Fate/Phantasm (Skeith Takahata & Nightmare Goddess)

Skeith Takahata II

Lesbian Anarchist
Feb 26, 2009
Though she was living within the foster care system, Reina preferred to make her home in the streets. It was there that she could best serve the people of the city in a way that the corrupt officials never could. She could truly protect them. And now, in the depths of the ally she used to call home, she was about to obtain the power to make her dreams a reality.

She could hear thunder crash overhead as she began drawing the last of the summoning circle in her own blood. Regretfully, it was the only way she’d ever learned how to perform magic. The circle began to glow a bright red as she took a knee before it. She set the blade of her knife against the palm of her hand and drew a small amount of blood to give life to the spell. “By my words, come forth and be my sword. Grant me the power to make the world a safer place.”
((I won’t be able to introduce my servant til after the summoning.))
Bella sat quietly in the shadows of her attic. She had long since completed the summoning circle and all necessary preparations. But now she contemplated in silence, her eyes locked on some point across space. She had always hoped to wait until she'd found her parents murderers and made them pay. But now time was running out and she had to act. Hesitance kept her from approaching the circle up to now....strange, it was something she'd never felt before. And it was something she needed to squash...perhaps it was simple anxiety, after all she was about to engage herself in a war in order to start an even bigger one. Of course, anxiety was normal.

"Enough." She whispered, as though convincing herself before standing. She was wearing a simple outfit in all black consisting of a thigh-length pleated skirt and a long sleeved, turtle neck sweater. Black leg warmers rested atop her black school shoes. She approached the circle and held out her hands. Power began to visibly surge inside the circle as she concentrated. Violet arcs of energy arced within the circle and danced along her hands and from her irises.

"By my will, come forth and be my sword. Give me the might to shake the heavens so they may know their place!"
Rising from the glowing circle was a figure clad in a bluish glow. The figure was clearly female. As the magic began to fade, her feet touched the ground. As the colored glow faded her clothing and armor had begun to form over her figure. When the magic faded entirely the woman stood in metal plate, her eyes closed as her hair fell into place. A perfect summoning.

As her eyes opened she kneeled before her master. A cool breath escaping her lips. "I am the saber servant summoned to bring the grail to my master. Are you the one who summoned me?" She questioned as her piercing blue eyes rose to meet that of her new master. She could feel her power returning to her body and judging by the amount of power she had, she could tell that master before her had the mana to support her and then some to spare. She was truly fortunate to have been summoned by such a master.
As the circle reached full intensity a form rose. It was crouched, but as the energy subsided and the light faded the form solidified and a female could easily be discerned. She rose up to her feet in a large stretch, a light squeal escaping her lips. She had a light, golden scaled breastplate that contained a sizable bust. A loose, long sleeved, red silk shirt lay beneath it. And a pair of very baggy breaches made of the same material covered her legs, sealed at her ankles by silken gold wraps. Her feet were bare.

"Well! It's about time! You must be my master right?" The woman draped her arms over her staff which rested on her shoulders. Significant power was coursing through her body, which gave her high hopes for this war, even though the woman she assumed to be her master seemed....ordinary. Not to mention the odd locale of her summoning....but hey, looks were deceiving.


"Yes. I summoned you." Her servants eyes were like icy-blue daggers. But she refused to shift under their gaze. The Saber was drastically different from herself, and somewhat imposing. A strong, tall woman, strikingly beautiful in an exotic sense. She was well schooled, and due to the blonde hair and blue eyes, and her features she imagined that she must have come from Europe, though what time and specific place remained to be seen.

"My name is Bella Jaice. And I hope you are ready to shake the heavens Saber." She held out her hand politely, taken in by a mixture of attraction and her own dramatic personality. "Because I intend to rock the world before this war is done." Then she giggled darkly, realizing how silly she must have sounded.

"I must apologize. This is just such a big day for me and I forgot my manners. What name do you go by?"
Her eyes were wide with awe as the servant appeared before her. She swallowed back her intimidation before rising to her feet. "I am." She said with a small nod. "M-my name is Reina Chipple." She looked over her servant. She was absolutely stunning and for lack of a better word... Epic. Just as the description of the servants may have suggested. She wrapped her bleeding hand with the bandages she had brought with her.

She cleared her throat before standing straight up. "I desire the grail and I have summoned you to help me to retrieve it." She said with a serious expression. Though her face was straight her eyes betrayed her hidden anxiety. She was intimidated by the immense power that this woman flaunted.
The servant looked upon her new master with a mixture of fear and concern. She seemed unstable, possibly dangerous. "That question is easily asked but difficult to answer. As it's answer depends on whose name you desire." She remained in a kneeling position, her gaze remained fixated on Bella. "At present, I am Hilde. Fallen Valkyrie of Odin." She lowered her gaze after a moment. "This body, blade, and war belong to Hervor, descendant of Arngrim and keeper of Tyrfing. She, however, is not available at this time."

