I Choose you! Espeon! [Himeko x luatesh]

Alice says when Espeon moved her tail more in side of her "Espeon stick it in deeper don't be shy your not going to hurt me"she had then grabbed her flash light flipping it to back side and started using it as a dildo sliding it deep into her with one hand as she sat on her chest kissing her on her lips sliding her tongue in her mouth french kissing her and with the other hand she had rubbed her breasts playing with her nipples.
She began thrusting her tail in deeper and fast now as she felt the girl insert the end of the flashlight inside her pussy, kissing her back she held onto her with her paws and moaned loudly into the girls mouth as she began to buck slightly now. It all felt ever so wonderful, her first night free and she was already being taken by this girl. She was truly lucky.
Alice had moaned louder and gasped when she began to thrust deeper into her she did the same to her with the flash light as she kissed her silencing her moans but soon she had cam with her juices running down her tail she had collapsed on top of her the say as her head lays on her breasts " I think the soup is done now would like to have some I bet its relay good" with the flashlight still deep in side of her.
As her moans was silenced with a kiss she felt their orgasm explode together. Alice had collapsed on top of her as she slowly slid her tail out of the girls' pussy. Hearing that their meal might have been done made her ears twitch as her stomach growled. "I'm sure it'll taste lovely." She panted as she brought her tail to her mouth and began licking it clean.
SHe had pulled the soup off of the fire it was hot for sure as she carefully pored some into two bowls for the both out them handing her a bowl then layed her head on her breasts she ate found a conformable spot as she began to eat her soup fill with meat and vegges of all kinds in small sips .
She watched as Alice pulled the soup off the fire and carefully poured some into two bowels. When she was handed her bowel she sniffed at it and smiled softly. "Smell fantastic..." She cooed as her tail swayed slightly. The girl was on her breasts again and it made her blush. She began to blow on the hot food then she began lapping it up with her tongue, enjoying the fabulous tastes.
Alice had eaten her soap using Espeon`s breasts as a pillow as she drank off the liquid first then ate the solids saving the meat for last which had the most flavor but soon the fire started to going out and was starting to get sleepy so she fell asleep with her face in her breast completely passed out when the fire went out leaving them in the dark with her sound asleep.
She continued to finish the bowel off as she watched the fire start to die. Finishing her bowel she sat it down and yawned, wrapping her tail around Alice's body and held her close to her, as she girl fell asleep on her breasts. Yawning again she closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep with the girl in her arms.
The next morning she awaken and started to to pack up the camp letting Espeon sleep as she put every thing in her bag putting the pots and pans inside once she had cleaned them of in the river when she was ready she gently shake with her hand on her Espeon "Espeon wake up its morning the sun will be up soon" she was now fully cloved head to toe ready to leave when she wakes up
Espeon could feel the sunlight beaming down on her and she smiled softly while rolling over on her back when her ears twitched when she heard her master say it was time to wake up. She slowly woke up and rolled over too where she was on her paws as she yawned heavily and stretched her body out. "Nya... Alright Master Alice..." She purred as she walked over to the girl who was now fully dressed.
They had walked the road for a long time which was vary quiet sense there were no other people or Pokemon around but soon they came to a small town filled with people that stared at Espeon as she walked by not seeing her kind like that before but soon they had made it to the Pokemon center "aww finally were here I am so tired from that long walk and I need to take a shower I have not taken one for a few days" she had said as she walked to the shower room then sits on a bench taking off her clothes to clean her self up.
They walked for a long time, it was quiet due to no other Pokemon around or any other humans to talk to other than her mistress. They spotted a town and made their way there. As they walked into people were stopping and staring at her, they've never seen her kind before and wouldn't have till now. They made it to the Pokemon Center and Alice stated she needed a shower, so she followed her to the showers and watched as her mistress undressed and got in.
Alice had pulled her into the shower with her then said to as she washed her back "you look like you could use a nice warm shower " as she ran as rag up her tail wash her tail with the both of them covered in soap as she began to wash and rub her breasts at the same time then says to her "dose this feel good the look on you face says that you like what I am doing would you like me to go on then you can wash my back and body" as the hot relaxing warm beat on the skin of the both of them in the steam filled room
Espeon was pulled into the shower with Alice as she began washing her back. "Mmmm.... This water feels good. Perfect temperature too." She purred as the girl started washing the rest of her body. Alice was washing and rubbing her breasts now as she spoke to her. "I've never been bathed before so this is completely new to me. But I love it..." She purred again as she nodded that she would wash Alice up when she was done with her.
She washed her clean were her fur coat shine in the light the steam felt good on there skin but sadly the timer ran out and she would have to pay to get the water to run longer she says as dries her self "looks like it over what a bummer" drying her self off then dried Espeon of and got dressed then said to Espeon "well lets go to are room were are going sleep in to night were I can drop off all my gear " as she headed to the room witch was not vary big but could fit them both.
Espeon frowned at the girl's words that she'd have to pay more to keep the water running longer and shook herself off as she stepped out of the shower. "Well at least we're clean now, right?" She said as she followed the girl to their room and walked in. It was small but they would be able to fit in just fine. She jumped on the bed and curled up as she yawned sleepily and looked over at Alice. "Shall we take a nap together?" She asked as she watched the girl.
Being hot she throw off some of her cloth tossing them on the floor before she jumped on the bed next to cuddling with her placing her head on her breasts they had slept for a few hour tell one of the pokie ball fell out of her back pack with a flash of light that woke the both of them releasing her dido that had jumped onto the bed at first the dido wrapped around the breasts of Espeon then slide inside of her cunt rubbing and warming the insides then shifted into the shape of a dick that sat between he master legs rubbing her soft pussy.
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