Jugger x Midget


Jul 23, 2010
Blue Moon of Georgia
Nathan (Shaman) = Avatar
Ichiro (Spirit) = http://i631.photobucket.com/albums/uu35/Searian_Famell/OldStuff193.jpg

Nathan was a master Shaman, and in this day and age of his world that was a great thing. The world had been plunged into some chaos about how spirits could take over humans as of late and it was starting to become a problem for many. Nathan is one of the people capable of stopping these spirits and helping others...aside from the fact a few days ago he had taken on an apprentice who had founded her shaman spirit just recently.

Waking up that morning, Nathan groaned as he groggily got out of bed. Ichiro was sitting against the window sill, looking out the window and the two were somewhat ignoring eachother as they were known to somewhat argue, despite being the best of friends and allies. Walking out, Nathan was going to see if his trainee had waken up before him and began to wait at the training grounds in the forest they inhabited.

"Yes Myōo?"

"Shouldn't we be heading back soon?"



"I want to walk around a bit more."

"Even if it keeps him waiting?"

"Even if it keeps him waiting."

Zettai smiled as she looked back at her spirit, the aqua haired girl looking less than enthused. More disappointed, possibly annoyed actually, than anything. It was strange, as the roles and expressions were normally slightly reversed. Zettai wasn't exactly the serious one but she wasn't all smiles, she was well aware of the fact that there was a time and place for every personality type and acted accordingly depending on the situation. Myōonten on the other hand, Myōo for short, was always filled with bright happy smiles and words of encouragement and flowers, or something to that effect. Zettai was normally the one who tried to

"Yes Myōo?"

"Shouldn't we be heading back soon?"



"I want to walk around a bit more."

"Even if it keeps him waiting?"

"Even if it keeps him waiting."

Zettai smiled as she looked back at her spirit, the aqua haired girl looking less than enthused. More disappointed, possibly annoyed actually, than anything. It was strange, as the roles and expressions were normally slightly reversed. Zettai wasn't exactly the serious one but she wasn't all smiles and flowers, she was well aware of the fact that there was a time and place for every personality type and acted accordingly depending on the situation. Myōonten on the other hand, Myōo for short, was always filled with bright happy smiles and words of encouragement and flowers, or something to that effect. But this morning things were a little different for some reason. The girl, or well, the living girl, had woken up smiling despite having a horrible nightmare. The dream was nothing new, in fact it did nothing but mirror the events of her life about two weeks ago. Something she wished truly could have been a dream.

Zettai and her family had been different any many ways, they were special. Each and every member of her family had been able to see and communicate with ghost and she was no different. Some of this probably could have been attributed to the fact that they did live on a shrine that gave worship to Japan's seven gods and goddesses of luck. Generally the spirits they ran across were kind ones, on occasion a bit more playful then usual, but never mean or cruel. But then a new spirit showed up that proved to be different from all the rest. It was a man, his face always covered in shadows but his cheshire cat grin always visible. His clothes tattered and worn, but it was easy to tell that when they were new they were expensive, or so she had assumed. He felt...different from the others, his aura unsettling and downright scary. He had simply appeared in her home one day, deciding to do nothing but sit and stare at everyone in the living room during the day and walk the halls at night. But that was just during the first week. During the second he would wake everyone up in the middle of the night with terrible screams or by breaking something. Her father had tried to ask him to stop, to leave, but he never responded. He simply kept doing as he pleased as the days went by. But then things went from bad to worse in a matter of days. The spirit had disappeared yes and while no one else could figure out exactly where it had gone Zettai knew it wasn't gone at all. Instead it had possessed her mother. She wasn't entirely sure why no one else could see him or see the changes in her mothers personality all of a sudden. And so when she confronted the spirit demanding that he leave her mother and the shrine well...things didn't go well.

To make a long tragic story short the spirit made an attempt to kill her and in the process managed to kill her father. If not for the fact that she managed to get away with a bit of help from some of the spirits that lived in the shrine she probably would have met her end immediately. The most notable spirit being Myōo, one of the spirits the shrine was built to worship. She helped the girl stay alive for some reason, aiding her in her escape from the shrine. Eventually though the evil spirit did catch up with them and when everything looked as if it was about to be over Nathan had appeared, vanquishing the spirit. Unfortunately it was of no help to her mother though. The thing had taken so much out of her, draining her of her life force and crushing her own spirit that she died within minutes of having her body become her own once more. After that Nathan had some how managed to convince her to let him take her in and show her how to protect herself and others from the type of spirits that had taken over her mother. She agreed in a heart beat.

