A Not So Normal Day in Azeroth... [P a n d i s i m o x Himeko]


The wolf who serves
Mar 11, 2011
The sunlight beamed down on the young elf. Himeko Kiryu was being woken up by her wolf Haji as he was tugging on her leg to wake his mistress up. "Nnnn... Knock it off Haji..." He barked loudly as he continued to try to get her out of bed. "Damnit! Fine I'm up! I'm up!" Getting out of bed slowly as she looked at the clock. "Fuck! I'm late!" She was supposed to meet her friend at 10:30am and it was almost 10 already! She rushed around to get her cloths as she tried to not waste anymore time.

Finally dressed she headed out the door with Haji following behind her. "Damnit I cannot believe I overslept!" She cursed as she ran into town. She was average hight for a Night Elf, her breasts were a little bigger than normal, but to her they were perfect size. She had long black hair that she kept tied up in a ponytail. She had unique markings on her face, rare markings. Passing the Storm Wind guards as she ran further into town she had finally reached her friend. "Sorry I'm late." She said as she smiled softly.
[size=-2]This wasn't the first time her friend had been late for one of their meetings. Though it didn't upset the draenei 'girl' too much. She stood at their meeting spot, a large smile on her face as various people passed by. She had quite an aura about her, one of seduction. She was just confident in herself, though still naive in such pleasures. She was a young priestess, so she had never really been allowed such things. However, she was no normal woman either. Beneath the thing cloth robes she wore today for their meeting, and underneath the small, light blue boy shorts she was wearing. Was a rather large gift that she kept hidden from everyone.

The draenei shifted her hips, her butt moving with her, causing her tail to sway. Having no idea what she was doing to all the males that were passing by. The thin robe didn't do much to hide her cleavage. Not having the largest breasts, but enough for her tastes, sitting at a small c cup. Finally she saw her friend approaching, and temptation rushed through her. She blushed as she watched the girls breasts bounce, and hips sway. Coming closer to greet her. "That's okay dear. It's not the first time.." Cerrah giggled and took her friends hand in her own, not really aware what it could mean. "Where should we go to eat?"[/size]
Her friend was a beautiful sight and all the men would always stop to stare at her. Cerrah was always the center of attention, Himeko in many ways stood no chance against her when it came to that. Which was fine, they had been childhood friends and she could never REALLY envy her friend too much. "I really hate over sleeping like this though..." She said as she approached her friend with a goofy, yet disappointed grin on her face. Childhood friends or not, they had never been naked in front of each for it was forbidden, with Cerrah being a priestess and all. "Hmmm... I picked last time so it's your turn to pick I believe." She said cheerfully.
[size=-2]Cerrah was rather well known throughout the alliance, as was her friend Himeko. Both of them doing their best to be be top of their class. So it was no surprise that a lot of people waved at them as they passed. Though for sure, the men that waved didn't have only that on their minds. With two very beautiful women to indulge their eyes. "Oh phoo, you know I hate choosing." She huffed and blew out her cheeks a bit with glassy eyes. Though she was only teasing. Without thinking too much about it, she took her friends hand in her own and lead her down the main district of Stormwind, crossing one of the bridges over to the purple roof tops of the mage district. "I heard about this place that just opened up here, run by all mages...so hopefully they can conjure up some fun stuff for us." She giggled, giving her friends hips a bump with her own. Her own large breasts bouncing a little with each step. [/size]
Himeko never was the one to gloat about her beauty but she did like it when they would stop to stare at her sometimes as well. For years Himeko had done her best to be the best hunter for the Alliance. With recent times and not having so much leisure time due to Death Wing coming back, it was hard for the both of them to have the time off like this. So it was nice to get the free time like today. "Well if I recall, when we started this it was you who offered to switch turns of picking out where we ate next." She said smirking as she patted her friend's back slightly. "Oh? I heard about that too. Isn't that the one the king had opened personally?" She asked as she was trying to imagine the place. She couldn't help but look down at her friends breasts as she bumped into her. 'Is it me or did they get bigger the last time I saw her?' She asked herself in her head then looked back up to where they were going as to not draw attention to herself.
