Okay, so as most of you know, I haven't really been active on the forums in a while. Real life sort of put a damper on it. There was work, and my best friend's marriage. Me being the best man, I had a lot of duties to perform and a lot of things to help out with in preparation for the wedding. It's over now, and I'll be getting some of the pictures posted of us in our totally badass suits once he gets me some copies, and I find myself here once more, being active again, actually talking to people, etc.
I am sorry to anyone I've left hanging, and I promise to try my best to make it up to you. There's still a lot going on in my life, so I can't promise to be here every day, posting multiple times a day, etc. I can promise, though, that I will try to respond as soon as I can to anything. That doesn't mean I might not get writer's block now and then, or that something might not come up again, but just know that I'll try, and that's all I can do.
There are other factors that sort of have my mind occupied at the moment as well. Some of you know about it, some don't. It doesn't matter since I'm not getting into it here. What I will tell you is that I have gone through a few changes in attitude, some for the better, some not so much. It's not really a secret that our girlfriend hasn't been around for a while, but Hahvy and I have been holding up well enough, even if we do miss her very much. That has had a bit of an impact on my attitude, I'll admit, but it's nothing that will affect any RP I might be involved in, and really not something that anyone will see often at all other than those involved in the relationship directly or indirectly.
Anyway, the point is, I'm getting back in the saddle, because frankly I'm tired of watching from the sidelines. That being said, bring it on, people! Scotty is back, and has just as much attitude as ever, if not a bit more!