Ban the user above game

Banned for "double banning"! Don't ya know that is NOT in the rulebook? *Gigglesnorts at her own attempt at making up the rules as she goes along!" :p
Banning Marrek and Prince only, Bronwyn is spared.
They are banned for apparently having never seen a flippin' picture of Kerrigan and are somehow confusing me for her.
Banned for thinking I am not a starcraft fan, and dunno who Kerrigan is. *would totally bang Kerrigan.*
Banned for not understanding and disproving that he knows who Kerrigan is, because anyone who DOES would never confuse this-


With this -

Bans the girl for blowing up those images and scaring the BEJEEBIES outta me!! (Girl, there are CENTIPEDES on you!!!)

Goes to find the bug spray.....
Banned :mad: for not :s feeling :rolleyes: the "emoticon :D love" :heart: and for :sleepy: the lack of :s emoticons :cool: in your own posts! :blush: ;) :shy: :rolleyes:
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