I Choose you! Espeon! [Himeko x luatesh]


The wolf who serves
Mar 11, 2011
It was tiny and dark inside the little Pokeball. She was cramped inside with very little room to move around in. 'Will I ever be released from this tiny ball? Will I ever get chosen to belong to someone?' She thought as she sighed heavily and tried to stretch out and bumped her head on the top of the ball. 'Ow...' She whimpered as she rubbed her head.

She was a rare breed, she was a Espeon, a Pokegirl. She had been in this tiny Pokeball for a long time now and she had wished someone would claim her as their own and release her from this tiny cramped ball.
Alice had enter a abandoned house hoping to find a ghost Pokemon the place was run down and about to fall apart she had been there for about a hour now but no luck she was simply fruitless he had now enter the master bedroom coughing when she he had open the door from all the dust when he looked in side she saw a relay old pokeball sitting on the desk when he touched it the pokeball shattered releasing what ever was in side with a bright flash of light that had blinded her.
[I don't like rping with male characters really unless it's a yaoi rp... But I'll go ahead and continue this. =/ I am a lesbian and doing a mxf rp is very awkward for me. u.u;;]

The lil Pokegirl had heard footsteps nearby. 'What on earth could that be?' She thought as the footsteps grew louder until they had finally came to a halt. No sooner the ball had shattered, releasing her from her imprisonment. Her eyes were sensitive to the light since she hadn't been outside that Pokeball for years, possibly longer. "Nya..." She said as she rubbed her eyes.
When Alice could see again she saw the Pokemon in front of her never see one of this type before she had pulled out her pokedex not knowing what type of Pokemon this was but when she took the scan it said to her in a computer voice "unknown Pokemon not in data base please try again some other time" she then said to her self what Pokemon is this I have never seen one like this before anywhere" she stood there watching it not sure what to do as it rubbed it eyes
Adjusting to the light she opened her eyes slowly, the first thing she saw was a girl standing before her, holding out a loud box thing. She crawled her way over to the girl and then sat down in front of her. "Are you... The one who released me?" She asked cautiously as she swayed her tail. She was slightly bigger than those of her kind, she hadn't seen any others like her in so long... But now she was free and if this person had freed her.
She saw that it could talk she had then put the pokedex away then said "wow a talking Pokemon now I have seen it all and I guess you could say I freed you I kind of touched the pokeball and it shattered cause it was so old and now here we are" then started to hold out her hand to touch her not sure if it was friendly or not touching it on the head and began to pet it on he head softly then said "could we get out of this place it is about to fall apart on top of us from what you can see this place is old.
She tilted her head to listen to the girl. "My race has always been able to communicate with humans. I'm known as an Espeon. I have no name but since you released me from that horrible prison that I had been trapped in for so long. This means I am now yours." She watched as the girl closely, sensing that she meant her no harm. The girl then held her hand out, checking to see if she was friendly or not, then began petting her softly on the head. "Don't worry, I can teleport us out to safety." Standing up she moved herself closer to the girl and teleported them outside. "Do not fear me, I will not harm you." She said softly as they were now outside and she was fully exposed to the girl.
Alice has never been teleported before so when she felt energy moving them from that area she had grabbed onto Espeon when they were both out side she had found that her hands were both tightly grasped around her breasts when she saw what she was doing she let go immediately then said to her " I am sorry I did not mean that I just never been teleported before" then through to her self wow her breasts were vary large and soft from the fur that "well I didn't get what I was looking for I guess I will try some other place" she said as she began to walk of back into the forest.
Looking confused at the girl when she had let go of her breasts she twitched her ears slightly. "Why are you sorry?" She asked as she walked over to her. Hearing that the girl didn't get what she had came for disappointed her. "Oh... I'm sorry..." She said looking down and lowering her ears slightly. Well at least she was free, that was a good thing, right? She had been looking forward to staying by this girls side, but it seemed as if she wasn't the one the girl was looking for.
She stop and turned around then said to her "it gets lonely traveling by your self all the time I was wondering if you wanted to come with me see the world sense you were trap in there only god knows how long" as she walked back to her hoping that she would come with her and some one to talk to when there were no other people around as she start to pet her on the head scratching between her ears to show her that she wanted her around and was her friend .
Her ears perked up when she heard this and was happy. She had been trapped for a long time, longer than she could ever recall. There were things she knew not of and wanted to know more. "I'd be more than happy to be by your side. I haven't seen anyone in... Well I don't remember how long its been to be honest..." She said as she nuzzled her new masters hand happily. She really liked this girl, she seemed kind and sweet, plus she wanted her by her side. "I do thank you for releasing me out of that prison." She said happily as she got up to follow the girl. "What is your name? If you don't mind me asking." She asked with a shy smile.
She says to her "my name is Alice and by the way it is starting to get dark and I would like to get back to my camp before it gets dark cause I Like to don't like wandering around it the dark I like to see were I am going" she then grabs her hand showing her the way to her camp when they had got there there was a small fire with a singal sleeping bag she start the fire as she says to her "it is not much but there is a warm fire" she then take off her jacket along with her shoes and throws it onto her sleeping bag and lays out by the fire.
