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What I'm in the mood for (Plots, Pairings and Kinks)

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Mar 9, 2009
Ok, so it's probably about time I whipped up a simple request thread so I can try and get some games going. Here is where I'm going to list kinks, scenario's, plots and pairings that I'd particularly enjoy playing.
If you don't see something in particular that you like, then don't let that put you off. Chances are I simply haven't through of it or maybe haven't tried it yet. If you want something, let me know and I'll see if it's something I'd be interested in.

So without further ado, let's move on shall we?

Harry Potter, Naruto or Bleach roleplay.
Tentacle roleplays where I play the victim. Particularly looking to play a male victim (or at least someone that starts as a male) here in a submissive role. Will play female/futa victims aswell though.

Just a quick before message to point something out since I've got a few messages about it.
Firstly, I'm afraid I don't use any messenger programs for roleplay or chat. My schedule tends to be too hectic for them to be a reliable roleplay medium, and I tend not to bother with them enough for using them as a chat medium.
Also, I roleplay only in threads, I don't roleplay through PM's. I've had a few instances of PM's not being sent/received, or sending when only half done, so I just can't trust them as a reliable roleplay medium. Therefore, thread roleplays only I'm afraid.

The Kinks
Makes sense to start with these first, since they'll apply to pretty much everything beyond.
  • Hetero
    Yaio (Or Yaoi? I never can get a definite answer on that)
    Yuri (But not just vanilla Yuri, it needs something to spice it up)
    Transformation (This is a very wide kink. It includes things like a girl turning into a futa, breast expansion, penis growth on a man, muscle growth, growing extra body parts like more breasts or more cocks, and also growing animal body parts on humans like tails and wings. Of course if you want to try some other kinds of transformation, let me know!)
    Pregnancy/Risk of Pregnancy
    Excessive cum (The more the better!)
    Romance (What? Just because it's all weird and kinky doesn't mean it can't be romantic sometimes!)
    Macro Breasts
    Macro Cocks
    Were-Creates (Ok, whilst I don't mind Werewolves, they're just a tad overdone. I prefer more exotic creatures myself. Just no spiders)
    Mpreg (I've never actually done this before, but would love to give it a go)

The No-No's
These are the things I absolutely, positively will not do no matter how much you beg me. Sorry, but they just aint my thing.
  • Scat
    Sexual Violence/Gore (A little scratching or biting is fine, but nothing more extreme than that)
Furries/Anthro's - Not exactly a huge turn off, but right now I'm just not in the mood for full-on anthro's/furries. Neko's and humans with a few animal features (Ears, wings, tails, etc) are fine, but not the all out anthro type furries at the moment please.

Ok, time for some lil plots I have that I'd like to play

  • NEW!
    I need a cum dump
    In this roleplay, I play a shy futanari girl who has gone through life as normal as she can, managing to keep her secret. However now that she's around 16 years old, she's began to suffer from 'arousal attacks' at various points throughout the day. During one of these attacks she begins to become more and more aroused to the point of it becoming uncontrollable. The only way to end the attack is for the girl to sneak off and relieve herself. Whilst this has worked for a few weeks, the girl is finding it harder and harder to relieve herself using just her hands.
    This is when your character (who can be male or female) will discover the girl in the midst of her attempt. Rather than freaking out, you question the girl and discover her problem, then offer to help her with the relief she needs, an offer that the girl eagerly accepts.
    What the two soon discover however is that the futanari girl becomes a little different when she's not alone. She suddenly becomes capable of producing literal bucket loads of cum when she's with another person, and her cock is capable of growing even larger than its already impressive size.

    This plot will need someone interested in LOTS of cum (at a minimum measured in litres), along with heavy inflation. Other kinks can be added to, so PM to discuss.

    My secret
    I will play a shy, lonely high school guy who lives alone with his single mother, who is often away working and so leaves her son alone.
    As this boy has no friends, he has to entertain himself. However instead of the normal high school male hobbies of video games or sports, this boy likes to dress himself up like a girl and go out in public. One of his favourite outfits is the schoolgirl outfit, pulling on the blouse and short skirt, doing up his hair and heading out into town. He loves the thrill of wearing womans clothing and even moreso loves the thrill of going out in public. He's terrified of being discovered, but loves the excitement that terror brings.
    One day however, he seems to have been discovered. By chance he encouters one of the most popular girls in town and the way she looks at him makes it appear like she has recognised him. However instead of saying anything, she simply smiles and walks away, leaving the boy terrified that his secret is about to be exposed to the entire school.
    The next day however, the girl simply comes up to him and class and tells him to meet her in the gymnasium after school, in his schoolgirl outfit, and not another word.
    When the boy goes to meet her, she then reveals to him that she too has a secret, she's a futanari! She explains she needed to tell someone her secret, and he is the best person since he too has a big secret that he wants nobody to ever know. And of course, all of this is bound to lead to lots of futanari fun.....

    In this game I'd like to play the crossdressing guy and I would like you to play the futanari girl. We can work in different kinks and things depending on what you're into. If you'd like we could even perhaps bring in some other characters who discover the two students' secrets......

    Make my lover a monster
    In this roleplay I would play a girl whilst you play a guy. The two have been dating for a few months now and both of them are rather timid and shy most of the time, to the point that they had known each other for over a year before they finally started dating and having sex. Unfortunately, the sex has already become somewhat routine and the girl is starting to worry that both of them are going to become bored of the relationship. One day however, she finds a strange store in town and against her better judgement decides to go inside. In the store, she comes across and aphrodisiac that guarantees to "Make your partner into a love monster" with just a few drops. On impulse, the girl buys it and hurries home to the apartment she shares with her boyfriend in order to prepare a special dinner for him.

