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How would you like a challenge? (Long term MxF only.)

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Little Pixel

Sep 9, 2009
Where fairies roam free to eat your hair! 8D

  • U P D A T E !
    One thing taken, another added. :3 Enough said.

        • Hello there! Welcome, welcome!

          I'm Little Pixel, you can call me Pixel though. Pix also works. :3

          If you're reading this, I'm guessing the title to the thread intrigued you. I do hope I won't disappoint you! ^^
          Oh, but before anything, I'd like to ask you to read the entire first post. Everything I put up here is important for someone interested in roleplaying with me! So no skippy-skipping!

          First, it may interest you to know that I'm in the GMT/WET timezone (click here to see current time). I'm usually on from 4-5pm to midnight, my time. ^^ Sometimes earlier.

          Now...I am here to make more than just a request thread. I am here to present a challenge to you.
          It's not a hard one, though, not if you're creative.

          You see, I have plots I want to do, perhaps characters I want to play, ideas I want to develop...but to do any of these things, I need creative partners!
          People who aren't afraid of a long-term roleplay, who will take delight in creating an awesome story with me! Roleplayers who fear not, maybe even like my more complex plots! Or of course, those who can come up with plots of their own, or help me my vague (or even my already thought out) ideas.

          Can you do that? Great!
          Now there is just couple more things...

          Literacy, I'm afraid, is very important to me. Not more, but just as much as creativity. I cannot enjoy myself if I can barely understand what you wrote. o_O

          I shall explain my requirements.

          No one liners! They make me sad. ;_; I'm not asking for 10 paragraphs per post - in fact, I prefer to keep things more relaxed - but I NEED something to work with! So 1-3 decent paragraphs per post at least, please.

          Spell, punctuate and use grammar at a decent level, in the least. I'm not asking for absolute perfection (heck, I'm far from perfect, myself) and I'm certainly not not going to freak out over typos or anything, but I can't roleplay with you if your posts have so many errors they make me cringe. x.x

          No chatspeak, no leetspeak, no @fancy~%~$ymb0ls. No **, -- or :: for actions. Don't like them. Thank you. ^^

          Write in the 3rd person, past tense. Present tense I guess is also acceptable...but...yeah, anything else feels weird. x.x

          That's it, literacy wise...

          Now just one more thing I'd like to mention...
          Like I said, I'm more interested in long-term roleplays. However, while this means the roleplay isn't going to be all about sex, sex will happen (how soon and such obviously depends on the plot and how things go. o.o). For reference on what's ok and what's not for me in any sex scene, check these links:
          - F-list
          - RabbitHole

          If you're alright with everything, please do PM me!

          In the next post you'll find current challenges for those interested. Plots, characters, vague ideas, etc. :3
hey pixel sent you another Pm, just hope that we can get a RP off the ground. I would like it if we could do the revolution RP Idea, I have a pre-built OC that fits perfectly.
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