Hilde questioned her wisdom, providing such an unstable master with such information as to say she'd managed to summon two epic spirits in one. However, lying would lead to further complications. Bella reminded her of her host, Hervor. The thought of Hervor being teamed with such a powerful mage was a dangerous thought. Hervor was a loose cannon.
Sun Fei Ling
Fei Ling's eyebrow quirked when she saw her master wrap her bloodied hand. Blood? Somehow she simply knew that it had been used in her summoning. That was dangerous ground this master tread upon, but if she could harness it to cast so powerful a spell as a summoning....she was powerful indeed.

"And help you I shall...Reina." Fei Ling took a step forward and leaned in towards Reina, she took a good long whiff and sighed. "You smell of blood Reina. Blood and power." She straightened up and locked eyes with her master, then grinned widely.

"Both good smells!" It was in her nature to be lighthearted, especially now to soothe her master's anxiety. Fear was an obvious smell, but this Reina kept it in check, which was more than admirable.

Bella Jaice
Bella held firm under her servant's gaze, which was now one of concern. Bella was quite good at reading people, and she could understand how one might be taken back by her previous statement. She was kind of in a daze of emotion when the other woman's words cut through the fog.

"Tyrfing...Hervor..." Two servants? Was that even possible? Her mind reeled.....this....this....was far better than she had hoped. This was unreal. She knew she was powerful. But two servants? Had that ever even happened before her?

"Tyrfing...a Valkyrie." Bella regained her shaken composure. This was amazing, but it changed nothing. Her goal remained the same. She took a step forward and reached out, placing her hand against Tyrfing's cheek. "Well then I suppose I shall meet her later. Until then let me say how excited I am to have summoned you. Such power, and such beauty. That is something we both share it seems...."
Reina flinched when the woman raised her voice. It wasn't like her to be so frightened, but she knew what servants were capable of, especially if fueled by her mana. At least it was apparant that this Lancer was light hearted. It would make it easier to cope with the intimidation. "Thankyou for your reassurance." She looked around, as if to be certain no other masters or servants were in the area. "May I inquire as to the identity of my new partner?" She asked. She chose the word partner rather than servant to try to maintain a friendly relationship with the powerful woman.

Hilde didn't resist her master's approach, nor the hand at her cheek. She listened to her master's words. They were quite similar to the ones spoken to her by Hervor when first they met. Her gaze fell as she exhaled quietly. "So it would seem, Master. So it would seem." Her hand instinctively wanted to reach for the hilt of Tyrfing, more for security than for assault. However, this was her new ally.

Why couldn't Hervor have been the dominant persona at the time? Hervor would have loved this. It was difficult for a Valkyrie to act subservient to anyone other than Odin even more so for such a dangerous master.
"Partner? Well that is quite civil of you!" Most masters as she understood didn't come to any level of mutual respect until they had seen their Servants in action. This girl was definitely unlike most, she had the smell of one who lived a hard life, a self forged success. Though her success was rooted in a very potent, and dangerous magic. All in all it was quite intriguing. She planted her staff into the ground and jumped up, perching on the end with one foot.

"My name is Sun Fei Ling. You may call me Fei...or Ling. Either works just fine." She looked down on the young lady, she was attractive, pale skin, white hair, and blood red eyes. That was a sign of just how much power she had...even if the girl didn't know it. "So tell me Reina. I'm new to this time...and I can't sense any other Servants around....so what will be your pleasure? What do you do for fun?"


Bella noticed that her servant had an air of caution up like a wall. It seemed to be directed towards her....that was understandable. She pulled away and turned around, walking to the far wall of her attic and standing in front of the window.

"Tell me Hilde. What do you want from this war?" She asked coldly and directly. A feeling in her gut said that she was far from having trust with this woman she summoned. So she would play no games, no manipulation, no fancy speeches. Either her true intentions laid bare would win this Spirit over or they would drive her away....though she didn't know how that worked exactly.

"I want to bring heaven down to bear the weight of it's sins. The powers that be remain above the clouds, dealing in fate and crushing lives whenever they see fit to do so. I am tired of that arrogance. Whatever right they think they have to play with the lives of humans I intend to rip from their hands and cram it down their throats!" She turned around to face Hilde. Her eyes burned with power again, violet energy dancing from her irises.

"If this intention does not suit you then tell me now....for I will achieve this with....or without your help." She stepped forward several paces, closing the distance between the two of them. "But I would very much like your aid...and I fear I will not live through this without it.." With that last sentiment she let down her guard a bit, hoping Hilde would feel the sincerity of her words as well as their intensity.
Reina watched with amazement as the rod penetrated the concrete. Her amazement was equal when seeing Fei balanace on the other end of the staff. Reina cleared her throat again. "Yes well... My life never gave me much room for fun." She she said honestly with a small shrug. "I spend most of my time at the arcade. It's a cheap way to entertain myself when I'm not busy."

She looked down at her knife again. How many lives had she taken at this point? Five, six? Maybe more. She kept telling herself it was for the greater good. That she was weeding out the criminal element. But to the rest of this city, she was a serial killer.