It was upon her saying yes that she had woken up from her nightmare this morning, coming to a realization. The last few weeks she had been something close to a rather empty shell, her mind and body both still trying to recooperate from what had happened. And yet for some reason...after seeing it all play again in her sleep she woke up with a rather new view at life. To simply live it. She didn't have time to be depressed and mope, she had to move on, to take all those negative feelings and use them to fuel more productive things; like training for example.

"We should reallllllly head back now. Can't keep Nathan waiting forever and he's probably at the training grounds already." The blue haired girl would come to float beside her friend, hands behind her head and eyes closed, not to concerned with watching where she was going as she just phased through everything anyway. Being dead had it's advantages like that.

"I guess yeah." Zettai shrugged as she turned on her heel in the dirt, making her way down the path which she came. It was a little obvious that she had just gotten out of bed and came straight out as she still wore her night clothes. Her black tank top and red shorts still on her figure, long silver hair tied back in a long braid. Her feet were bare, which probably wasn't all that safe but she could care less, she was comfortable and hadn't really been thinking about putting on proper clothes this morning anyway.

The walk back to her new home didn't take long, but she wasn't headed there, instead to the training grounds. It still wasn't all that long of a walk though as she was there in maybe five to ten minutes. Seeing Nathan she would shove her hands into the pockets of her shorts, letting out a small yawn. "Morning."
(Shyoot you just blew my post out of the water haha. I feel so illit now :p )

Upon arriving at the training grounds, Nathan looked around for Zettai but found no trace of the girl nor her spirit. He looked at Ichiro, who simply shrugged before walking off to the middle of the training grounds to await their return. Nathan sighed and shook his head as he took a seat in front of Ichiro and proceeded to do some mental training with his partner. They couldn't physically fight without harming one another, but they had a strong connection that allowed them to link their minds and duke it out there. In the void that they were fighting in, it would last to seem what would be an eternity of nothing but endless training which would do them wonders for when they'd come back to the real world, alive and well along with slightly more powerful and connected than before.

When their training was completed, Nathan looked around once more and grumbled as Ichiro shook his head. "Look guy, don't worry bout her. She'll be here. You two aren't exactly seeing eye to eye right now, are ya Nathan?" Ichiro said in somewhat a stinging manner to tease his partner. Nathan sighed and shook his head. "You're lucky you're dead otherwise I'd give you a good ass kicking. Pfft...Zettai's always late, it shouldn't be a problem for me but it still gets on my nerves that she would be so late of all times. This is supposed to be when we have to teach her to fully sync her soul with her partner but I guess thats not important for her." He said shrugging before standing up to crack his knuckles. "Well look, when she gets here, just snap at her...its not like- Oh...speak of the devil." Ichiro waved over to Zettai and Myoo as they approached.

Turning around, Nathan yawned as he shot a somewhat half glare at Zettai. "You're late again Zet. Why is it you insist on annoying me by having me wait here for you for what seems to be hours? If you aren't going to take this Shaman business seriously, you can just leave and...nevermind." He cut himself off before he lost himself to saying something to reference that she'd meet the same end as her mother. "Look, are you ready or not? We have to be vigilant; these spirits are restless and the city becomes more corrupt with each passing day."
The girl would arch a brow as she crossed her arms over her chest, looking at the male with a rather annoyed expression. Well there went her good mood. “I don’t know how many times I’m going to have to tell you to not call me that. My name is short enough. Zettai. Not that long, not that hard. If you to prefer to call me something shorter Ai will do, but Zet? What am I? A dog?” The girl was rather picky when it came to nicknames, mainly because she didn’t think her name really needed one and if it did well…Zet certainly wasn’t it. Sounded like a pet name for goodness sakes! And she was no pet. Nope, not at all.

“And if you’re going to ask why I insist on annoying you with my tardiness why do you insist to annoy me by never waking up on time and keeping a dirty house? Generally I’m late because I’m up on time if not earlier cleaning up you’re house and these past couple days wondering around trying to find my way around this place because I have nothing better to do with my time as my so called instructor can’t be up when he’s supposed to be.” Now that she had gotten her point across and all of that off her chest…Looking up at Myōo she would watch as the girl shook her head, holding back a small giggle.

“You shouldn’t be so blunt about it you know.”

