The Organization. {AkiriuxCinnella}


Oct 7, 2010
The halls of the Castle that Never Was, were always so unnerving, especially to the girl that stood in the middle of one now, completely and utterly lost. She'd been called to the meeting, that they were holding within the meeting room to discuss what to do now. They'd been apparently defeated by Sora, once...And they had to think of a much better way to get their hearts back. To be honest, the girl, Xynnic wasn't a Nobody. She wasn't missing her heart. However, she had attempted to take the darkness portal to the meeting room, but due to her true self not being completely a nobody, she hadn't made it to the right place, and had instead gotten herself lost.

"Tch..." The girl muttered, scratching the back of her head. She had been an important part of the meeting, after all, after they discussed Sora, they were going to introduce her, the newest member of the Organization. A low sigh escaped her lips, as she scratched behind her silver head of hair. "Great..." She muttered again, as she finally found the meeting room, she placed her ear to the door, and listened to them speak from their thrones. She stayed silent, and listened, they were still discussing Sora, luckily. Xynnic pulled away from the door, sighing with relief, as she moved to stand beside the door, on the side opposite of the hinges.

When they finally finished talking, Vexen portalled, and nodded to her. 'Still, my beating heart...' Xynnic thought to herself, as she pulled her hood up and over her head. Vexen and Xynnic stepped through a portal that Vexen created, and into the other room, at the base, where Xynnic stood, silent. She was introduced as Xynnic, Numble XVI, the newest member of The Organization.

After that, the Organization members were allowed to leave, and Xynnic left, as well, heading down the hall, towards her room. She was relieved that it had gone alright, no one had seemed to notice the truth about her, so she seemed to be safe for now.
"Crap I missed the meeting!" Raxikiu said, jumping out of his bed. He threw on his robe and ran out his room. "Zexion is going to kill me." He muttered turning from corner to corner. He pulled up a portal and ran into it. He jumped out into the meeting room. "I'm gonna hear it now..." he sulked as he exited.

Walking back to his room he saw Axel. He opened a portal, barely avoiding his gaze. He reappeared by a room he had not seen yet. "Number XVI. Wonder who that is..." he said as he knocked on the door.
Xynnic sighed, as she sat on her bed, lost in thought, she hadn't heard the knocking at her door. The girl flopped down onto the bed, on her back, with a sigh. Suddenly though, she realized that someone was knocking on her door. "Gah!" She yelped, rolling off of the bed, and winced. "Owowow!" She mumbled, rubbing the back of her head. "Th-That hurt..." She mumbled softly, before jumping to her feet, and walking over to the door, and opening it partway. She peeked out the door, and glanced at Raxikiu, "Hm? Hello..." She said, to him, quirking an eyebrow. "Who're you?"
"Number XV. I never seen this room and I thought I'd check it out." Raxikiu said. He looked her over his radiant blue eyes gleaming. "You must be new."
Blinking a moment, in confusion, Xynnic quirked an eyebrow at Raxikiu, before sighing. "Oh, I see. I'm new, yeah." She said, before a bright smile crossed her face. "It's nice to meet you, XV." She said, with a light nod. "You wouldn't have seen this room yet, they just made it." She added, with a light chuckle.
"That explains it." Raxikiu said. He took his hood off, revealing his blonde hair. He looked over his shoulder before looking back at her. "Name's Raxikiu. Mind if I come in?"
[[OoC: Sorry to take so long on a response. I had to get off for a bit.]]

Xynnic blinked, noting his blonde hair, and shrugged opening the door, to let him in. "Yeah, sure." She responded, with a smile. She seemed friendly enough, at least. And she didn't seem to fit in with most of the other Organization members, who were all more violent, and meaner. Xynnic apparently wasn't like that, at least for now.
He walked into the room, closing the door behind him. "So you're the number before me. How come I never met you before?" He pondered. "It would have made sense to introduce you earlier. "
Xynnic blinked, tilting her head to one side in curiosity. "Hm?" She asked, frowning, why hadn't she met him before yet, anyways? She wasn't sure, and she shook her head. "Possibly Daddy didn't want me to meet any of you." She said, shrugging a bit. "Other than that, I would have no idea. I've been here a while, but this is my first time to be introduced to the Organization..." She said, frowning as she rocked back and forth on her feet, just a bit.
Raxikiu sat against the door. "Well I've been around for awhile but I'm still treated like crap. But if you need anything, I'm here. And I do mean anything, no matter how insignificant it may be." He said, giving a polite nod.
"Mm!" She nodded quickly, with a smile as he told her if she needed anything at all, she could ask him. Slowly nodding, she gave him a grin, and plopped down on her bed. It seemed that not everyone was as ice cold and mean as her "father", Vexen. "Thanks!"
"Anytime." He stood back up and stretched. "I should probably get going. " he said, activating a portal. "I'll see you around I guess." He said as he walked towards it.
"Hm? A-Alright." Xynnic said, nodding, and waving to him lightly, until he closed the portal behind him. She knew that Vexen had told her to not talk to the other members, so they wouldn't notice the strangeness about her, but she really couldn't help it if they came up to her, right? The girl sighed again, and then stood up, walking to the door, and opened it, peeking outside one way, then looking the other way. There was no one out and about, so she should be able to find the kitchen alright. She decided to try one more time. Opening a portal, she entered it, and exited into the kitchen. "...." She let out a sigh of relief, and smiled lightly. At least she'd gotten to where she needed to be. She adjusted her cloak, uneasily, as she walked over to the refrigerator, and began to pull out ingredients to cook chicken de van.

