Ban the user above game

Banned, because I clicked on that Cyclopian link and I don't know what to do there. Is it a board? An advertisement? OK. I guess I have to log in -- wait -- BANNED for taking my cute little self to a place where I have to log in.

Well, maybe it's -- oh, screw it. BANNED. BANNED.

Wait, did I ban you as I musty must in order to post so freely warmly on this little thready thread? Oh yes, BANNED.

It's all in fun. Love you. BANNED Call me...
Banned for mentioning lateral thinking. Plus, I'm not a bomb -- I'm more of a conversational grenade. But I guess, you don't pull, but you insert the pin. Is that lewd?

Oh, so. Blam-mo! I think I talk to much during sex. Anyone else have their partner point this out many times and start switching to gagging fantasies when before they were never into kinky things like that all indicating that maybe something else was motivating them. But what? Why? I just see it in their eyes. They seem bewildered and the pounding slows. Then I'm asking about it. Come one go faster. Then comes the hand over the mouth. Finally they get going again. I mean all I'm doing is mmmm, mmmm, mmmm?

Do all guys like to gag girls nowadays? I mean...
Thats an eficient grenade design I'd say. Has 1 flaw thogh... it can be made inert by inserting 2 pins at once, fore and aft.

Banned 4 taking lateral thinking 2 a vhole new level.
If someone pulls that staff out, do they become ruler of all that the eyes can see?

BANNED for making me think of going down on King Arthur.
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