Ban the user above game

Banned for being a "Miss Goody Two Shoes"! :p (If dirty thoughts were not allowed here, I'm afraid I'd have to leave the site!) *Pouts*
(That's an "L", not an "I"...) *Grins*

Banned for not having an avatar picture! (If you need or want any help with that, I can recommend someone who finds some AWESOME avatars!)
Lazy? Oh noooo! :p

Banned for............................(wait for it) ................................(you know what I'm going to say, right?) ................being LAZY! LOL!
*Grins and kisses you!* Awww...I'm not PETA, but....can I kiss your ass, Royal Hotness?

I can't ban you now. You are just too awesome, Prince Charming! ;)
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