"What about you Fei, what did you do to entertain yourself in life?" She asked with an honest curiousity. She had never been outside the country before, much less seen or studied an older time period.
"I too have an issue to raise with the heavens." She said honestly. "Though not with the intention of it's destruction. I stand wrongly accused and desire to see justice paid. My wish of the grail is simple. I wish simply for a chance to confront my traitorous kin and redeem myself in the eyes of Odin." She lowered her gaze again, fearing her answer was not satisfactory. "With my name cleared, I will be able to rest in peace."

She turned her eyes back onto her master. "We both seek entry into heaven, albeit for different reasons. Until then, I'm certain that we can work together." She gave a silent nod. "Though to be honest, Hervor is the spirit summoned. I do not expect to recieve a wish of my own for claiming the Grail. This is Hervor's war and Hervor is more likely to join you in your quest for vengeance. As she too has been stained by it's insidious touch."
"Arcade? That word didn't register any meaning for Fei so she dismissed it. She caught the brief glance her master made towards her blade. That was some serious baggage this girl was carrying, the weight on the girls conscious was almost tangible. She had always been a goodhearted person when not fighting. During battle she became something of a monster, but outside she loved meeting people and traveling with them and learning all about their lives. Helping them if she could, teaching them a lesson if they deserved it, loving them if they wanted her to, and easing their pain when it was to much. She had a feeling she would be helping this girl bear a great burden in the near future. Her thoughts were interrupted by Reina's question.

"What did I do for fun?" Unfortunately she was also absent minded and was already lost in answering the question. "Well I used to travel a lot, treasure-hunting, seeking out martial challenges to test my skills, a nice jug of wine and a warm body always helped pass the nights as well." She hopped down off her staff and with a twirl it shrunk down to the size of a baton, she then stuck it through a loop in her belt and dropped her arm around Reina's shoulders.

"Well then? What shall we do to pass the night?" She gave Reina a playful squeeze. She was very soft and hug-able, she would not be against sharing Reina's warmth at all, if the young woman enjoyed that sort of vice. "Adventure? Treasure hunting? Fight? Or perhaps we can find a good brothel and stir up some entertainment!"


Bella stood very still for awhile after Hilde finished. She was thinking deeply. What at first seemed a blessing, now may be a serious problem. She had yet to meet Hervor, so she was not willing to make plans on a possible ally, and this Hilde was clearly an ally only most of the way. Even if she fought alongside Bella all the way to the gates of heaven it would still be for naught if she turned against her once inside. This was disconcerting, perhaps she had placed to much on the hope that her servant would share her intent. Still....she would not be swayed. Already plans were laying out in her head, backups, trump cards, failsafes all to ensure she achieved her goal, whether her enemy was another master, Hilde, or the powers that be.

"Well. I suppose that is better than expected." Bella closed the distance until she was looking up at the Valkyrie. "Then we shall be allies until we reach heaven's gates. Once through I hold you to no obligation towards me, even if that means you become my enemy. Will that be satisfactory?"
"Brothel?" Reina knew the word, but it wasn't one frequently used any more. "They wouldn't let me in a place like that. They cost money and I'm too young." She realized quickly that the way she worded it was that she was willing if she were able. She quickly shook her head as a blush formed on her face. "Wh-what I meant to say was that I'm not entirely sure it's appropriate."

She rubbed the back of her head. "I'm sorry. That was rude. I'm..." She eventually gave up on trying to make sense of what she said and breathed out quietly. What was she being so shy about? She wasn't a virgin, and this woman came from another time. Such entertainment was normal for a warrior. She cleared her throat after a moment. "I leave our first night's activites in your hands, Fei." She gave a wave at the humble allyway. There was a couch she kept in decent repair and a couple of crates that doubled as end tables. "As a guest in my home, I am your host and shall entertain you as you see fit."



Hilde watched the woman's approach with concern. She nodded in response to her question. "I am in no position to dispute your commands. So I will do as you see fit." She said with another nod. "I will remain in your charge until we've penetrated the gates of the beyond. We will see what fate holds for us beyond that point." Their temporary alliance should work to both of their advantage. Though, Hilde could feel this woman's power and feared her becoming an enemy. She didn't bare even remotely close to the same physical power of the servant, but she was extremely powerful as a mage.

She lowered her gaze from that of her master before speaking once more. "When you seek to sleep I will stand watch and make sure our enemies do not launch any form of pre-emptive strike." She straightened herself after a moment. "The saber class is fabled for having the most power for a reason. None will breach the perimeter." Her gaze returned to that of Bella. "In the mean time, what would you ask of me, My master?"
"Ooooh really?" Fei grinned widely. "You might want to get to know me before..." She slid her hand down Reina's back and gave her right ass-cheek a firm squeeze. "..giving me such...liberties." She winked and let the girl go before heading down the alley to the couch. "I don't suppose you have any wine at all do you? Or....mead? Not sure what time we're in so I don't know what your word is for it..." She spoke as she plopped down on the couch, it was far more comfortable than it looked...she patted the seat beside her. She had a good feeling about this girl, she got all kinds of red when she talked about the brothel, which was a good sign.

