Ban the user above game

The Intrepid Wanderer said:
Banned because it's not overkill if they came back the first time. And because that avatar is just plain cutely attractive.

Banned because there is no kill like overkill.

*BLAM* in otherwords. If somebody bans me that's heresy and they too shall be BLAMMED.

Also, bans for anybody who understands the above reference. Oh, and a *Blam* after the ban for good measure. Understanding is heresy.
Banned for not having the color green in your avatar. (It is St. Patty's Day, ya know!) And, yes, you could argue that there is a "hint" or "hue" of olive green in the pic, but...nah, I'm sticking to my ban! :p
Banned for giving the cowgirl the idea to go find herself a new avatar with a woman holding a weapon! :p Hands up!
Banned for trying to convince us of your innocense! Pfft! (We all know the cowgirl is the angelic and innocent one around here!) :p
That's right, Kiandra! *Winks and adjusts her halo for her!* :D

Bans the hussy lady (respectively, of course) for calling the cowgirl a liar in previous post! :p
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