When the last burst ended, Kit kissed Amaya again and said, "found another reason to like zero-g," he stated but it was up in the air if he was asking or stating it. He could feel his body slow down now but the heat was still there. He held himself againt her now, placing his head on her chest and listening to her heart beat. He found he enjoyed hearing her heart beat, in a way, tell him he wasn't alone and had some to go to now. "The thing with the ship," he stated in a low voice, "it wasn't an accident. Someone tried to blow the core, flood the place with radiation." He took in a deep breath and continued, "when I got there, they tried to kill me. Lucky for me, they only hit the radio. When I thought I could get out, I found the door locked and a second person walking away from it; leaving me to die. I was almost so sure I was going to die today. I even told Frank that when something happened to me, he was to make sure to get my pay check to you, help you out some since it wouldn't have gone anywhere; no family to clame it for me or anything." Mind was connecting again with his body and he could feel the emotions rush back to him. For a second, he felt the feelings of being alone, cold, no one to tell him to be safe, to come home okay if not in one piece.