"Maybe getting to know my master is a better plan for now hmm? Then we can work on entertaining ourselves...." She leaned back and waited for Reina to join her, meanwhile she pondered. The young woman had the look of a hard life, and a pained soul. But there was fire in her, a strong desire to do what is right, to protect, to avenge. She was pretty good at judging people....most of the time anyway, she was sure at least one or two of those assumptions were correct. Regardless, she already liked Reina. Perhaps that stemmed from her own inability to do the right thing unless someone was pointing the way. She always respected those with so clear a sense of right, and some of her greatest friends were just such people.

"So? Tell me about yourself pet. Why are you here? Where have you been? What do you like to do, to eat? Do you enjoy the company of men or women? Both? What do you intend to do?" A lot of questions, but she was dying to hear the answers, and she wanted an excuse to watch Reina's body move about....


"I ask to know you Hilde. We will be quite close for some time now...and I would see our rough start be smoothed by any means I possess." Even though they had already declared the possibility of becoming enemies in the future, something about the woman before her made her feel safe....secure. She could very well sleep comfortably knowing she was her sentinel. Though she could imagine many other things the Valkyrie could do for her that would ease her sleep as well....all in good time.

"Please....follow me and I will show you my manor." She gestured to follow and proceeded out of the attic. "My family lived here, before greed and chance saw them all dead. It has been in our bloodline for generations." She made her way downstairs, and came to her lounge. She sat gracefully down on one of her large padded chairs, then motioned for Hilde to do the same.

"Anyways. I would know you. Your powers, your technique, your skill.....everything you are willing to divulge I desire to learn. For the more I know about you, the more effectively I can plan our strategies and aid you in combat with my magic." She looked to her hand for a moment, understanding that after their stare down not minutes earlier, the Valkyrie may be somewhat cautious....so a display of her own abilities may ease the Saber's mind.

"I specialize in Transformation magic and Curse magic." With a small surge of magic her hand transformed, flattening out and extending until it looked like a flesh colored sword. "This is how I have survived until now, and because of this I can defend myself on my own....not forever, but you won't have to be in my shadow every minute of the fight. And my curses, I can hinder the enemy, debilitate them, overwhelm their senses for periods, make them feel whatever I want so long as they don't overpower my will."
Reina was barely able to suppress a squeal of shock at the sudden contact, her facing glowing bright red. She cleared her throat, "There are a few beers in the crate." the first words to leave her mouth were little more than squeaks. The woman's touch had left her a little off balance. "Sorry, they're a bit warm. By law, I'm not allowed to drink yet, so I have to smuggle them, and I never get them refridgerated."

Reina returned her knife to the sheath that clung to her belt. She approached the couch but didn't sit. She was nervous around so powerful a being, but it was more than that. Something inside kept her from sitting down. It wasn't fear, but something very similar. Attraction maybe? It was certainly possible. Fei did have a very exotic beauty about her. There was something more, Fei seemed to understand her, or at least was trying to.

Reina listened intently to her questions. She found Fei's energy level to be refreshing compared to the loneliness of everyday life. "I live here because I have no family. I've never been anywhere else before. It all costs money, and I have none." Reina's body shifted uncomfortably as though she could feel Fei's eyes on her. "Like I said, I usually spend my free time at the arcade. It's the only thing I can afford. My other activities are... Far less discussable." She said as her hand fell to her blade for a moment. "My life hasn't left me with the opportunity for pleasurable company... So I'm afraid that I honestly can't answer that question." Her blush resurfaced momentarily before she moved on to answer her final question. "What do I intend to do? I assume you mean the grail... If we succeed, I intend to ask the grail to grant me the power to make the world a safer place... Or at least this city..."

Hilde gave a quiet nod when she was waved to follow her master from the attic. The rest of the house was far more glorious than the attic she was summoned in. She never could have imagined such a place was located beneath the room she was just in. "I'm terribly sorry for your loss. I pray that what kin of mine remain true showed them to paradise." She followed in silence as she was shown to the lounge.

Hilde moved to sit in one of the chairs, surprised by the comfort she found. She watched in awe as her master's arm transformed into a blade. "I've never seen such sorcery before..." She admitted. Her curiousity was certainly peaked. What was the peak of such a power? What were the possibilities? The limits? All things considered, it seemed likely she'd discover her answers soon enough.

"I'm a Valkyrie, as I had said before. However, due to the rules of the saber class, certain of my magical abilities have been limited or removed. In truth, I would probably have been of a greater benefit as a Rider or Caster class. Though, having been summoned from within Hervor, I do not have that luxury. As I said, this is her war and she only qualified for the Saber, Rider, and Berserker classes." She paused for a moment, realizing that what she said was complicated, she allowed it to sink in.

