." Temari whimpered as her cock throbbed inside the girl's pussy as she moved in and out of her, pushing her member in as deep as it could go. She didn't know if Ino could be impregnated or not, but it didn't matter to her, not now at least. All that mattered was not turning her and getting the burning sensation in her member to calm down, if even slightly. "Nnnn... So... Good..." She growled softly as she leaned down and licked Ino's cheek lovingly. "I really am sorry you had to see me like this and well... You know..." She grunted as she could feel her orgasm starting to quickly build at a rapid pace.
Ino cried out as Temari's cock throbbed so much inside of her that she could feel it moving, feel every vein pulsing and throbbing, every twitch sending shivers through Ino's entire body. "Ah! AH!" Ino's eyes went wide as the massive erection stabbed as deep into her as it could get, pushing right up agaist Ino's cervix, pushing into her far deeper than Chouji had managed...and Chouji certainly hadn't been a small man by any definition of the word. "NNN!" Ino's back arched slightly, her body conflicted between a desire to writhe around and a desire to keep still and avoid being scratched. "St-STOP! It's too big! T-take it out!!" Ino's head was shaking wildly from side to side, moans of pleasure occasionally escaping her lips when Temari thrust back into her. "T-take it out! D-don't cum inside! Please! I'm not using any contraception!!!" Ino wasn't sure just what effect a werewolf cumming inside of her would have. Could it get her pregnant? Could it infect her with lycanthropy? Would there be some other unknown effect? Oh god she didn't want to find out!
Ino's pussy was getting wetter with every thrust, and as Temari's own orgasm started to approach Ino's body was getting tighter, signifying her own rapidly approaching orgasm whether she wanted it or not. "St-stop Temari! E-enough! T-take it out please!!!" Ino closed her eyes tightly, crying out as her orgasm hit, her body going suddenly rigid and tightening up around Temari even more than it already had been, almost crushing the powerful werewolf member.
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