“Well if he’s going to be blunt with me I’m not going to bother to sugar coat anything.” That was just the way she worked. If he was ok with it great, if not well, she didn’t care that much. Grant it, she probably should have as this man was not only taking her in, but at the same time he gave her a place to stay, food to eat, and was training her to work with her new partner. So the least she could do was be nice, or at least sugar coat her usual tendencies but…that’s just not how she rolled. “So what’s up first for today?”
Nathan's eyebrow twitched in annoyance the whole while she was talking and Ichiro put on a nervous and cheerful look as he tried to console Nathan before he snapped. "Cleaning MY Mess?! I didn't ASK you to clean it for me! It was FINE the way it was." He said rather annoyed at her ranting. When she was finally finished, he shook his head as he walked over and pointed to Myoo. "We're going to practice the merge again. Combine Myoo with your very soul and become one in body and mind." He said as he demonstrated with Ichiro. He pulled his knife out, a crimson red pocket knife, and let Ichiro fuse within Nathan so that the knife's blade extended and he gained a handle much like a sword about it. It had a fiery glow. "See? Just like that. Try it with Myoo now...we need to have this up for perfection."

(Remind me again what I did was actually called? lol I get Soul Eater and Shaman King confused, I want to say Soul Merging but I don't think thats right.)
"Not to offend you Ichiro, but he's not alive so he doesn't have to worry about tripping over any of the crap you keep on the floor. I on the other hand, do. It's hard to train with a broken foot. Just saying." She was a temple priestess before this so keeping things clean was kinda what she did. The blue haired girl beside her could only laugh as she moved down to stand behind her partner, wrapping her arms around her shoulders gently. She knew the girl couldn't feel it, or well, not in a skin to skin way, but it was still a nice gesture and that was all that mattered.

"Now, now, calm down. No need to be so fiery this early in the morning. Wait until afternoon for that. Meanwhile, let's practice."

"Fine." Zettai would reach into her shirt, pulling out a small harp shaped charm attached to a silver chain. It was a gift from her mother many years ago and she rarely if ever took it off, now it acted as the only thing she had to remember the woman by other than her memories. Taking a deep breath she would place her hands over top of Myōo's , her lips moving, murmuring something softly in a rather melodic way. "I’m so well, and it’s strange to be. I’m torn by misdirection. You’re my ambassador.You personify my admiration." She had found that the best way for her to concentrate, to find and form that bond with Myōo was with singing, as the girl was the spirit of music. So it kind of made sense. But the two would begin to glow a light blue, Myōo's form disappearing and the harp growing into something completely different. A scythe. Now the good thing was she could do this, problem was she couldn't do it very long, perhaps five to ten minutes at most.

[ Shaman King ]
Watching as it all went down, Nathan smirked as he walked over to the girl and began to time her using a stopwatch he had. "Lets see if you can last longer than seven minutes this time...If you go over twelve, I'll buy us lunch for the day." He said as he watched the clock and the girl, making sure she could concentrate. He didn't say anything to her...once she could reach twenty minutes in that form, he'd move on to distractions but for now he had to make sure she could just hold the form without being distracted. "Six minutes. Cmon. You can do this Zettai." He was somewhat amazed at how fast she was progressing. It was much faster than most of the students he heard of before, but then again she was a temple priestess before she became a shaman. The girl probably had some spirit energy even without Myoo's help, at least thats what he believed. "Almost there, cmon Zettai. Just hold it...hold it...just a little longer..."
How old was she? Twelve? Then again lunch didn't sound so bad, especially if some one else was paying for it. The meant she didn't have to make it and she did have to pay for it, a double plus in her book. But after that comment she more or less tuned him out, focusing on keeping her spirit in her current form. The problem was it was a little hard. She was sure that she could hold the position as long as she wanted to, but there was one central problem. The entire spirit merging thing was much to close to possession to her, and with what had happened to her mother well...it freaked her out sometimes. The thought of having someone else be apart of her that wasn't her. On occasion she would have images of that spirit pop up in her head or her mothers dead body, scaring her out of her spirit combined state. But she couldn't let that scare her forever, and while she didn't want to force recent wounds to heal she didn't want to take forever on this either. Even so, perhaps it was the motivation of having lunch paid for that did in fact get her to go a little longer. Thirteen minutes. But as soon as the stop watch got to thirteen Myōo would snap out of the scythe, her arms still around Zettai, the weapon retracting and returning to it's original form. "I think you own me lunch."
Nathan chuckled. "Yeah yeah." He said as he patted her head and ruffled up her hair just to annoy her. "Alright squirt, lets get going then. But first..." He looked into his wallet and opened it. If this were one of those old cartoons a butterfly would have flown out of his wallet. "Er...Hows about I make us something huh?" He said chuckling as he rubbed the back of his head. "Just playing...just playing...lets go. There's a place we can eat for free...the owner owes me so I get lifetime. I think you know where...Burger Town." It was the same of reputation as a real-world Burger King, but the food was cheap and came plentiful. Taking Ichiro out of his soul, Nathan shuddered. He hated the feel of splitting his soul. Without waiting for Zettai, he began to walk off into town. It wouldn't take long, maybe twenty minutes before they'd reach town and then another 15 minutes just to get to Burger Town.
"Can't I at least put on shoes and a decent pair of pants first?" Because it was oh so normal for girls to walk around down in their pajamas....yeah, no. She would jog ahead of him so she could get back to the apartment before he passed it, going into her room and throwing off her night pants and grabbing a pair of jeans out of her closet, slipping them on before running back down stairs and putting her sandals on that she kept by the door. The tank top she didn't care so much about keeping on or taking off, not like it was indecent or anything. But she would rush out the door, catching up with him soon enough as it didn't take her all that long. Before moving in with him the girl hadn't really been into town all that much. She passed through it on the way to school though as she was normally driven to an all girls school that was on the other side of said town. It wasn't the greatest experience ever, as girls were generally petty little things who she couldn't stand all the time, but school was school and it did give her a chance to interact with others for a change. And now that she was living with Nathan well, this was a completely and totally different type of interaction as he wasn't a school mate or family, but not exactly a friend either. Not yet anyway.
"Finally." He said when she came out. He turned and walked with her to head to the restaurant. As they passed into town, he looked at her and around his surroundings and noticed the all-girls school she attended. "Don't see why you gotta go to a school like that. You can't find a decent boy to call your boyfriend in a place like that...unless you're into chicks." He said teasingly as he nudged her playfully with his elbow. "But seriously, tell me why you are stuck in a place like that? I mean...someone like me would enjoy it, but what about you? Are you happy with those snobby chicks I see hanging around the school yard every time we pass through here."