"I can however speak for Hervor's blade. She patted the sword at her side. "Tyrfing was a magical sword crafted by the dwarves of nordic myth. It was claimed by the warrior Arngrim who slew it's creator. As such, the blade is cursed. It will draw blood whenever drawn from it's scabbard, and inevitably leads to the eventual destruction of it's wielder."
As Reina talked Fei snagged herself a...beer. It took her a second to figure the bottle out but her strength made it easy to twist of the cap. She herself was used to warm drinks, as they didn't have this...refrigeration in her time...whatever that was. The beer was bitter, but foamy. It was new, but not bad at all. Reina seemed uncomfortable, she blushed a lot at the her more lascivious question, which made Fei smile. As for her intent, it was an inspiring one, and troubling as well.

"The world....." She'd known many great warriors and lords who had similar goals, and she knew the strain of achieving it very well. "The world is a heavy burden to bear pet.....even if you had my strength the weight would crush you in a moment....." The world was not a forgiving place in her time. It was brutal and it did not play to the fancies of righteous men, many dear friends died pursuing such dreams. Though everything about this girl said she would not drop her burden, even if it killed her.

"I do not mean to be dark....but I have lost much to such dreams." She closed her eyes and sighed, then smiled. "Which means I can only resolve myself to not lose you." She stood up and polished off her beer, dropped it on a crate and flourished her staff before going to one knee with her fist against the hard ground.

"This may be moot given the circumstances....but I am yours. I will carry your dream until not a breath is left in me or we see it through. Body and soul, should any threaten you I will see them obliterated. If you weaken, I will support you, if you falter, I will catch you. I am yours." It was a strong vow, and one she didn't take lightly. Sun Fei Ling was not one to hand away her loyalty so easily, but this girl was her master and she needed more than a servant. She needed a friend, a confidant, someone to keep her light and warm when the dark and cold grew to much to bear.


Bella listened closely. She was beginning to think that this Hervor may be of more use than Hilde. She didn't like the sound of Hilde's abilities being removed and limited, it meant she couldn't know them until they surfaced. That left them both at a disadvantage. She stayed quiet until the Valkyrie was finished, absorbing the information and already formulating an analysis. The sword seemed their most potent weapon, which it sounded very potent indeed.

"I am concerned Hilde. It would seem I can't do much in the way of formulating strategy until I know more about your abilities. Does Hervor know any more? I do not mean to be rude but I have survived on my ability to analyze my enemies and allies. As of right now all I really know is that you are better suited for another class, your sword is very potent indeed, and your beauty is hard to match." The compliment was unnecessary, but it was part of her nature. She wormed her way into the thoughts and minds of everyone she talked to. Hilde's reaction to her inquiry and each bit of it would tell her much about the woman beyond the icy facade.
Reina recoiled slightly at the sight of the woman taking a bowing position before her. She reached out hesitantly, resting her hand on her shoulder. "I appreciate your expression of loyalty." She said quietly. She took a knee before her as well. "But I would not force you to walk my path." She closed her eyes and sighed quietly. "I summoned a partner and a friend. Not a servant."

She looked the woman over briefly before rising to her feet again. "What about you? You must have your own reasons for wanting the grail. What do you intend to do if we succeed?" She asked. She could feel that Fei's grief was real and it pained her. The world was indeed a painful place one where heroes are meant only to die for a cause which will never come to be.

Hilde sighed quietly. "Forgive me. I promise you, our skill with the blade is second to none." She honestly shuddered at the thought of Hervor having been a Berserker, which was probably the most fitting of classes for the rage-fueled warrior. She thought to herself for a few moments before sighing. "I will turn control over to Hervor. It seems best that you meet her. She is the servant summoned and she is better suited to the discussion of strategies." The Valkyrie fell silent, her blue eyes falling closed as she breathed slowly.

When her eyes opened once more, there was a present arrogance in them. As well as a sign of startling intelligence. She blinked a couple of times before rising to her feet and looking around the room quietly. "Where..?" The voice was certainly a different one. One harsher than the last and filled with malicious intent. She closed her eyes in thought before what had occurred dawned on her. The strange room, furniture, the orbs of light that clung to the ceiling to illuminate the room, she had been summoned for the grail war.

She turned to face the woman who was seated before her. "I am the great warrior Hervor." Her gaze hardened as her hand fell to the hilt of Tyrfing. "Identify yourself or feel Tyrfing's sting!" Her eyes showed intent, which matched eerily with the self-confident smirk that was painted aross her face.
Fei raised her head to meet Reina's eyes. So young, it was clear that the hardships of her life had strengthened her greatly, but she hadn't lost enough to realize how brutal things were going to get. This war was one waged by soldiers just like her, all with causes, most justified. Many youths without parents or childhoods, many young men and women with a dream of a better world and the will to take it. The first time she was forced to strike such a soldier down, dashing their dreams and hopes that she would feel the weight of her own fate. When it happened Fei would not laugh or say "I told you so", she would be there to catch the tears and cushion the fall....

"My reasons?" Fei stood back up, thinking hard. Her expression turned hard as stone and dark as night. For several moments she pondered, searching her soul for something worth fighting for....

"No idea!" She said with a laugh while brushing her nose with her thumb. "I've never really fought for anything for myself really!" Her staff shortened to the length of a walking cane and she leaned on it. "I suppose for now your goal will do....while we fight I can try and find a better one if it exists."