"It's a pleasure to meet you Alice." She said cheerfully as she followed Alice to her camp. "It is getting dark out and I personally don't like walking around too much after the sun went down. It's how my kind is..." She trailed off as she sniffed the air and smelt the fire her master spoke of. She could also smell a pond nearby. "There might be some fish in there..." She said as she helped her master set out the sleeping bag. "If you'd like I could get something to eat." She tilted her head and let out a soft meow as she stretched out with her tail sticking up in the air.
Alice say to her showing her the food "I have plenty of food so you relay don't need to get me food I don't think you know how much the world had change" as she sets a pot of soup of the fire to cook it as she lays on her sleeping bag waiting for it to cook she grabs her tail and begins to play with it as she softly pull and tugs on it she then pulls her closer to keep her self warm as she pets her new friend on her head and belly "it must be nice being fuzzy you don't get cold fast" she says to her..
"It really looks like it has been so long..." She sighed as she looked at the food that smelt heavily cooking on the fire. She felt a slight tug on her tail and blushed. Alice was playing with her tail and made her blush slightly before she was pulled closer then began being petted. "I can keep you warm if you'd like... My fur is light, yet it's very warm." She said as she nuzzled the girls cheek gently.
"That would be nice" Alice say feeling the tickle on her cheek as she pulls Espeon closer with her hands on her breasts rubbing and squeezing them tight then place her head on them using them as a pillow" these are nice and soft to could I sleep on them tonight" she says as she rubs her breast fluffing them were her head dose not roll off them finding so many thing she liked about Espeon as her hand slides between her legs on accident
She blushed heavily when Alice began rubbing her breasts and squeezing them tightly before placing her head down on them. "S-sure, I d-don't mind." She said while she was starting to pant a little. As the girl made herself comfortable on her breasts she then felt the girls hand slide between her legs on accident. "Unnnn...." She groaned as she started to feel a little hot inside. "Wha... What are you doing?" She asked softly as she turned to look at the girl.
Not knowing what she did she looked at her confused then asked "what do you mean by what are are you doing" as she leans in pushing against her breasts with her own waiting for a answer as then nipples rub against one another she slips and falls on top of her kissing her on the lips for a few seconds embarrassed she hops off of her blushing from what just happened she then turn back before she could get up and kisses her again this time with passion as she lassed her finger into hers
As Alice had questioned her she felt their breasts rub against each other, nipple to nipple, just then the girl lost her balance and slipped onto her, kissing her. Her eyes grew big with shock and surprise. She had never been kissed before let alone like this. She was blushing heavily as the girl got up and turned her back to her embarrassed before turning back to her and kissing her again, this time with passion and her fingers on her paws. She was taken aback, but closed her eyes and returned the kiss, not really know how to react to this.
Alice had not idea why but she removed her clothes then began to suck on her nipples tasting her flesh pulling on them with her teeth as she rubbed them toying with her body as she pleased feeling the warmth from the fire and her body "Espeon your so warm could you keep me warm like you are" she had said with her head on her breast with her hands rubbing them playfully smiling as she saw how Espeon reacted to her touch and then asked "do you like how i touch you?
She watched as Alice removed her cloths and then began playing with her nipples. She felt a slight nip on them as the girl began to suck and pull on her nipples now. "Nnnn..." She said as she wrapped her tail around the girls body. She didn't know how to feel about this, but it felt so... Good... "It feels... Good..." She moaned slightly as her tail then started to rub slightly against the girls lower region. "Nnnn... I want you so bad... And I don't know why..." She said as she looked down at the girl.
Alice had rubbed her breasts for a good time tell she saw that her nipples became hard she began to rub and pull on them seeing how sensitive her breasts were she grabbed her tightly when she had rubbed her pussy with her tail in return she had got her tail wet with her tongue and used its double point end siding one side into her pussy with the other side into her as using her tail as a dildo use it to dig deep inside of her wet pussy as she tried to get her to spread her legs open for were she could lick her pussy as she rubbed her legs hoping the simulation help .
The little Espeon had opened her legs up so that her soaking wet pussy would get attention now too as Alice had inserted part of her tail inside of her. Her body was sensitive and hot, burning hot. "Ahhh... Nnnn... Yess...." She moaned out as the girl had began to lick her pussy now and rub her legs, making the juices flow more out of her body. She closed her eyes as the girl continued to work on her body, every lick was sending jolts of pleasure up her spine.
Alice had spread her pussy open with one hand then began to licked Espeon cunt running his tongue all the way up and down on the outside and stick her tongue inside of her moving her tongue on the inside tasting her juices that flowed out of her wet pussy then asked when she was sticking her three of her finger inside of Espeon as she twisted them side to side "could you play with mine it is starting to get cold from the air" then started to suck on her nipples some more nipping as them with her teethas he fingers were in side of her.
She moaned loudly as Alice began licking and fucking her with her fingers, hearing that the girls' was needing attention too she began moving her tail in and out at a slow rate at first, then speeding up slightly. "Nnnn.... Like this?" She moaned as she spread her legs more, leaving herself more open now to the girls' every desire.
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