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Sex, Love, and Fun [f/f only]

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Mar 18, 2011
Just thought I would go ahead and be clear about this since I keep getting messages from males, this is a female/female search, I am not willing to roleplay with males 1x1 so please stop sending me PM's because I will not reply when you don't read the title...

So I just updated and I have room for one more if somebody is interested, that being said I looking for someone who is literate enough to understand and keep a story going. As for what else I am looking for, well about anything that makes it fun. I will not do anything that belongs in the bathroom and I don't like being hurt for the hell of it in any situation besides combat. As for what I am into that is based on the character so discussing it would take way too long, just go with the flow, if I am playing a shy character and you force her down she will probably not respond well, same with a strong feisty character, she will not like it very soft.

Now for some of my plots, the ones I think will be fun, I do take suggestions if a good one is presented though so don't be shy.

1. A local but well known pirate (Me) has been spotted in the city you live in working as a guard. The bounty on her head is high and you decided to follow a good lead about the whereabouts of said pirate. Will this lead to you capturing and having your way with the pirate whatever that may be, or will you be the one drawn in by the dangerous woman and become just another one of her conquests?
-Basically this one can be dom or sub for me, I don't mind. The idea though is if I am the dom I am impressed by you and while you may not like it my possessive love makes me keep you close. If you are the dom you capture me and the love or just plain non-consensual sex is up to you.

2. I will be playing an exotic dancer, now this one can be done in two different ways. One would be where it is an exotic dancer who is known to be a sorceress, you would play a princess or queen or even another sorceress wanting to tame the exotic beauty. The second way would be modern where she would be a stripper at a high class casino and you could play either the boss of the casino or a rich customer wanting her for yourself. I will only play sub in this rp.
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