N-naruto K-kun is my... Master. (Black Hand and EE)

She nodded obediently, taking his arm as he walked out with her. "y-yes i mean ok N-naruto.." she stammered a bit. she was blushing, eyes to the floor, scared to meet his eye.
the walk to hinata's house is a silent one. she is to nervous to speak, and he is to lost in thought about the events of the past few hours. when he looks at the frightned girl leaning on him for support, he can't help but imagine ehr in his tshirt, in a way draped in his protection. he had to spress a hard on. finaly they reach ehr father's house, and knock on the door
Hinata blushed like mad as her father came to the door, eyes hidden in Naruto's shoulder. She tried to tell him but was far too terrified. All she could do was avoid fainting. She nuzzled her head into his shoulder lightly, hoping he would handle it.
the door opens, and they see hianta's house keepr siletly giving them a glare that said youa re in deep shit now. in an act showing a lack of self preservation, they step in to see her angry father
Hinata whimpered as they walked into her fathers room, meekly staring at the floor.. "F-father I'm s-sorry i wasn't home last night..." The kunoichi stammered. "i w-was with n-naruto..." sh said almost squeaking like a little mouse as she talked hiding behind her Naruto
As her father heard this he mearly glared at the pair of naughty teenagers, the blushes on his daughter and her new master's faces making it all to aparent what had transpired. well at least to some degree. with a quick look he brought the two at his table. hinata and naruto were on one side, hiashi on the other. silently under the table naruto griped the young hieres's hand in fear of her terrigying father. he simply tuned to him and asked "what did you do to my daugher?"
Hinata blushed deeply and held Naruto's hand tight, hiding her face against Naruto. She did not speak, Father had asked Naruto, not her. She knew better then to speak out of turn with Hiashi.
he replies calmly "what are you ta-", but is cut off by the imposing hyuga. "what did you do to my daughter. don't lie to me." he turns to hinata "very well then, what did he do to you?" he asked ehr knowing she was more vulnirable
Hinata whimpered and blushed. She had to tell father now.. "F-father I have some g-good news..." she tried to sugar coat it, stammering. "I think we might get that male hier you w-wanted..." She said, hoping naruto wouldnt be mad.
naruto batted his eyebrow. male. hier. he couldn't believe what he was hearing. her father meanwhile glared at ehr somely. "you want this idiot..." he said pointing at the stunned ninja. "...as your husband? do not tell me he took your virgininty" he finnished, while squinting his eyes at her
Hinata whimperd but years of emotional abuse finally added up. She began to cry, "He's not an idiot! And yes he did and yes i do!" She yelled. She was angry, why did father never do what she wanted!
her father looked at her in shock. naruto was still in a state of shock. male. hier? he asked himelf. her father esponded coldly. "you fucked this animal? i'm ashamed of you" he turned to naruto "you have dflowered my daughter. you will marry her, or you will be at war with the hyuga clan." as he said this, his frustration and rage was apperent in his voice
Hinata whimpered and looked at her father. "H-hes not an animal...' she mumbled. 'Y-you're the reason for anything wrong with him, not there is anything... you ostracized him..." She was quiet but trying to be assertive.
hiashi glares at her stubornly "i do not care why you mated with him. i only care about the fallout of your rash, stupid, actions. and that means that you are going to have to take him as your husband." begins to feel teh shock wearing thin, and turns to the side. he can feel himself getting burned under the scolding glare of the hyuga chief. "hinata...?" he akss her in an almost trance like state
She looks over at naruto and whimpers, "Y-yes naruto?" she asks, wiggling in her seat. "Stop it!' she yells at her father agnrily. "Stop insulting him!!!" she screamed in rage.
hiashi ignored his frightened daughter, instead paying attention to her shell shocked master. "so then naruto?" he asked. naruto ignores him, instead keeping hsi attention on the angered woman next to him. "waht just happened he asked her? i have to marry you?"
Hinata whispered back to Naruto. "With all fairness you hsould have thought about that before you deflowered me!' she replied. As she looked over at her father, then back to her master, she held her head in confusion.
naruto was to shocked to react. both of them were shouting at him. even hinata. and she never did anything agressive. he breathed in, and thenexhaled loudly. "both of you shut up. hinata tell me what the fuck i jsut got into?" he asked her forecfully.
Hinata whimpered and pushed her fingers together. "YOu slept with a daughter of the hyuga clan, you are expected to marry me..." She blushed. "I t-thought you knew.."
naruto sat in stunned silence. he might want to stay with hianta forever, but he would like more choice in the matter. he takes a second to look closer at the blushing shy girl who is to be his wife. she ahs all the perfect qualities he is looking for. loving, submicive, docile. she's perfect. finaly after some consideration he sighs "i suppose i have to don't i?"
Hinata noddled and kissed him happily, blushing after she pulled back. "Father please let Naruto wed me.." she smiled and wiggled in her seat eagerly.
hiashi was equally agaisnt the wall on this one. on one ahnd he didn't want naruto to so much as touch his daughter again. it was already a mark of great shame for him. but at the same time, it was important to the clan taht she not only married but produced an heir as quickly as possible. and finaly after years of disapointment on that front, she was showing interest in sex. enough so as to signal to him taht she was ready to bear the next caln leader. finally after a long pause he said quietly "very well. hinata you are ordered to be given to naruto as his wife."
Hinata nearly fainted with joy pressing against Naruto weakly, she regained her strength however thanking her father profusely, tears of joy in her pale eyes.
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