Jugger x Rina-Sesshys-Mate


Rena smirked "I'm finally here Urahara. Do I get a hug?" Rukia and the others just sighed. A black cat showed up on the fence and spoke "Well its about time you got here. I was starting to think you'd not show." Rena held a hand up "Sorry Yoru-chan but i did have to hit the school for the teachers to meet me."
Nathan's eyes went wide at the talking cat and ran over, picking it up and looking at it like he did Kon. "Uh...you're going to regret it if you don't let that girl go..." "Girl? This thing obviously sounds like a man! How is this cat able to talk!?" Urahara looked to Rena, Rukia, and Ichigo. "So...why'd you bring the dope?"
There was a cloud of smoke and the cat vanished while Yoruichi's voice went from male sounding to female as she put a robe on "Well I'm sorry if I sound that way while in cat form." Rena sighed "Guys I screwed up big time. I said the word bankai in front of the kid and now he's wanting to know what's going on. I'm willing to face old man yama or whoever i need to."
Nathan's eyes went wide at the naked woman, though he had a somewhat perverted look on his face until she put on her robe." Urahara looked to her and shrugged. "No need...the he's just a kid he'll believe anything." He walked over to Nathan. "You're in a dream...none of this is real..." He hit him in the head with a fan and Nathan comically fainted.
Rena smacked Urahara on the head "Idiot." she sighed "You may as well get up kid since your surrounded by soulreapers and other spiritually aware people. And you....." she pointed at urahara "Are you really that dense, he's got high spirit pressure he just don't know it."
Urahara nodded. "Which is exactly why I knocked him out. Take him down to the basement so we can begin his...transformation, per say." He said chuckling as he headed back in. "Or do what you want with him, I don't care."
Rena sighed turning to get Nate she said "Hey Ichigo wanna give me a hand. Plus if he's thinking of tossing him in that pit he'll need you to help him out. From what I've heard you came out with a zanpaktou and also hollow powers." she smiled trying to lift Nathan "I think thats cool."
"You heard wrong." He said shaking his head. "I didn't gain any hollow powers from just being in the pit...it actually...traces farther back in my bloodline than you think." He said as he grabbed Nathan's legs. "Someone get his hands and help me get this guy down."
Rena smiled as Rukia joined to help them. Rena smiled at him "I'd like to hear about sometime if you'd be ok with that." Rukia looked at Ichigo and gave a simple nod to him in her own way of saying 'let her in you loner' Rena called her out on the nod "Rukia no trying to play match-maker got it." Rukia giggled "Sorry Rena."
Nathan began to mumble in his sleep as he was brought down to the basement. Ichigo dropped his legs and sighed as he shook his head at the boy. "Well...what now? Where's Urahara?"
Ichigo shook his head. "I don't 'train' anybody." He sighed.

(Sorry for an even shorter post. Can you get Yoruichi to train him so I don't RP with myself?)
Rena smirked looking at his subtatute soulreaper badge "Would you spar someone who can fight on even ground as Zaraki?" she pulled out her badge which was the same as his and said "I may be new to Japan but I'm not new to being a soulreaper."

Hm...Sorry Rina. Can we perhaps do an Original RP rather than a fandom? I'm losing interest fast and I don't know why. I'm sorry, so sorry >_< )
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