[size=-2]"Mhm the one the king ordered." She giggled cutely, squeezing Himeko's hand lightly and smiling over at her. In truth their meeting this time was a bit different. Cerrah had grown a lot since the invasion of Deathwing. The time she had spent alone in the field had really worn on the woman. And her temptations were growing more than heavy. Himeko had been her friend for as long as she could remember, and Cerrah was quite set on giving into those temptations with the woman she trusted the most. As they approached the restaurant, Cerrah laced their fingers together. She wasn't sure if her little attempts at seduction were working, she was rather new to the idea. "Shall we then dear?" She smiled as she held the door open for her friend.[/size]
She blushed slightly as her friend squeezed her hand slightly. She never saw her friend as anything other than a friend or sister, but she felt something... Odd. As if she was becoming attracted to her. Shaking her head she walked with Cerrah. Haji wasn't allowed inside so he had to wait outside for them, rules and all. She walked inside and smiled as Cerrah had opened the door for her. "Thanks hun." She said sweetly, she was kinda getting the hint that her friend was hitting on her slightly, but thought it was just her imagination as she found their table and pulled the chairs out for the both of them. "Anything you see on the menu you might like?" She asked as she handed Cerrah her menu then opened hers up.
[size=-2]Cerrah smiled, thanking her friend warmly when she pulled out the chair for her. She took her seat, making sure to bend enough in front of the girl so that she may get a better view of her cleavage. She picked up the menu, her innocent smile still on her lips as she began to read through. Spotting almost immediately the lava bake clams from the firelands. She had heard they were a bit of an aphrodisiac. "Mmh, nothing as far as entree goes yet, but how about we get some of these clams for an appetizers..." She raised an eyebrow to her friend. Not sure if she knew exactly the rumor about their effect on a girl's libido. Even after she asked though, she continued to scan the menu for something to eat. Hopefully she would need the energy tonight, if all was to go to plan. [/size]
"Hmmm.... The clams do sound good. I've never had this kind before so it wouldn't hurt to try them out." She said smiling. She noticed a few things on the menu that sounded pretty good to her. "The shoveltusk stew sounds lovely to go with the rhino burger." She commented as she looked up at her friend. She wondered if there was anything else on the menu that interested her friend, she was after all paying this time. It was how it went. The one who choses the place doesn't pay, the one who didn't chose does. It's how they had things figured out.
[size=-2]Cerrah smiled triumphantly. Giggling softly to herself. She had never had such thoughts before, but she could just imagine Himeko getting all bothered, shifting in her seat and such from being betrayed by her body. It made Cerrah blush a little. "Hmm, I was thinking of trying the beer basted crocolisk..." She licked her lips at the sound with a teasing smirk. The waiter coming up now to take their drink and appetizer order. Cerrah, liking to take the lead, quickly spoke up first. "May I have...some of the lava baked clams please?" She watched the woman blush a little and as she went to tell them their effect, Cerrah quickly cut her off. "And also, a tall glass of ale, and some water for me..." She smiled innocently. Looking over to Himeko to continue the order. [/size]
She was curious as to why the waitress blushed slightly and as to why her friend had cut her off when she was explaining the effects to the clams. Shrugging to herself she finished her side of the order and thanked the lady as she walked away. "So uhh... Why'd you cut her off like that?" She asked with a small giggle. Turning to look around at the place she smiled slightly. "This place is pretty nice... I like it here..." She trailed off as the waitress was coming back with their appetizers and their drinks. She loved ale and wondered if the ale here was as good as the other places she had drinken before. "Mmmm... Those clams smell heavily." She replied as the waitress sat them down in front of them. As the waitress walked away she grabbed one of the plates the waitress had left for them and placed one of the clams onto it. "It smells really good Cerrah, what made you decide on the clams anyways?" She said happily as she began to eat the clam on her plate.