"Well I'm not stuck there. Starting Monday I'm going to start going to the public school around here. But while I was there I didn't exactly enjoy it. I won't say that everyone there was snobby but as it was a school for the 'upper class' a lot of them didn't really bother to give me the time of day. But I did have a few friends who enjoyed my time and I enjoyed there's, which was really all that mattered." She would shrug, shoving her hands into the pockets of her jeans as they walked. "Besides, I'm there to get an education, not to get a boyfriend. Same thing with this new school. Grades first, everything else second." It may have seemed like a 'crazy' concept but that's just how she was raised. The only reason she was dropping out of the private school in the first place was to save money. Grant it, there was plenty in the bank and if things got desperate there were plenty of shrine artifacts she could sell, but she would rather save all of that for a really rainy day. Or for when she went off to college next year. Looking up at the sign to the burger place she would give the door a slight push with her hip before walking inside, eyes moving straight to the menu.
Sighing, he followed after her. "You're still in school. Thats the point. Poor girl. You can hardly balance training, school, and your social life. Maybe you should wait on college until this Spirit problem is resolved. You'll be a great help to all shamans everywhere...even if you're more harm than good at the moment." He taunted as he looked up at the menu. "Order whatever you want. Its on me." He said chuckling. "Moreover because the guy that owns this place owes me lifetime food. Haha."

"More harm then good?" She arched a brow, moving beside him to punch him in the shoulder. "Don't tell me what I can and can't balance, you really don't know me well enough to make that call or assumption. College doesn't get held off for any one or ant thing and that's that." No one could tell her differently. Or well they could, but she wouldn't listen. School wasn't difficult, it was a breeze actually, her social life wasn't all that much, just occasionally going out with friends on the weekend, and as far as training went well...that was her hardest thing to deal with so far. But she'd male it through it, it would just take a bit of time.

A lot of time.

