Babies at the movies... no.
Babies on planes... no, if you can manage. Sometimes, you have no choice in that.
Babies at restaurants... depends......
When it comes to restaurants, we go to kid friendly places only and places where we KNOW the kids love the food. If the kids act up, one of us will take the misbehaving child away from the scene and outside so that we can 'talk' to them. Usually, this works if this happens. If not OR if the kids act up to a point of ridiculousness (which can happen unexpectedly despite everything) we pretty much ask our waiter/waitress to pack things to-go and promptly leave. We also make sure that if any mess is made, that WE clean it up. So, basically, we do what we can to be as considerate as possible. About 90% of the time, the kids are fine though. And if we can sense there will be issues (which sometimes you can do), we'll forgo plans and get something to-go right from the start.