[size=-2]"Did I cut her off? Oops...I'll have to apologize when she comes back." Cerrah giggled innocently to herself. Nodding in agreement as they looked around. They had a lot of enchantments through the restaurant. to add to the magical atmosphere, it was nice. And the waitresses were certainly cute. When they brought out the appetizers, Cerrah smiled wide. They did smell good. She watched Himeko scoop one up and eat the delicacy. Giggling softly to herself as she did the same before giving a little innocent shrug. "I've just never tried clams before, and I had heard that this place had very good ones from one of the warriors who invited me to dinner with him here." She nodded, taking another for herself. Watching her friend closely. She knew they'd have the same affect on herself, she hoped she could hide her rather large secret. But she wasn't worried about that for now. "How do you like them?"[/size]
Covering her mouth as she finished her bite she replied, "Simply fantastic! I've never had clams that tasted this good before!" She then finished the clam happily as she grabbed another and began to dig in. After finishing two more she looked at her friend and smiled softly before she began to feel a slight tingle in her lower region. Trying to find a more comfortable spot in her chair she could feel her legs shaking a bit. 'What's going on?' She questioned herself as she took a huge swig of ale. "So, you uhh, came here before huh?" She asked nervously now.
[size=-2]Cerrah giggled, taking a sip of her ale as well. She could feel her own panties starting to dampen a little, so she paused on the clams. Not wanting the more apparent part of her to show. "No no, I turned him down silly, you know I'm not into the whole dating thing.." She shrugged. "Though, there is one person I've had my eye on. Though I know it's naughty!" She laughed, watching Himeko shift in her seat and decided to be a little more forward. She leaned forward slightly to reach for the last clam sitting on the plate. "Want the last one Himeko? I think you like them a lot more than me..."[/size]
Laughing softly she then looked at her friend with questioning eyes. "Oh? Who is it? Is it someone I know?" She asked innocently as she watched her friend reach for the last clam, then pausing, asking her if she wanted it. "If you're sure you don't want it I'd be happy to eat it." She said as she then scooped it up onto her plate and then finished it off. She couldn't help but continue to shift in her seat, she was getting pretty hot and could feel herself becoming very... Wet. Looking around nervously she tried to calm herself down, picking up her drink again she noticed that even her hands were shaking a bit. She looked over at her friend who appeared to be looking out the window, so she was able to take another drink, downing the ale in the process before sitting the empty glass down a bit harder than she intended on.
[size=-2]Cerrah watched the girl take the clam and smiled happily. 'Good girl...' She thought to herself. Shifting her legs a little. Her own panties getting hot now. Maybe not as much from the clams, as much as it was watching her friend. She knew full well what was happening, and she was doing her best to make sure it was her priestess that was on her mind. She bent forward again, showing off her cleavage with a nod. "Mhm, you know Morek...the Draenei warrior, he's been trying to get me out of my dress for some long..." She rolled her eyes with a little giggle. Knowing the thought would only drive her friends onward. Soon Himeko would ask to use the restroom, and Cerrah had no plans in letting her go alone. She paused to look out the window before she heard a loud clunk. She turned to spot the empty mug and giggled softly. "Wow girl...thirsty? Is something wrong?" She pouted slightly at this, but she knew it was something else causing her friend worry. She took her own sip of her ale now and watched her friend with seductive eyes. Waiting for her to react how she wanted her to. [/size]
Her thoughts were wondering to her friend now as she listened to her. "Yeah I remember him. Always sucking up to the king..." She trailed off as she then began looking for the bathroom. She finally found it then turned to her friend, her body starting to shake a lot now. "Uhhh... Yeah, very thirsty... I uhh... Need to go to the bathroom.. Please... Nnnn.... Excuse me..." She said panting slightly now as she stood up and began heading towards the restroom.
[size=-2]"Mhm, and sucking up to me as well..." Cerrah giggled, her friend was obviously losing focus. And she knew exactly what it was from. "Take your time sweetie..." She nodded softly to her friend. Shifting in her seat a little herself as she watched the night elf walk towards the bathroom. Her lovely hips swaying behind her. The waitress returned and Cerrah smiled to her, ordering their entrees and informing the girl that she was going to make sure her friend was alright, and to please not clear the table. Slowly she stood, blushing a little herself as she walked off towards the restrooms. She paused outside the door and leaned against the wall. Wondering what she would find on the other side. [/size]
She went into the bathroom and locked the door behind her, not thinking her friend was behind her. She then went to the back and sat down, undoing her pants and slipping one of her hands down there and began to masturbate, she then lifted her shirt up and popped her breasts out of her bra and began to grope her breasts hard and pinch her nipples roughly. "Nnnn... What's happening... To... Me..." She moaned loudly as she closed her eyes and continued to pleasure herself. Completely unaware that her friend was outside the door, listening to her, knowing she could easily open the door with her powers.
