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Little Things That Bother You

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MyHappyWorld said:
This is my most recent pet peeve:
I work at a movie rental store and recently the local rug rats have decided that lifting up the 'after hours' movie return slot cover and peering inside is a hoot. They drive me fucking crazy, every ten minutes one of them will be there peering through the hole towards me. I try to ignore them, but they are always there, starring and snickering amongst themselves. The teenage scum bags that loiter around town have taken up the hobby as well and it just annoys the crap out of me. So today I decided to take action.
I cut open a cereal box and fashioned a cover for the slot so that the movies can slide in no problem, but if you lift up the flap and peer inside all you will see is cardboard. It works very well and I decided to get a little pay back by sticking a very creepy set of eyes on to the card board so when the little urchins come back to stare inside they'll find someone starring right back.
Can't wait until they come back and I can get my revenge.
You need to report on how this worked out for you!
Nennius said:
Rave said:
Sydney Crosby. Come back to Canada ya asswipe.

BLASPHEMY!!! The man took a puck in the mouth. He has a broken jaw and is out indefinitely! I'll have your guts for this!

Have a good'n.

Good, revenge for bamboozeling us Maple Leafs.
Hahvoc The Decepticon said:
When people forgot their goddamn clipper cards. HELLO. FUCKFACE. Remember your goddamn card. It's to check out shit you need.

Lawl Librarian Problems.

Also, when you have to wait for something you're -REALLY- excited for.

Ain't nobody got time for dat.
CutePhoenix said:
Rudolph Quin said:
Sastiel. Fucking--!!!! NO!! Dammit!!!! Shut the hell up! It's never going to happen! I can't hear you! La la la!!!!!!!!!!!

All these stupid fantasies people have with Sam and Castiel in the library at their new "batcave" or whatever, getting close and bonding over history books, snuggling and reading together and shit-- you all people make me sick!
Well, that's given me some unwanted mental imagery.....

Anywho, I'll second that, but also add on that I hate weird fan pairings for any series that are made for dumb reasons, like the characters having the slightest thing in common, or just for the simple hell of it.

I don't hate all shipping, I believe it's called. I just don't like weird, inexplicable and sometimes flat out disturbing ones.

But hey, at least in Supernatural's case it lead to a humorous little scene in the original Chuck episode that poked fun at it a bit.

Dude! I know! Right??? Like some people ship Sam and Gabriel and I'm like, "Wha--?! Where the fuck did you even get that from??? He talks directly to Sam on an intimate level in ONE episode! Come on, son!"

I love all things Chuck related, in the few episodes where it feels like the writers are actually acknowledging and outright TALKING to the fans of the show. Like, "Yes, we hear you. We hear you."
Rave said:
Hahvoc The Decepticon said:
When people forgot their goddamn clipper cards. HELLO. FUCKFACE. Remember your goddamn card. It's to check out shit you need.

Lawl Librarian Problems.

Also, when you have to wait for something you're -REALLY- excited for.

Hahvoc The Decepticon said:
Rave said:
Hahvoc The Decepticon said:
When people forgot their goddamn clipper cards. HELLO. FUCKFACE. Remember your goddamn card. It's to check out shit you need.

Lawl Librarian Problems.

Also, when you have to wait for something you're -REALLY- excited for.


I'll just leave this here for you:
Blow-drying my hair.

Last time I did it, I looked like a chubby Ziggy Stardust. And before that, Fat Patrick Swayze.

I thought "Hey, with shorter hair, it cant go bad, can it?"

I look like Donnie fucking Osmond.
Giving my cat insulin shots. Seriously cried last night because he kept moving and then hissed at me. Had to take up my roommate to help me since it was too stressful. I know it doesn't hurt him but goddamn, I wish I didn't have to give him these shots or made him understand that he's sick. =/ Gonna try to find alternatives to lower his blood glucose.
*gives hugs* I can't even imagine how awful that must be... but I can bet it's terrible. I know how I'd feel if my cat got mad at me. Hell, I get sad when I brush him and hit a knot or something and then he gets mad. And that is just for brushing.... *more hugs*

Incessant coughing due to allergies! Damn tree pollen!!!! T_T
Musical "artists" that are called artists despite doing nothing but singing/rapping someone else's lyrics, over someone else's music. It's bothersome how someone with a pretty face and auto-tune can be adored by millions of people, when the people who actually create the music aren't even considered. Maybe they don't want to be considered, but should the face over the music really get the credit?
Three finals in two days. Are you fucking serious.

Everyone go stab McMaster University right now.
Just find the Campus and stab it.

It's 1280 Main St. West, Hamilton, Ontario.

All of you go, just grab a machete or a kitchen knife. I'll open the gates. You'll find a building that looks like Hogwarts. That building holds the dean's office. Show no mercy.
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