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Little Things That Bother You

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LOL, I hate that.

People who let their cellphone ring in the movies or do a text marathon with that damn, stupid light on, lighting up several feet around them. LOL
Yeah! Seriously? Cellphones off.

People who slowly pull out when the light changes green. I'm not saying you have to lay the hammer down but move it for Pete's sake.
Being ridiculously shy. Honestly, it's almost stupid how shy I can be when trying to establish a connection to someone I find extremely attractive. It's like someone ripped the dom right out of me and I'm one of those silly anime school girls who blushes and attempts not to stutter even when being asked to borrow a pencil from the desk. UGH. IT NEEDS TO GO AWAY. D:

Also- I said hi to him on facebook chat and was avoiding it like the plague because I was worried he wouldn't respond. And then I end up missing him logging off after saying in response to my hello that he had to go do homework. This. Sucks. Balls. >_<
I'm the same way. I am a complete and utter failure of a flirt. You either get nothing from me, or I'm completely blunt and that is usually when the person pries it out of me. "What up with you?" "Nothing." "I think something is wrong." "Nope." "I think there is." "Nah I'm fine." "I think there is something you'd like me to know." "Nope." "Just tell me." "I... uh, I like you?" "There we go."

I'm also oblivious to when I'm being hit on or when a person is flirting with me. It's a miracle I've even dated.
Eating a hamburger and biting into one of those tiny little hard and somewhat chewy pieces of meat or whatever.

People in school that will refuse to even go near anyone that's not as popular as them. I wasn't very popular in school. Though, I actually was friends with most the popular people due to it being a rather small class, and with knowing most of the people since kindergarten. Well, there was this one girl that moved to town in about 5th or 6th grade and ended up becoming part of the popular crowd. Anywho, in my high school years there was this one day where we all had to go to a pep rally in the gym. I ended up early enough there to where plenty of seats were available. I picked a seat at the end of the row, next to the steps. Well, eventually, said girl and a number of other people started down the other end of the row, heading towards me..........then she looks up, sees me and freezes in place with a look on her face that made it seem like I had the plague or something.
One of my roommates. I haven't even moved in yet and I want to punch him out. He told me he would be a little short on rent so I said I could cover part of it. Rent is due in 3 days and he wants me to cover his whole rent because "he told me he had no money" fuck. And when I suggested he pawn some of his shit he told me I was being ridiculous. Am I? Really? I don't want to break the lease and forever be in debt because your dumbass doesn't want to sell your camera or laptop. You can buy them again later! You bought. $1000 dollar camera wt cannot pay rent.

I am upset. I am supposed to move in in 3 days.
When you fighting a computer game and the computer keeps blocking in the middle of your combo and no matter what they are cheesing and you lose ...Mortal Kombat
People who allow "cult of personality" to morph into something it is not... like genuine competence on a subject they clearly the "personality" doesn't really believe him/herself.
My roommate bailed. We move in 2 days. I found out last night.

This bothers me greatly.

I have 2 days to find a new roommate else we will just have to pay that extra 500 or so dollars and spend that month looking for a roommate.
People who don't read.

Sometimes, I feel like I'm the only person on the entire internet who can comprehend what I read. Which is ridiculous because the internet is 50% words.
When R- decides to do stupid things.

"Oh, P- is at the library so go talk to him."

"Where are you?" "Oh, I'm at home."

Thanks, R-. You tell me to go pretty much stalk some guy who doesn't even really know me and you can't even be there to actually talk to me so I have a real excuse to be there?

Awesome. I walked to work for nothing because I'm not gonna go stalking around the library to try to see if P- is there.

Feeling stupid.
People who can't follow simple instructions. When I say "Can you please put this in the fridge?" I don't mean "Can you please put this next to the fridge so it gets warm and nasty?"

When I lose something, spend a long ass time looking for it, then discover it's been in plain sight the entire time and I've just been overlooking it. Especially so when I put something in my pocket, forget it's there, then spend an hour looking for it before I realize it's in my pocket.
Going out on a limb because someone said I should try to connect with P-.

Fuck that, I got a "subtle as subtle can be" rejection.

Ugh. I'm just really annoyed and well, as much as I figured I would get rejected, I still got a little bit of my feelings hurt because I didn't want to think that I would.
The Rape Culture thread. Even from the first several replies it's been derailed constantly for no conversational reason. It's not about a group's tendency to invite and shelter creepy, predatory behavior(which is what the topic was started as) but more everybody's fucking hugbox and soapbox to talk about their awful rape experiences and preemptively argue against anyone who might defend the stance "you deserve it/you were inviting it"(which, no one in their right fucking mind would). Just bugs me a little bit because it's not even people responding to each other like this snowballed out of hand; people just go in to "give their two cents about rape" without paying any mind to the OP.
A tiny thing that bothers me: that part in Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy when Ford thinks that cars are the dominant form of life on the planet Earth and attempts to introduce himself to one when he first arrives. Yeah, I get the joke, "'Cause there's lots of cars everywhere durr hurr!" But it's not fucking clever or even remotely funny. First of all, the planet is overcrowded with human beings and he himself is a bipedal humanoid(indistinguishable from other humans in the movie adaptation) and the first thing he thought was the dominant species was an inanimate object? Like they don't have vehicles in space or on other planets? *ragequit*
Adams why trying to point out the amount of work and time put into their cars it was more commentary than humor. Also he tried to come across as one of the, hence "ford prefect" Which is a car name. Its not all that clever but some like it.

Someone randomly started poking me on facebook and I found out it was a friend of a friend so I thought, okay, why not add him? Seems like a decent person.

"I don't know you but I think you're cute so I added you!"

That was it? That was your deciding factor? Honestly, I kind of wish I was a serial killer so I could have said, "So you added a serial killer? Thanks for your info! I'm gonna add you to my collection because I think you're cute!"

Dumbasses. Then again, it's facebook and not everyone uses their brain. I hope I messed up his day.
Being part of a demographic that is still very much so socially acceptable to hate on. And then be told how I don't understand the hardships other demographics (such as other races) face from society day to day. Yeah...
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