[size=-2]Cerrah's cheeks went dark red when she heard the loud moan. She hadn't expected the aphrodisiac to be this powerful. But she didn't want to get Himeko in trouble. She unlocked the door and slipped it open. Not looking at her friend yet, knowing she'd probably stop in her tracks at the sight, and didn't want the door to be open for that. She slipped inside and shut the door behind her. Locking it once more and adding a little enchantment so that no others could get through. "Tsk tsk Himeko..." She giggled, moving over to the girl now. Hoping she wouldn't stop. Her eyes filled with lust. "What exactly are you thinking of while doing such lewd things?"[/size]
She heard her friend enter and found herself unable to stop pleasing herself. "I... I don't know what came over me... I just cannot help it... Nnnnn... Ahhhh...." She moaned loudly as she looked at her friend with pleading eyes to help her out. "I need help... Cerrah... I cannot control this... Uhhhhnnn... I..." She was cut off as she fell over on the floor really exposing herself as she moved her pants and panties down a little more.
[size=-2]Cerrah blushed at the sight, and she felt a twitch of her girly cock beneath her robes at the sight. She had never really seen anyone else exposed like this besides herself. But the act Himeko was commiting was something Cerrah had never dreamed of being able to partake in. She watched the girl roll onto the floor and tug her pants and panties down a little bit more. "Himeko you naughty girl...are you trying to tempt a priestess?" Her cheeks were deep red now. But she tried her best to feign innocence. She neared the girl and bent, brushing her hair from her eyes and reaching down to tug her hand away from herself. Holding it tight. She knew she was torturing her friend, but she had to get her to submit. She couldn't risk Himeko running to the chapel to tell the priesthood what she had done. Though she doubted her best friend would ever do that to her. She held her wrist tight in her hands and shook her head. "First Himeko...I have to know you can obey...and before that...I have to know that you're okay with something." Cerrah blushed, ready to show her friend something no one else knew about the beautiful Draenei. She lifted her robes up past her thighs and blushed a deep red. The bulge pressing against the panties rather apparent, and the wet spot underneath becoming even more so. [/size]
"I wasn't trying to..." Nnnn.... She looked at her friend with pleading eyes as her friend got closer then brushed her hair out of her face before removing her hand and holding it still. "I'll obey... I'll do whatever you want... Just please... Help me Cerrah!" She moaned out as juices started to pour from her pussy. She watched her friend lift her robes up to reveal a large bulge in her panties and noticed she was very wet below. "I promise to never tell a soul..." She said panting heavily now, just wanting the only person she could ever trust, to take her right then and there.
[size=-2]Cerrah blushed softly, he best friend had hardly seemed surprise at such a secret. But she was horny, it was hard to think straight probably. She giggled at the thought, but shook her head. The was honestly a very new situation for the Draenei, but her primal instincts were taking over. She really couldn't help herself. "You're mine now Himeko...you belong to me in every way..." She winked as she bent and kissed her friends earlobe lightly, tugging down her little boyshorts, letting her hardening girl cock spring forth. She was rather large, and looking over Himeko, she knew it'd be a tight fit. "You know Himeko...there has only been one time I've ever almost given into my temptations. We were young, and were sharing a bed. You thought I was asleep and I knew you were masturbating under the covers. I wanted so badly to offer to help you...do you remember what you were thinking of that night?" She raised an eyebrow, hiking her robes up as she raised her friends hips into the air, moving behind her now. [/size]
"I belong to you Cerrah..." She replied as she blushed and moaned softly as her friend kissed her earlobe before pulling her shorts down and exposing the hardening member. She noticed it was large, larger than what she had seen. Her friend had known her her whole life and knew she had never slept with anyone before. Hearing her friend she began to think back to that time and it was all becoming clear to her. "Ahh... I remember that time well... I was so embarrassed and scared you'd catch me... I didn't know you were awake though..." She replied as she turned a deeper red. "I was actually thinking of you Cerrah..." She answered honestly. Her friend had then lifted her up and began moving in behind her. "I've always wanted you..." She said softly as she felt her juices fully dripping from her body now.
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