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Pandii's Quest for TMNT or X-Men RP Partners

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Mar 20, 2011
Hello all!

My two biggest cravings at the moment are X-Men (be it movie verse or cartoon we could hash that out. We could even try comic-book related schemes but I wasn't around for the comic book series, I would need to be educated, which I don't mind.) and TMNT. I'm very open-minded and lenient so I don't particularly care if you're a male roleplaying as a female or a female roleplaying as a male, or hetero roleplaying as your actual gender. I just want a good roleplay with a literate partner. As far as me, personally, and my writing style I generally try to match the vocabulary and length of my partner.

Concerning TMNT:​

My favorite character is
Donnie, and I have extensive experience playing Raphael should the RP resemble something like: Don x OC and Raph x OC with me playing Raph and my OC, and the partner playing Don and their OC. Generally I like to do roleplays with OC's but I'm not against traditional pairings for the fandom like April x Don. I'm pretty flexible with the setting environment because I know a lot about the fandom in terms of the live action movies and everything since the 2003 cartoon series (however I'm NOT against learning lessons from the comic books and the old style). If you are also looking for a TMNT RP partner, have found my request thread, and want someone other than Raphael please send me a private message telling me who that person is. I’ll see how easy it is for me to assume writing for that individual and will even send a sample writing for you to test to see if this RP will be worth your time.

Just make sure you put something in the private message line letting me know you found my thread or otherwise I might be a bit disturbed that I was getting a random message. I’m still very new to the site and at the moment I’m very shy.

Concerning X-Men:​

X-Men is slightly different than TMNT for me. I have the three movies as well as X-Men Origins: Wolverine and grew up with the X-Men: Evolution cartoon series. Again, I wasn’t around for the comic books but I’d be willing to learn and try scenarios if you, the partner, know and could coach me through it. Or give me a general idea. Most of my experience in this area comes from writing fanfiction and I commonly write for
Nightcrawler, Remy LeBeau, and Scott Summers.

Similar to the TMNT request I’m open to any other characters you might have an interest in. Just send me a private message with who you’d like and I’ll let you know how well versed I am in terms of the character. I am not against pre-structured relationships between characters (how many speculations and innuendos has the movies given us between Jean and Wolverine, after all? Or Kurt and Storm?). If you want I can send a sample of my writing to critique and decide upon, I feel it’s only fair for the partner fixing to embark on a roleplay with me to see how I write. Scenarios and roleplay duration as well as details of OC’s (if any) can be hashed out through private messages.

Thank you for listening and reading!


At the current moment I have 1 request for X-Men with most conditions currently undetermined. I have 0 requests for TMNT. If you are looking for a roleplay, again, in either realm please do not hesitate to PM me but please be sure to make a mention of what you want (TMNT or X-Men) in the title. As I have said, I'm not against negotiations on either subject when concerning make of the RP, backstory, or otherwise -- I'm a very easy person to get along with.

Thanks for reading the update!

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