Bella straightened in her seat as Hilde gave control over to her human half. Surprisingly enough there was no spectacle, one moment the Valkyrie was closing her eyes, the next they were open and beheld a very different gleam. The woman stood up suddenly, it hadn't occurred to Bella that Hervor would have no recollection of her summons, however in hindsight it should have been obvious. She stayed silent as the woman, who seemed a great deal less collected and much more emotionally driven than Hilde, took in her surroundings and made the proper connections. And showed not the slightest twitch or flinch when the woman turned on her, a brutal arrogance to her words and mannerisms.

The threat she made was rather empty, Bella had no doubt the woman was an exceptional swordsman and could kill without blinking, however in only a few moments she gained enough to defeat her with ease. This was a woman with justifiable arrogance and a great deal of pride. People as such were among the most easy to manipulate in the world, indeed it seemed that Hervor would make a wonderful puppet while she was in control.

"Calm your rage great warrior, I did not summon the most powerful hero of old simply to lose my chance at destroying the heavens before the war even starts." Each part was carefully chosen, condescension to fuel the woman's irritation, flattery to massage her ego, then a vague hint of intention to bait her interest. "If you would offer me your time....then I believe we have a very pressing mutual interest."
Reina couldn't help but smile a little at how simple her new partner's mind seemed to work. Many might view such a passive take on events to be foolish, but Reina knew better. Their was a wisdom in such thinking and she envied it. "If you've nothing better to ask of the grail... You could request a second chance for life." She wasn't going to go through the hardest battles of her life beside an ally that would only be seperated from her by war's end. "A chance to live again, and explore a new world."

Her suggestion was selfish in origin. She didn't want to lose a new friend. However, in it's roots, she meant well. Being trapped on the throne of heroes until a grail war presented itself could not have been an enjoyable experience. She shook her head before walking over to get a beer for herself, popping the top and sitting down wordlessly. She was sounding more and more stupid with every word, and it seemed easiest to stop talking if their was a bottle in her mouth.

She took several deep gulps from the bottle before setting it down. A gasp for air being released as she pulled the bottle away.

Hervor's hand loosened from around Tyrfing's leather bound handle. Her gaze growing softer as she heard her words. She wanted heaven's destruction? Hervor's own rage feuled quest had begun with her loved ones and fellow clansmen being claimed by fate before their time. Her hatred for the divine was excessive.

"Indeed we do." She said quietly. Her hand returning to her side, she took another cautious look around before taking a seat in front of the woman. "I take it then, that you are my master?" The word master was difficult to say for the warrior, and it left an unwanted taste in her mouth. Her eyes moved over her master's form. It was positively delicious. Perhaps the war would not be as boring as she had thought. "Speak then. I would hear what you have to say." Her voice and posture remained dominant as if attempting to express without words that she was not one to take a subservient role.
"That isn't a bad idea you know.....definitely something to think on...."

By the immortals Reina could be so cute! Without a second of hesitation she was offering so pleasant an option....pleasant indeed. A second life was definitely an enticing thought, there was so much she missed about living, friends, fighting, drinking, and loving. After watching the girl finally take a seat and anxiously down several gulps of her beer something pinched inside Fei's body. With a flick of her hand her staff spun off and embedded into the wall of the alley. Then she gracefully slid in beside Reina on her couch.

"And what do you think I could do with my new life?" She was sitting sideways so she could watch the younger woman drink, her lips trembling slightly as she gasped for air between heavy draws. Fei reached out and brushed Reina's white hair over her ear. She had never been very good at seduction, it just seemed dishonest. She preferred honesty, whatever her feelings were they would either suffice....or they would not.

"You have such pretty hair Reina....you should grow it longer like mine..." It had taken a bit for her body to catch up, but it had been centuries since she'd partaken in sex. And now she was sitting her with so admirable and attractive a young woman that her body was growing hot. In life she was a sexually active woman, she enjoyed having it with multiple partners, but only if they were of sound body and an admirable mind, that was her rule and it served her well. She leaned in close enough to whisper in Reina's ear, her lips only an inch away.

"I would enjoy watching your grow it.....if we survive this...."


Bella enjoyed the way Hervor's eyes danced over her figure, she enjoyed many vices, women were one of them, and the warriors own chilling beauty was more than enough to get her excited. On top of that, the warrior had given her yet another means of manipulating her, desire. She feigned a sigh of relief and swept her hair over her shoulders before speaking.

"My name is Bella Jaice, and yes I summoned you. Though I do not seek some subservient puppet to fight my battles." She closed her eyes and placed her hand on her chest. "I seek a great warrior to be my vanguard against the heavens who's arrogance has left them unchecked for far to long." She opened her eyes again and stood up, moving closer to the woman.

"I desire from the grail the power to burn heaven out of the skies and free mortals from their insufferable meddling." Bella knelt down in front of the woman and gently placed her hands on her right knee. "I have already met with Hilde....she is my ally for now but she will turn on us once we reach Valhalla." She lowered her gaze, gracefully employing her more dramatic side.

