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Dominant Male Looking for Females for Incest

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Jan 28, 2011
Hello there, Blue Moon, and good morning, afternoon, evening, or whatever it might be where you are. A good friend of mine referred me to your role playing community and I decided to check it out. Looking through some of the threads and what have you, I have to say that I am fairly pleased with the looks of things so I have decided to post a request thread and see what I can get to bite. I am going to be brief for now but I will update this thread over the next few days when I have more time and will (hopefully) get some sample suggestions for plots up.

Anyway; as the title of this thread implies, I am looking primarily for incestual role plays at this time. The mental aspects of incest have always been a bit of an interest to me in a fantasy sense and it is a kink that only a few of my past partners have been willing to let me indulge. It’s not for everyone, I know, and I am able to respect that. It is, however, what I am looking for most of all at this current time. I am sure that I will post a general role playing thread once I have a partner or two willing to sate this desire for those of you not interested in this kink.

I am not looking for just any incestual relationship. There are a few pairings that do not interest me at all and I am not interested in playing as a result. Father RP is a good example of this; just not into father incest. Nor am I into blood-related mother RP. Below I will list a few of the more prominent pairings in my list of desires with my part being listed on the left and the one that I am looking to fill on the right.

Step-Son + Step-Mother
Older Brother + Younger Sister (or Step-Sister)
Younger Brother + Older Sister (or Step-Sister)
Twin Brother + Twin Sister (or Step-Sister)

I am open to various settings for the role play from a modern setting to a fantasy setting and even various realms of fandom. I will (again, hopefully) have a few suggestions set up either later tonight or sometime tomorrow but if you read this before then and are interested then do not be afraid to PM me here. Here is a list of my kinks so feel free to flip through there if you’re looking for a role playing partner interested in incest. If you see what you like then I’m sure we can put together a plot that we will both enjoy.
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