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A walk through the marketplace. [m x f IM rp]

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Jun 5, 2009
You find yourself walking through a bustling marketplace on a fresh, early morning. The cobblestones beneath your feet numb you as you are reminded you have been traveling for a long time and have not slept in the past few nights. Searching for an Inn, you traverse through the labyrinth style stalls with the sky above you, before noticing a glaring gap amongst the stalls. An empty space. Your eyes trail down to the ground to notice a person draped in a dirty, dark purple hood and cowl, with their face concealed and their index finger pointed towards you. You feel unsettled by this, wondering if they want coin to buy food, or liquor. A shrill voice comes from the cowl as your eyes meet into the darkness of the hood, their index finger still extended towards you,

"You have been on a long journey already traveler. I have been a sent message by the greater powers above that an opportunity awaits you."

You look on curiously, yet skeptical as the mysterious figure continues, lowering their hand to conceal it within their robe to take out a deck of cards, extending the deck out towards you,

"Take one."

You look to the figure, who became silent and still as it waited for you. You observe the hand of the person and notice it to be aged. You pry your fingers into the middle of the deck and take a card. You flip the card and are startled by what you see.

An illustration of yourself.

There is text below the image:

'The man you seek to begin your true journey is a writer willing to be at your service. Allow him to fulfill your every need and craving, no matter how dirty. You can contact him through PM or IM him at for further details.'

Your eyes avert away from the card to find the figure sitting there before gone without a trace. You look around you and hold onto the card, making a choice.
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