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Level 1 Fem/Futa LFRP (Yuri/Futa)

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Mar 14, 2011
Hello, and welcome to my as of now rather bland request page. Hopefully with time this will become a fantastic little show of debauchery.

I'm going to keep this all to little lists and small, quick blurbs. So without further ado...

I Play...
-Mostly Submissive (I can step outside this, but I do not believe I make for a very exciting dom.)

I Play With...
-Creative People
-1-3 Paragraphs of text (I can make exceptions, but I do like some detail. Too much text can slow down a roleplay though, so my usual comfort point is right in there. I also tend to stick to the "Equal Return" rule, so if I get a paragraph, I'll likely stick to that length unless an exception is made.)

-Superpowers/Unnatural Capabilities
-"Wet" Scenes (Like hot tubs, showers, and rainstorms.)

I know there's a whole f-list or rabbit hole sort of deal, but I've yet to fill one out. Honestly, there's a whole world of kink out there that I have yet to explore. I do know my limits (listed below) and I will rarely, if ever, make exceptions.

-Blood (Vampire Nibbles are fine. Combat-induced bleeding is fun. But in no way, shape or form does violence turn me on.)
-Scat/Piss/Vomit (There will be no exceptions here. I'm fine with doing things in the bathroom, especially in the shower, but there is a device for receiving waste. And I'm not it.)
-Pain (Again, combat scenes are certainly going to involve it. But anything more than a gentle spanking, nibbling, or being tossed down on the bed aren't going to "do it" for me.)
-Men (I know there's a lot of guys out there. But I'm just not interested in them. "But N.X... You play as and play with futa, right?" Yes I do. To me, men and futa are quite different. Call it weird, call it a quirk, call it whatever. Males are simply a no-go in a sexual situation.)

Contact Me...
-Via PM, or here. Not too hard, is it?
Bump in hope of new lovin!

And for those that may have PMed me and not gotten a response... The system ate a lot of my messages. Sorry!

If you're still interested, do send again and I'll try my best to read them before the PM system goes om nom nom.

I want to try a RP with a submissive Futa and a dominant Female but I would like to be the Futa. Even if you don’t want to do thus can you explain what you mean by Futa as I know they have erectile tissue basically in the shape of a cock but not whether they can come get pregnant etc.
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