Walking up to the counter she would lean against the wooden surface lightly, glancing at all the menu options. Did she really want a burger this early? Heck no. Just didn't seem right for her system. But at the same time she was hungry and it was free, so she wouldn't complain. At least not out loud. But she would order a double bacon cheese burger with a side of fries and a Sprite, moving to take a seat at a near by table while she waited. "You can't really say this is on you if you aren't paying, it's on them. You'll owe me a real meal eventually."
Nathan looked surprised at what she said and began to twiddle his thumbs in some shame. "Er...yeah...When I manage to come upon some money I can...but being a shaman doesn't exactly pay the bills...er...well, it does...but only the bills. I've hardly had anything else to use to spend on other than maintaining my house and my equipment. But I promise eventually we'll eat out somewhere good. Just...enjoy this while you can please." He said as he looked a bit annoyed as he seemed to try and think of a way to get some easy money.
She would chuckle a bit, shaking her head. "Well because it looks like I'll be staying with you for awhile I wouldn't mind helping as far and bills and what not go. I am imposing on your space, eating your food, and using just about everything else in your home." While she was his student she wouldn't mind taking on the roll of being his roommate either. She wasn't exactly doing anything to earn her keep other than cleaning and cooking, so she didn't mind doing a bit more. "Yeah, I think I'll do that." Reaching behind her back she would take a hold of her braid, undoing the ribbon she used to keep it in and running her fingers through the thing, letting her hair separate and fall out around her shoulders.
Watching her, he simply said with a relaxed look: "I think you look better like that. I find it better looking for girls when they aren't pulling their hair like that, ponytails and bun buns on their heads and all that." He said shrugging. "Anyway, hurry up and eat. We have to patrol the town and take up any services that arise...of course the pay will have to be slightly more than usual, but I don't think they'll mind if we're saving lives here...ironically though, we're expelling spirits from bodies to do so haha."
"Thanks I guess..." She wasn't quite sure what to say to that. She only wore her hair in a braid when going to bed or if she was doing some kind of work and she didn't want it getting in the way, but she was up now so there was no need for it. "I didn't think you could really charge for something like this..." She murmured, tilting back in her chair and grabbing her food as it was placed on the counter. She had assumed that the work of a shaman was one that went unpaid for as it just seemed like the right thing to do. "And don't rush me, I just got my food." She would unwrap her burger from the aluminum like paper it was wrapped in and take a bite, licking her lips of ketchup and extra things so she wouldn't look like a complete pig. It didn't take her to long to finish though, maybe about five minutes or so. "Alright, ready."
"Well, you don't necessarily have to charge but you can. Only the professionals charge though, and I charge cheap so I usually get all the jobs. Though strangely ever since you became my pupil about a week ago, I've yet to have any jobs. I wonder why that is." He said as he seemed to be lost in thought until he heard she was ready. "Alright then. Time for patrol." He said as he stood up and stretched. He wlaked over to the exit and turned to wait for her. "Cmon, every second we waste is another second for a spirit to consume a victim."
"If you don't stop rushing me I'm going to bash you in the -"


"Fine. But stop pushing me, I'm moving so don't rush me." The girl wasn't particularly fond of being rushed, obviously. Her thing was as long as the situation wasn't dire she could go as fast or slow as she wanted to. And while eating? Like hell if she was going to do it fast and have complications like heart burn or something later. Dumping her tray she would walk out the door, shoving her hands into her pockets. "Which side of town are we heading to?"
"Hm...I'll let you decide this time unless you don't feel like it. If not, we'll just do another Graveyard run and make sure all the spirits stay at their spots. Its kind of fun playing jail warden except for when we get there the spirits are already trying to attack us. Shame we can't send them to the afterlife until they meet certain requirements, so we have to just make sure they don't cause trouble. Whenever you decide a place, let me know. If not, we're heading to the graveyard."

"I'm not sure where to go." She wasn't all that aware of the types of places evil spirits roamed. Grant it, she could see them in people once they had possessed a person, as of late anyway, but not like she knew where the highest amount would be located. "There hasn't been anything weird or unexplainable going on lately, at least so the news says. No murders, strange occurrences, nothing really..." The last couple of times when he asked her this she had picked places that the news said unnatural things were happening at, and low and behold, there was normally an evil spirit there. But lately things had seemed rather calm. "So I guess we can just do a graveyard shift for now."
"Graveyard shift it is. Even if there are no evil spirits, and if the spirits are still hanging out in the graveyard rather than leaving, you can still practice your soul merge with Myoo until its time for us to leave." He said as he began to walk toward the Graveyard, taking her with him. "Still can't believe its been one week and we've made this much progress. You're really something when it comes to this haha." He nudged her with his elbow playfully. "Maybe one day you'll even beat me."
Maybe? Eh...she saw that as being a serious possibility as long as she kept training. If he said things were going well and she was progressing quickly she would take his word for it. She still wasn't entirely sure what 'strong' was when it came to or what progressing quickly entitled, but maybe she'd figure it out eventually. "I'll take your word for it. And as long as I keep practicing I see myself making work of you pretty easily." Shaking her head she followed close behind him, taking a small look around. It was still kinda early so there weren't that many people out, which she was fine with, made things kinda peaceful. "But who knows, that could just be me being getting a little ahead of myself." The walk to the graveyard wasn't long, maybe fifteen minutes or so. Opening the gate and walking inside she would look around, a few spirits would loom from the grave, taking a look to see who had walked in, but none seemed to hostile or interested in them.
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