Future Unexpected (Peekaboo x WhiteStar)

Naruto suddenly formed the seal for Shadow Clone Jutsu, and just like that two more Naruto's appear. They leap down from the air and does Rasengan onto the tentacles that were pumping into Sakura's pussy. They thought she were in pain, instead of in pleasure. And just like that, the main Naruto fall down from being held by the tentacle around his neck. Consequently, they all had raging erections.
Sakura lay there panting as the tentacles were attacked by Naruto, grunting as they left her body, fluids leaking from her pussy. She had been so close to cumming after the tentacles were fucking her, her entire body was on fire, her nerves were so sensitive, like the tentacles had done something to her, set her lust on fire and into overdrive.
One of the Narutos bent down and brushes some of Sakura's hair away. "Sakura...are you okay?"
Sakura shivered and slowly shook her head. "N-no....I....that thing...." She just whimpered slightly, curling up a little.


Meanwhile, over in the sand village, Temari was down in the basement of the palace, finally getting around to trying to sort through some of the ancient scrolls that were stored there. Normally this kind of thing would be servant work, but these scrolls were too dangerous for anyone but a member of the Kazekage's family to do. "Ok....let's see....." She started to re-organise some of the scrolls, trying to stack them a little more neatly, occasionally checking a few to make sure their seals were still intact.
Naruto pushed her hair back and looked at her. "Sakura... everything's going to be okay..." he said, scooping his hand underneath her legs and picked her up. There he felt some liquid dripping onto his arm from her crotch area. "Sakura?" he said, while one of the Naruto's saw how red Sakura's pussy was. "Why is it red..." said that Naruto, and walked over and touched it with his fingers.


The palace that Temari was in has been infected by the monster who is a tentacle. Slowly, it was creeping its way out of the corners of the wall, going towards Temari. And just when she was distracted by putting a scroll back on the shelf, five tentacles strike, one wrapped around her neck, the other around her waist, two went down, and got itself around her ankles spreading them open, while the last one went straight up her crotch area and began rubbing itself up and down.
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