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Feb 1, 2011
I roleplay as Males okie dokie? Why? I'm straight... and a guy, and I am very strict on who I play... my partner has to be female, so that's what I have, not as in real life, but the person in the roleplay. Anyways... I have a few ideas in mind organizing it fairly easily. Not all that into the whole smut rp, like a little story based plz :D every now and then though I will be up for a smut rp. I tend to post fairly literate, at least equal or higher level than yours, sometimes if I begin to get bored, which does not happen to often it will get smaller than yours.


God x Goddess
Maid x Boss
Demigod x Demigod
Demigod x Human
Succubus x Incubus
Succubus x Human
Incubus x Human
Dragon Tamer x Halfbreed dragon/human
Sorcerer in training x Two Women Teachers
Special agent x Special Agent
Superhero x Civilian
Hunter x Huntee
Furry x Furry
Pretty Girl x Outcast

Death Race
Clash of The Titans
Any movie involving gods that wasn't half assed


The Trainer
When a boy(me) is living at home with a shitty family trying to find a way to escape, his wish comes true when the next day he wakes up in A different world. WIth beasts of all shapes and sizes from dragons to dwarfs, they have everything. Unsure of what to do a girl finds him, a hunter(you) wanting to put him in the slave market before changing her mind and making him into an apprentice, of magic, swordsmanship, archery, and something special if you catch my drift.

Sexual Pursuit
When a game is taken home by a school boy, he uses it as a pasttime to be used between him and his distant mom, but this board game forces you to do what the cards say, whether it be oral sex, to anal, or whatever. All having to do with sexual actions. He gets addicted to the game... and soon enough... invites other girls.

The Gooey Girlfriend

The young man was strewn lazily upon the living room sofa of his apartment, flipping through the channels with mild disinterest. Behind him, an amorphous blue slime crawled upon the carpet, rising as it neared and taking the form of a woman. Blue arms wrapped loosely around the man's neck as affectionate kisses were dribbled upon his cheek. She momentarily took upon that shapeless form again, flowing around her lover and reshaping her perfect hourglass figure upon his lap. Her full lips smiling, her skin took upon a rich bronze hue, a stark contrast to her golden hair. For the moment, she was indistinguishable from any normal woman. She cuddled with her love for a moment before smirking slyly, as if realizing she had just forgotten something. "Ah, I'm not exactly dressed now, am I?" She winked, a shimmer of azure covering her chest and hips as a pair of form-fitting bike shorts and a matching tank top solidified upon her body. "There!" She said, hopping to her feet and taking the man by his arm, dragging him to his feet. "Now I distinctly remember a promise to take me to that new Italian restaurant that just opened this week..."

The Magic Lamp

Just rub the magic lamp and all your dreams will come true, or so the story goes. Though the being contained within is not what the fairy tales would lead you to believe. You get not three wishes, but as many as your mind can long as it's a comely harem girl that your heart desires. For a genie is not the omnipotent creator of kingdoms, but a far humbler being, something much more akin to a playful nymph or one of nature's seductive spirits: a succubus without the infernal origin. Bound to an object which within they can create a plush paradise with every comfort imaginable, they are content to serve a master as long as that voracious sexual appetite of theirs remains sated. Their powers extended to completely altering themselves depending on their master's tastes or their current moods, and minor cosmetic changes to the world around them. Don't expect to find your closet full of unimaginable riches, but your fridge might suddenly be stocked with exotic foods much more pleasing to the capricious genie's pallet...

Sharing Is Caring...

The college freshman was absolutely perfect. He was smart, cute, in great physical shape, just a bit shy and oh so naive. It took no great show of effort for the girl to charm and seduce him, and molding him into her obedient sextoy was a simple matter. He'd do exactly as she asked without the slightest hesitation; he was truly the ideal pet. But such a treasure isn't meant to be locked away for only her personal use, but rather given out to the world! She had so many friends who weren't as blessed with a loyal boyslut of a pet like she, and he was the perfect means to remedy those lonely night's of theirs. Whats more, he made great leverage with the female professors when it came to bumping up her grades, and he made a wonderful addition to all those meetings at her all-girl extracurricular activity clubs and student association meetings. Whether she watched, participated, video taped for her enjoyment or blackmail, or remained absent from the event, she always enjoyed whoring out her beloved pet to any that could use his company.

Won't You Be My (Infernal) Valentine?

Ah, the succubus. A creature of lust and seduction. Sexual desire personified, and the agent of all your wet dreams. Some are bound to a mortal, serving out a contract while retaining easy access to a human, in this case their master, to enjoy themselves thoroughly. On the other hand, some remain free, keeping an ever watchful eye for whatever man or woman would give her a temporary thrill, casually going from partner to partner while keeping their magical nature a secret. After all, in this modern age of science and technology, some things are better left to the unknown, lest mankind find some way to exploit them as the fear of the supernatural continues to fade. But this story is of one particular succubus who has chosen to align herself with an average mortal, one who has caught her eye and won over her heart without so much as even knowing of her existence. Determined to make him hers in one way or another, she looks at herself in the mirror of a tidy women's restroom. With the door locked and an "out of order" sign driving away intruders, she has all the time in the world to perfect her appearance, for that of red skinned, spaded tailed temptress just won't do until she has him in her clutches. She takes on the form of a college-aged blond, admiring her curves in the mirror, before shifting into a mousy bookworm, feigning a look of shyness at her reflection. She changes again, this time into a sophisticated businesswoman, as she contemplates what she'll do with the apple of her eye. Perhaps she'll be his slave, or maybe make him her pet. Then again she could always try out one of those human relationships they all seem to be so fond of. She continues to cycle through possible forms as she prepares herself to seduce the oblivious young man.

The Front

The Front seems like a rather ordinary strip club from the outside, tackily named, it seemed, for the neon figure showing off her 'front' over the doors. It is known for its unusually attractive females and relatively cheap services. Some speak of special services, that if you talk to the right girls, for the right price, they'll go quite a bit further than simply showing off.

What people don't know is that The Front is rather aptly named for an entirely different reason. Not all of the girls within are human, many of them are succubi that consume the arousal of the men who come to see them. And those who pursue the further course are more deeply fed upon, and then, frequently, sold into slavery to various other magical beings who find having them around amusing if nothing else.

Accepting ideas as well, don't worry... my posts are better than they look ;D
You seem to be a good roleplayer and I know you pmed me to rp, there's nothing really of interest to me at the moment, but there maybe in the future I.e. if you have something new or I have something that you maybe interested i'll let you know ^^
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