    That night, rather than just add a few drops of the aphrodisiac to her boyfriends drink, she empties the entire thing into it, figuring that her timid boyfriend needs an extra dose.
    Dinner goes normally, with the boy ingesting the entire dose of aprhodisiac, and at first it seems to have the desired effect, the boy becoming rather frisky and a little more sexually aggressive than normal. Once they get to bed however things start to happen. The boyfriend starts to.....change. At first he seems to be growing more muscular and even more well endowed, but as time goes on the changes begin to become more and more extreme, turning her boyfriend into a somewhat literal 'love monster'......

    This could go a few ways. The boyfriend could become something like a tentacle monster, or some other kind of mythical monster creature. As I said I'd like to play the girl and I would like you to play the boyfriend who later transforms. We could work out all kinds of kinks with this, and even have the girl change some due to secondary effects of the aphrodisiac after making love to her boyfriend.

    Time to rebuild my clan
    As you may have guessed, this is a Naruto based roleplay. Basically, Sasuke has decided that the time has come to rebuild his clan, making it bigger and stronger than ever. To that end, he decides to gather the strongest female ninja that he can and use them to birth a new generation or two of Uchiha's.
    I'd quite like to play Sasuke in this one, perhaps starting as he begins to gather and impregnate the various girls. They're reluctant at first, but eventually they become his more than willing fuck toys, cum dumps and breeding machines, each one competing for his next load.

    Magic Academy
    A secret school exists purely for the purposes of teaching students the art of magic, with each student specifically selected when they are born with the touch of magic, then invited to the academy at the age of 15 when their magical abilities begin to manifest.
    All of the students and staff at this school are female, as only females are ever touched by magic. Throughout history, there has never been a man capable of even the tiniest fraction of magical ability....until now.
    My character is the first boy that has ever been born with magical ability, and now he has been invited to the academy. The problem is, they think he's female, and the school has so much historical tradition that they would never accept a male student. And character is left with no choice, disguise himself as a female in order to attend the academy. Of course he must carefully disguise and hide his secret, nobody can know that he's a male, or expulsion may be the least of his worries....

    In this plot I'd like to play the male that comes to the academy and I'd like you to perhaps play as a female student.
    I'd love for this plot to include kinks like futa, transformation, tentacles and all that kind of thing, or at least some of them, hehe.

    Where am I?
    My character is a regular high school teenage girl who loves to read and study, though it has a cost in terms of friends, the girl a simple loner who spends her time in the library. One day whilst looking for something new to study in the city library, the girl comes across a very old and rather strange looking book. Upon closer inspection, she discovers the contents are in some incredibly old language that she doesn't recognise. The girl attempts to read a few passages from the book, which suddenly unleashes a bright vortex of light, which suddenly sucks the girl in and closes behind her.
    When the girl awakes, she finds herself in a very different place, in a completely new world....

    The new world can be mostly anything we imagine. Maybe it's a place very similar to the real world, but inhabited by non-humans. Or maybe even a world populated entirely by futa girls.
    Or perhaps it's something totally different like some kind of ancient fantasy land of monsters and magic, or even an alien world!
    I would like to play the regular girl who gets sucked in through the vortex in this one.

    Alien Abduction
    Something just a tad different to what this might sound like. Rather than an alien coming and abducting a human, you play as a human ship captain (male or female) in the far future who comes to an alien world and abducts one of the alien inhabitants, my character, for the purpose of studying them.
    The crew soon discover that this alien race has a rather unstable genetic structure, and their bodies are capable of absorbing virtually any alien DNA that is introduced, with their bodies quickly mutating to adapt to the new DNA.
    The introduction of human male DNA could cause any number of effects, from growing a penis on a female alien to something more simply like changing her height a little. The consumption of meat could lead to her taking on animal traits or a similar effect could be achieved simly by injecting her with the blood of the ships pet cat!

    As I said, in this game I'd like to play the abducted alien, whilst I would like you to play the human captain and maybe some of the other ships crew. I'd be happy to play some other aliens too.
    This is a heavy transformation based roleplay, so you'd need to be into that in order to go with this plot.

Fandom Series
These are the series I'd be interested in doing roleplays based upon, allong with some particular favourite pairings. Of course if you want a pairing you don't see, just ask. The pairings below are simply some slightly more unusual ones that I'd like to try.
A character in bold is the one I would like to play. If no character is bold, then I can play either.

  • Naruto
    • Naruto/Temari

    • Ichigo/Karin

    Harry Potter
    • Trio Era
      • Ron/Ginny

      Marauders Era
      • James/Sirius

Well that's all I can think of right now, but perhaps I'll add some more in later!
If anything here interests you, then please let me know!
I'd be interested in Where am I? ^_^
Is a world inhabited by furries okay with you? With a medieval timed setting?
Do you Dom for either Yaoi ,and it is Yaoi or 8001 if your somewhere in public XD, or Yuri?
You have a REALLY bad image hosting site blocking every picture. I would suggest either changing hosting sites or just Hyperlink the image from its original site.

on a lighter note... Ginny // Hermione seems interesting to me.
I would be quite interested in working out a Naruto x Temari role-play. I would prefer to play Naruto in this one, and if you are interested just shoot me a PM and we can work out details for the setup. =]
Bump for a new plot entitled "My Secret" that I'm currently craving.

And yup, I know the images aren't working. I may take them out if I can't relocate and upload the pictures again to a new source.
It's a real shame. Your stuff seems to be right up my alley but I really don't RP over threads. If you change your mind or would like to come to a compromise, let me know.
I'm afraid I only roleplay over threads >< I've had too many problems with PM's to use them as a reliable method of roleplaying.

Also, added a new plot entitled 'I need a cum dump' that I'm currently craving.
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