"Great warrior, if your skill is any match for your beauty then I will need your blade in battle.....will you help me?"
Reina shived slightly at the contact, her blush growing in intensity slightly. She knew the touch to be affectionate and not hostile, which is all that stopped her from drawing her knife in reflex. "I never really thought about growing my hair out..." She admitted after a moment. "It would just get in my way." She shook her head quietly. Besides, it's not as though she had the means to take proper care of it. It would get tangled and messy and then it wouldn't look very good at all.

Reina took another long drink off of the beer, her eyes growing disappointed when she realized that it was nearly empty. However, having had a full bottle so quickly, and having been such a small figure, it had circulated through her system with ease and she was certainly feeling more relaxed. "You could always stay with me. Well... That is if you wanted to." She turned to face the warrior, a weak smile on her face.

Hervor's eyes watched the woman's approach with both intigue. She enjoyed the way her master moved the way she spoke. In truth any assassin could probably kill Hervor by bating her with sexual attraction. Hervor smiled after a moment. "I would happily lend my blade to your cause. We do have a common enemy." She gave a quiet nod.

"Entering heaven, I'm certain as two different spirits, me and Hilde will split. When that comes I will deal with her." She wasn't sure that on even footing if she could take on a Valkyrie or not, but she was certain she was willing to die trying. Her rage was insatiable. "I would very much so like to know you better, my master. Such information could... Benefit... Our cause greatly..."
Fei giggled at Reina's shyness. Not making fun of it of course, adoring it rather. As the girl nearly finished off her beer Fei could tell it was having an effect, her body was more relaxed, her posture just slightly more loose in a way only another woman could notice. And when Reina turned to her, her lips curled into a warm smile, Fei slid her hand onto her thigh.

"Trust me.....I think I want to...." She whispered before leaning into Reina, connecting their lips together. Fei's body was burning up at this point, Reina had ignited an inferno inside her and it was getting loose. It took everything she had to keep from smothering the young thing, as she didn't want to pressure her new master if this wasn't indeed what she wanted.


"I agree..." Too easy. Hervor was a fortunate development indeed. "But what would you like to know?" She said, feigning innocence. She was sure it would play into the warrior's dominant personality. Though at some point or another she would have to break that, given the circumstances she decided to play it safe and do it slowly, bit by bit.

"I can tell you my abilities....I specialize in Hex and Transformation magic." As she spoke she gave a subtle squeeze and slid her hand an inch or so up from Hervor's thigh. "I am skilled at strategy and the dissection of strengths and weaknesses..." She bit her bottom lip seductively.

"I can go into further detail....unless there was something more specific you wanted to know?"
The contact was alien to Reina but not unwanted. Her eyes widened immediately, though slowly her eyes slid closed as her hesitant hands fell to the warrior's sides. She adjusted herself, so that she was laying back on the arm of the couch rather than sitting straight up, her back arching slightly, forcing their torso's together.

The albino's hands moved to where the buckles for the warrior's breast plate resided and began pulling at the small belts. She pulled away from the woman's lips once she felt the buckles give. "W-wow..." Her speech was shaking and accompanied by heavy breaths. "You sure know how to make a girl feel special..." Reina said with a light chuckle to disguise her own uneasiness with the situation.

Hervor grinned as she watched the woman's hand move along her thigh. The woman was absolutely bewitching. She knew she wasn't as innocent as she was pretending to be, her advances suggested as much. Though as far as she knew, it was raw physical attraction drawing the mage to her. "I think you know what I want to know..." She said as her hand moved brush the woman's cheek. She was so soft... So young... Exactly the kind of woman Hervor enjoyed.

Her eyes danced over the human's form, lust was a clear and easily manipulated weakness in the warrior. She could feel her own heat rising, as her gaze narrowed in displeasure at the modest sweater worn by the younger woman. Though the expression soon vanished. She'd have time enough to see beneath it. She just had to be patient, a thing she admittedly was not good at.
Fei let out a soft moan as Reina leaned back, she adjusted herself as well so she could lean over the girl. The soft hands of her master were like electricity against her hot skin, and as they danced their way over and undid the straps of her breastplate she leaned back. It felt good to let her heavy breasts free, all that was beneath her armor was a very basic Gi-like shirt made of the same red material her pants were made of.

"I've had practice..." She responded to Reina's remark, trying to offer assurance to the inexperienced woman. Though she realized that may have sounded rather off the mark. "What I mean is....I enjoy this....but know that I only do it with those I truly care for or admire...." She lowered herself down, pressing their bodies together and adoring the heat. "And right now there is no one I'd rather be with...." Her right hand slid down and back to Reina's thigh where it massaged and kneaded her supple flesh. She softly kissed Reina again on the lips, then her chin, trailing light but passionate kisses past her jaw and down her neck. She continued to do so as her hand explored her new master thoroughly, moving up her side and underneath her shirt to cup the smaller woman's breast.


