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The Zombie Game.

Dea M Smith

Feb 2, 2011
In The Darkness Of my room

Are you helping?

Post if you are helping and how you and other can live.

Not Helping?

You toss your best buddy under the bus to live.

and there you have it. when this hits 1000 post then it will become a book to help the world. lol

so here we go :D
this is how it goes

Not helping.

Taking the last gun from someone's hand and running away not helping.
Not helping,

beat up my best friend for the only gun around shooting her then running...
not helping hording everyones food...

haha kidding

helping by getting survivers to a safe place and kicking zombie ass

Closing the light and let the room filled with nightmares, none escapes.
aw hell, helpin

leadin all the lil' orphans to a safe place filled with milk and cookies and puppies.

Creating zombies dangerous enough so they could damage my party and scare people away.
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