Jugger x Rina-Sesshys-Mate


Jul 23, 2010
Blue Moon of Georgia
Nathan - Avatar
Shikai - Zanpakuto endowed with lightning and the blades become blue.

Second character - Ichigo

It was another day at school for Ichigo, Rukia, and one of the lesser classmates of the actual show that was in the background but never given an actual name, Nathan. Finally taking a notice on Rukia, for the past few months he has attempted for her...and has failed a great many times. Today is no exception sadly. "Cmon Rukia..." Nathan said as he sat behind her, thumping the back of her chair's leg with his foot lightly. "When're ya gonna take notice of me?"

Ichigo, however, was not minding him either but at least talked to him.
Rena- http://www.wallpapers10.net/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/Anime_Girl.jpg
Zanpaktou- normal katana
Shikai- http://www.imgbase.info/images/safe-wallpapers/anime/1_other_anime/6569_1_other_anime_hd_wallpapers_anime_girls_swords.jpg
Bankai(currently secret)- http://www.videogamegirlsdb.com/gamegirl/Images/Heavenly_Sword/Nariko/Nariko_Heavenly_Sword_FanArt_01.jpg

Second Char- Rukia

Rukia sighed "Maybe once you stop annoying me like that." she kept her eyes on the door as if waiting for something then it happened. The teacher let a new girl in the room saying "Class meet our new transfer student from america Miss...." The girl smiled "Just call me Rena." The second she looked at the class she bolted over to a desk and said hugging rukia "Rukia-chan I'm finally here!"
(Your links don't work.)

Nathan quarreled back at Rukia's response and began to mope on his desk, drawing non-existent figures into his desk as the girl was being introduced. As she jumped on Rukia, Nathan looked up and looked confused at the displayed, whereas Ichiro was somewhat intrigued as to how this girl knew Rukia...after all, she was supposed to be dead. "Friend of yours Rukia?"
[i did a edit]

Rukia nodded "I've gone to visit her in america a few times." Rena smirked and whispered "What she won't say is I've gone to the ss and had a few spars with her uptight older brother." Rukia sighed "He's still upset about you beating him this last time." Rena looked a bit shocked "Still? But its been like 4 months!"
"Hold on...whats this about you beating Byakuya girl?" Ichigo said as he narrowed his eyes at her. "How could someone like you beat someone like Byakuya?" Nathan just looked confused as he looked from one person to the next. "Uh....who and what now?"

(Sorry for a short post. G2g. See ya.)
[its alright, night]

Rukia looked at him "Ichigo calm down she....." Rena cut her off "I just saw through his bankai and landed a single blow to his arm. He's the idiot captain who called it quits cause a girl cut him." she smiled "If you want maybe sometime you and i could spar, unless the guy who is friends with a quincy is scared of a girl?" Rukia hung her head "I should have kept my mouth shut about your friends Ichigo. Sorry."
Ichigo couldn't believe what was going on. He opened his mouth to say something but Nathan came up from under them to put himself in the middle of the conversation. "Hey! Mind tellin me exactly what the hell a Bankai is...?"
Rukia and Rena both fell silent. Rukia looked at him "Um..." Rena sighed "After school in private ok." "Rena you can't just go telling anyone and everyone about that stuff." "So we take him to old stripe hat and have him and Yoruichi explain, unless your hot red head friend here wants to do it."
Nathan looked to Ichigo and then Rena and rose an eyebrow as he teasingly nudged Ichigo with his elbow, but Ichigo gave him a wallop on the head. "Fine...lets go after school." Nathan sulked back to his desk behind Rukia, rubbing his head in pain.
Rukia sighed as Rena took the empty seat in front of Ichigo and said smiling "I think that was a bad intro." she held her hand out to him slightly over his desk "My full name is Sabrena but I prefer Rena, like the teacher said I'm from the states." In the back a bit Orihime smiled whispering to Uryu "Think she could get close to him?"
"Not quite sure...Knowing Ichigo he's too full of himself to get caught up in what you're expecting." He said as he read his book. The bell soon rang and Nathan and Ichigo were waiting out near the gates...though Nathan still held his head in pain from Ichigo's hit.
Rukia and the others joined them at the gates. Orihime looked around "Say Rukia where's that new girl?" "I'm not sure Orihime, she said she would meet us here." Rena walked up a bit pissed and held out a lion plushy "So who owns the talking rat?" Kon shouted "I'm a lion not a rat!"
Nathan looked amazed at the talking lion and snatched it from Rena. He began to look about it, shaking it and examining it. "The hell is this thing!? Some kind of...? Animal?" He began to shake Kon up and down by his leg...Ichigo just watched, somewhats amused by what was going on before looking to Rena. "He's a mod soul stuffed into a bear."
Rena closed her eyes "A perverted mod soul, he jumped out of my locker and landed on my chest. I swear Ichigo i wanted to put him through a shredder!" Kon froze and said "You wouldn't." Rena glared at him "If not a shredder then slice with my friend Zanmariske."
"Zanmir-who now?" Nathan said as he looked at them confused. "Can someone please explain to me exactly what the hell is going on?" Ichigo moved over to Rukia, concerned over Nathan. "Rukia...are you sure its alright to bring Nathan to Urahara's place?? He isn't supposed to know about what we are."
Rukia sighed "Rena ruined that when she mentioned my brother." Rena popped up "Who needs to get over the fact he was beat by a girl mind you." she sighed "Look kid if you want to know what's going on then you have to do one thing for me, alright."
Nathan shook his head. "Sorry babe but my heart belongs to Rukia." He said with a cheerful smile as he draped an arm over Rukia's shoulder. He chuckled proudly whereas Ichigo just facepalmed. "He's a lost cause."
Rena laughed saying "Not that, you gotta swear to join the group once you learn the truth." she smiled "I don't care if anyone likes me or not I just want to have friends to hang with."
"Truth be told I thought I was already part of the gang." He said snickering as he released Rukia. "Well? What are we waiting for? Lets get going to...where exactly?" Nathan rubbed the back of his head a bit confused.
"This is all very confusin but...lets go ahead. Don't waste a perfectly good day talking about something we aren't doing. I could be with Rukia right now, alone." He said chuckling. "Lets go before the guy decides to blabber on." Ichiro said.
Rukia and the others nodded in agreement as Rena pointed at kon "Ichigo if that m.s.(mod soul) tries getting near me...." she shot kon a death glare "He's target practice for Zanmariske." with that said she started walking. Kon moved to Ichigo's shoulder "Hey Ichigo, you won't let her kill me will you?"
"Kon if you keep this up I'll sit there and watch." He said as he followed after Rena. Nathan followed behind, arm draped over Rukia. "So Ruki...whenya gonna admit it?"
Rukia looked at him "Admit what?" Kon gulped while Orihime smiled "Chad, Uryu, I think Ichigo may have a sparing friend." After walking for a bit Rena stopped outside an old shop and shouted "Yo stripe head, get out here ex-captain!"
(Can we not include canons we said we wouldn't do? I can't do Chad or Uryu.)

Urahara did not come out immediately. Nathan grew annoyed. "Exactly what is this place? His home in the middle of...nowhere in the city?" He said sighing. "Ichigo...I think your friend is a bit crazy for thinking someone-" Out from the drapes came Urahara. "Well well...look who it is."
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