Jugger x Midget

"Seems like everything is in order here Nathan." Ichiro said as he appeared behind his Shaman and looked about. Nathan nodded as he pointed. "Go out and ask around for any rumors of anything that could be going on. "We'll stay near the gate. They can't leave except through this gate...most of the time." Ichiro nodded and went off. Nathan turned to Zettai and chuckled. "Well Zet, lets get to working on your Soul Merge."
"What did I tell you about calling me that!" Zettai sighed as she rubbed her temples, shaking her head. "Come on, it hasn't even been an hour since I warned you about that." Hopefully this wasn't about to become sort of habit for him, she really hated that name. She wasn't a pet or some sports player.

"Now calm down. Come on and let's practice." Myoo smiled reaching down and taking a hold of of girls necklace, watching as she closed her eyes and began to hum a random song. It sounded like Romance by My Chemical Romance but she couldn't be all that sure. Closing her eyes her form would begin to glow along with Zettai's before she would slip into the necklace which would begin it's slow process of turning into a scythe. "How long do I need to keep this up for?"
"Longer than thirteen minutes. You got to it last time, you can get to it this time and then some. Just keep trying. If you make it before thirteen, just know you'll be doing sparring with me and you know how bad that can get." He said as he cracked his neck. "Won't even need Ichiro's help. You've seen my power without him, but you've yet to see my power WITH him...in battle anyway."
Now, the girl wouldn't say that she hated sparring with Nathan, it simply wasn't her choice thing to do. Spiritual training yeah, sure, she could do that all day no problem as that was something she was use to. It was just a different variation of it. But the physical stuff? Yeah, no. Sure she got an A in gym but this was different. Very different. "You're a very cocky bastard aren't you?" she would arch a brow as her body continued to glow, a small chuckle coming from her scythe. Because Myoo wasn't scolding her it was safe to say the girl actually agreed with her. Which was good. But the two stood, the minutes ticking by as slowly as they pleased. As thirteen began to come up she could feel her body shaking lightly, concentration waining. 'Come on, you can do it. Just a little longer. Think of it like the training you did with your dad. Don't just connect with me, feel me.' It was the way she had learned to see ghost in the first place, to become better aware of them. Or well, not learn, but she had become better at it. She didn't need to try and see them first, but feel them. Find their energy, their auras, understand it, analyze it....Taking a deep breath the girl would concentrate, her shaking decreasing, breathing calmed. Thirteen minutes would easily go by at that point, along with fourteen and fifteen, sixteen was a stretch and finally at seventeen she snapped. Myoo busting from her body as she fell back right on her bum. Ow. "The ground here isn't all that soft..."
Nathan frowned as he walked over. At first, he intended to meet her with a small fist to the gut to see if she could dodge it as well as hold the soul merge, but he decided that would have to wait. The girl needed to learn to be able to focus on the soul merge and the surroundings and how to react to them, otherwise she would not last long. Walking over to her, he helped her to her feet as he rubbed the back of his head. "Well a graveyard isn't supposed to have soft ground. Its supposed to keep the dead from coming back to life as zombies OoOoO" He teased.
"Zombies? Eh, welll, at least it be kinda cool if they did." And some how she imagined them being easier to take out opposed to evil spirits. Just kicking off their heads would get the job done. That is if they were the stupid type of zombies, not like the ones in 28 Weeks later, that would be horrible. "Well we almost made it to twenty minutes that time." Which was good as she was close to making it five minutes past her requested time. If she had to take a guess she'd say she would probably be able to go past the twenty minute mark before she started school next week. That is, assuming she practiced like she needed to.
Nathan nodded as he listened to her. "Cool in an interesting sort of way." He said chuckling. "Now then. Take a ten minute rest and we'll be doing it again. This time...all I want you to do is get to ten minutes." He sneered. There was a catch this time. THIS time when she would concentrate and focus her soul merge, he would attack her bare handed. He had to try and get her to focus while being attacked, otherwise a soul merge wouldn't really be useful. There wasn't a point in just standing there with the soul merge if you couldn't fight while using it.
Just get to ten minutes? Yeah...something was going to happen at that point, as there was no way in hell he wanted her to just go to ten minutes without some sort of a catch. But she would deal with that when it came, but for now, she would just rest. "Ten minutes huh? Alright, I'll take that." She would shrug, actually moving to sit on the ground again, folding her legs under her and closing her eyes, Myoo standing at her side.
Nathan sat back and watched as she began to rest. He had to figure out a way of attempting to harm her without doing any serious damage. A strong fist to the gut could wound her for a bit, whereas if he hit her face then he'd have to look at a monster for a bit until her face would heal up. Anything below the waist was off limits as if she could not move then she would probably die, even with Myoo at her side to protect her from spirits when Nathan had to go patrol. He figured just tackling into her would be fine. Just a few scratches and all he'd do is just push her to the ground...rather strongly.
Her small resting period would go by quickly and she was up on her feet after seven minutes or so. "Just ten minutes?" She didn't know what she was asking again, she had heard him clearly and even thought about it for a minute, so not like she needed to. "Never mind that." Taking a deep breath she would close her eyes, a soft hum escaping her as her body began to glow, Myoo's human spirit form disappearing and beginning to merge into her necklace once again.

Nathan sat back and watched for five minutes before looking over to Ichiro, who had just finished making sure the place was done. He fused Ichiro into his weapon and dashed at her with amazing speed. He thrust the blunt end of the handle into her stomach, hoping she would dodge it...if she didn't, then she'd just feel a whole world of pain and be sent flying backwards.
"Hey now!" She wouldn't dodge, but would instead grab the handle, keeping it from going into her stomach and probably knocking the wind out of her. She couldn't stand her ground exactly though, instead being pushed back quite a few feet, but she didn't let go and she certainly didn't stop glowing, which was good. "At least you didn't go for my face." She would push him back the best she could before jumping back herself, creating a bit of distance between them.
Nathan smirked. "Good good! You're improving your reflexes as well it seems!" He said as he cracked his neck and knuckles. "Now lets see if you can survive another four minutes while I'm attacking you!" He rushed at her once more, but instead of punching her, he jumped as soon as he got half a foot away from her, his knee going up in the air in the attempt to knee her in the chest or abdomen.
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