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The Zombie Game.

Helping (sort of)

Whistling "Tradition!" from "Fiddler on the Roof" while passing out non-zombie-specific-but-who-knows remedies such as crosses (oy!), silver bullets, wooden stakes, bear traps, et al....
Fact: In Agawam, Massachusetts (Hampden County) there's an obvious unmarked (except it's not really unmarked, as we'll see) police car with "Zombie Response Vehicle" stickers on its doors and trunk.

Creating the furry race to combat said zombies with the epicness that are furrys! ... But not just any furrys, female furrys with lush boobies that carry guns!

Although it might not be helping to the men. :p
* Definitely NOT helping, since the pathogen then infects the lions, and now we have Zombie lions everywhere. Rawr.

Plug in Skynet, and hack all of the T-800 chassis to hunt down anything and everything udead
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