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Seeking Monsters, Fantasy, Sci-Fi!

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Feb 26, 2011
Hey, everyone!

I'll talk about who I am first, at least a bit. I'm 20, in college pursing an English degree, and a bit of a writer. I work a part-time job at a software company, but I'm often on during my work hours. I'm a huge fan of sci-fi, fantasy, and modern paranormal. I am a huge geek, no joke about it. I will ONLY do IM roleplays these days, as it lets me keep track of things more often. If you want my F-List, I will gladly provide! I am looking for males, herms, and females, with no preference towards any right now. I tend to sub, personally, but I do not play any "sit down and do nothing" subs.

As to what I like, I love various non-realistic RPs. I love Fantasy RPs, firstly. It's a love of mine. I started with Tolkein, moved to D&D, and the rest is history. Orcs, goblins, trolls. Hell, even perverted humans to drive into a lush adventurer's body. Dirty fantasy for all! (EDIT: 2/27: I am NOT looking for a DM right now.)

Sci-Fi is also a big love of mine. Star Trek, Star Wars, Mass Effect, all of those are great. Horny Betazeds, lush Jedi princesses, and hot Asari. Gotta love 'em!

And lastly, modern paranormal. I love paranormal romance. Vampires, werewolves, all those. Bonus points if you're willing to do a semi-/non-canon RP based off of the Dresden Files, Anita Blake, Merry Gentry, or the Dark Hunters series!

I do both originals and occasionally, some canons. I read and watch a lot, so I'll be putting the list of my series as an edit later.

But, lastly, I'm on a lot of the time. Shoot me a line, and I'd love to hear from you!

Series/Universes I love!:

Books: Pay careful attention here, these score you all HUGE bonus points
The Dresden Files, by Jim Butcher
The Sentinel Wars, by Shannon Butcher
Dark Hunters, by Sherrilyn Kenyon
Breeds, by Lora Leigh. If you have read this, I will hug you and glomp you and almost beg!
Black Dagger Brotherhood
Anita Blake and Merry Gentry, by Laurel K. Hamilton CRAVING!
Lord of the Rings, by J.R.R. Tolkein
Sherlock Holmes, by Arthur Conan Doyle
Cat and Bones series, by Jeanine Frost

Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Star Trek, in all its various incarnations
The X-Files

Star Wars
The Dollars Trilogy
James Bond

Comic Books:

Video Games:
Mass Effect
Knights of the Old Republic
Red Dead Redemption
Ah, now there's a pity, shame really isn't it?

I'm currently working on a D&D 4th Edition and adapting it into the 4th age of Middle Earth. Just the setting mostly. Although at the rate I'm going I should be ready by next summer... hehe. I do agree, Song of Ice and Fire has it's moments. I must say I like the way HBO has adapted it onto the screen as well. Though again, no better than LOTR. I have used it once to create a rather fantastic world of Vampires, Werewolves, and Elves, but those role plays also died a rather pathetic death. Perhaps it simply is, too good to be used in fan fiction.
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