"Well then...perhaps my bedroom would be more appropriate for the discussion?" She stood up and took the warriors hand, leading her only a few paces away to her master bedchambers. She had retained the lavish, dark style it had always been kept in. Her bed was an old fashioned Victorian with several layers of violet silk curtains. The bed itself was big enough for five people, and covered in pillows of all fashions. She was allowing herself to slip quite comfortably into this role, as she was more than eager for the satisfaction as well as the leverage she would hold. It was a win/win scenario for her. Bella closed the doors behind them.

"Well now....this is a much more suitable environment for our....business..." She said as she slowly walked past the warrior to her bed, putting ample switch in her hips as she moved. "From your expression earlier I take it you don't like my sweater?" She said innocently, then grabbed the bottom of the shirt and peeled it off. The lace bustier she had been wearing beneath now seemed very revealing, but in an enjoyable way. She approached the hero.

"Do you want to touch me warrior?" She said, pressing her palm against her bust. "Do you want to know me? To taste me?" She pressed herself against the woman, the metal parts of her armor were like ice against her body.
Reina moved the breast plate over, resting it against the side of the couch. No sooner had she set the breastplate aside, then she felt a hand slithering beneath her shirt and finding home at one of her bare breasts. The feeling of another's flesh against so sensitive region caused a small yelp of surprise to escape her lips. "Oh my..." She panted heavily, returning her gaze to Fei's form.

Her eyes immediately fell to the loose fabric of the warrior's gi. A faint blush formed on her face, both from amazement and envy. Reina's bust was particularly petite, as if to match the rest of her small frame. This woman however, was very well endowed. She was extremely hesitant. She bit her lip, as if the action one somehow give her the resolve she wanted. Her hands moved to where the gi was tied and pulled at the sash. She was eager to see the bare breasts of the uniquely beautiful woman.

Hervor watched the woman walk her eager eyes following every movement she made. It was as though she knew every way to move to attract the lustful warrior. She approached slowly, a pleased grin finding her face as her hand was moved to rest on the younger woman's bust. Her hand tightened slightly, caressing the cloth covering and exposed flesh. Her eyes fell to the woman's frame. A delighted light shining in her eyes. "You couldn't imagine just how much." She said in response to her questions. Her free hand fell to the bare skin of the woman's waist.

The feeling was truly electrifying for the warrior. Perhaps it was how long she had gone without sexual interaction or how petrifyingly bewitching Bella was, or possibly both. But the fact of the matter was, Hervor's desire was building to an undeniable level.
Fei smiled warmly at Reina's cuteness, her blush was positively delicious, and intoxicating. She leaned up, allowing Reina's hand easier access to her Gi, from that position her massive hair fell all around them, fanning out and spilling over the couch. She continued to massage her master's breasts, well aware of the drastic difference in size between them. But that was in fact a greater turn on for her, she'd always been attracted to petite women.

As her sash fell away her breasts fell out of her Gi, spreading the light fabric easily with their weight. And with a smile she ran her hands to Reina's shirt, pulling it up and over her head, but playfully pausing while the top half of her face was still covered. Fei leaned down, laying her bare bust against Reina's bare chest and kissing her deeply. The heat was incredible between them, and her body was aching for more.


Bella bit her lip as Hervor's hands touched her breast and moved to her waist. Her own hands deftly finding every strap and buckle that held the warriors ensemble together. Being as skilled as she was it took only a few seconds before she leaned back and slid the womans breastplate from her body. She then smiled devilishly and spun Hervor around before pushing her backwards onto her bead. Before the woman even settled, Bella was on top of her, straddling her hips. She ran her hands firmly up Hervor's tunic, even through the heavy cloth she could feel the impressive physique of her servant.

"I do hope you will excuse me.....sometimes my own.....hunger gets the better of me..." She said wickedly, her hands trailing up to contour the other womans' neck and jawline. "I am curious....what would you like me to do to you warrior? What do you desire? Know that you have all my magic at your disposal...." She said whilst biting her lip and massaging Hervor's breasts through her tunic, gripping the mounds firmly with a devious smile on her face.
Reina writhed beneath the taller woman's frame. A small moan was muffled by Fei's lips as their breasts met. The contact was electrifying. Reina gently grinded against Fei to the best of her ability. Her hands falling to woman's sides as she enjoyed the taste of her lips. Gaining a brief sense of initiative, Reina's tongue parted her own lips and sought entry into Fei's mouth.

As the kiss deepened, her hands slowly moved to the sash that held the warrior's baggy pants to her body. Her desire was rising like a burning fever. She could tell that it was having a profound effect on her. She was having difficulty thinking straight and her hands were beginning to shake as she tugged at the sash.

Hervor growled in disapproval as she felt her back hit the bed. She looked up seeing that the woman had already straddled her frame. The servant easily would have had the strength to resist her forcefully taking control, but her desire had blinded her to the possibility. Regardless of the irritation she allowed the young woman to do as she pleased. As Bella's servant, she didn't really have much of an option.

She groaned softly under the groping hands of her master. She found herself enjoying the other girl's dominance, not that she would ever admit it. "All of your magic? Why don't you surprise me... Master..." She spoke the last word with a hesitant disdain.
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