About two hours later, she was done with the cooking, and eating. But she'd made too much for herself, and so just stuffed the rest in the refrigerator, figuring someone would eat it, before slowly walking out of the kitchen, not bothering with a portal, this time.
Raxikiu sat on his bed bored out of his mind. Only two of the members were girls. Larxene was nuts, and Xynnic was new. He grabbed his guitar, a gift from Axel (flame trim and design), and tuned its strings. He played a few notez before going full fledged into a song. He didn't have an amp so the sound barely escaped his room.
Xynnic sighed as she walked through the hallways, a bit bored now that she was out of her room, and just wandering. "..." She stayed silent, a moment, but she heard the sounds of someone playing the guitar. Xynnic tilted her head slowly to one side, and quirked an eyebrow, before grinning. It was nice music. She stepped closer to the source, and closed her eyes, leaning against the wall, just outside of Raxikiu's room.
Raxikiu's soft pluckings became a harder grunge tone. Its sweet melody softening his body. He began to sway with the guitar. He allowed the sound to consume him like open water flowing in a creek.
Xynnic didn't mind that his tone slowly changed to a harder tone, and simply hummed along, lightly with his instrument, just thinking. Her voice was probably at a tone loud enough for him to hear, when she finally noticed that she was singing. "....Erk!" She squawked, rather loudly before clamping her hands over her mouth, what if he'd heard her singing!? That...Would be so embarrassing! Xynnic quickly looked down at the ground, before quickly walking away from the door, as though nothing had happened. Although, to be honest, her cheeks were now bright red.
Raxikiu stopped. There was a noise outside. It was probably Demyx with another prank. "I swear Dem, I'm gonna-" he threw the door open seeing Xynnic instead. "Oh I'm sorry. Hey wait! Where you going?" He called, going after her.
[[OoC: Sorry I took so long to respond! I have school and drama stuff going on. ^^;]]

Xynnic frowned, that wasn't good that he was following her. She bit her tongue, and slowed to a halt, not looking back at him. "It--It's nothing..." She mumbled softly, before she began to walk again.
(I don't mind. Good luck with the drama XP)

Raxikiu simply nodded, arching an eyebrow as she walked off. "Almost like Roxas." He muttered under his breath. "Really could use a friend though." He turned around and walked back to his room. He shut the door and plucked his strings again, back in his own world.
((Thanks! And sorry for taking forever again. >.<))

Xynnic was walking quickly, and quietly, however as soon as she got around a corner, she stopped, and slumped against the wall, sighing in relief, trying to calm her racing heart.
(In the house in a heartbeat)
Raxikiu continued to pluck his harmonic strings, engulfed in his sounds. After finishing, he vanished into the kitchen to grab one of his candy bars. He returned to his room to continue playing his guitar. The candy bar sat in his mouth like a cigar, getting smaller as he ate it. (Betrayal of fate)

(No prob! You should youtube the songs so you know what he's playing)
(Aha! Alright. :3 I will have to do so. :3)

Xynnic sat down on the ground, and sighed, not sure how she should introduce herself to him, she didn't want to make him think she didn't like him...At least as much as a Nobody could, despite her not being a Nobody....She sighed, finally getting up, again and walking back towards his room, holding her hand up to knock on his door, her hand hovering like that, for just a moment, as she debated on knocking, or not.
He reached the part of the song with the harmony (1:16) a tear rolled down his cheek. It always brought back a memory of his old self. It was the battle that turned him into a nobody. He was indulged in it, oblivious to the very room he sat in.
Xynnic took a deep breath, and took all the bravery she had, to knock on the door briefly. Once, twice, and then she dropped her hand to her side, clenching her fists. "R-Raxikiu?" She called out, feeling very nervous about talking to the Nobody. She really wasn't the best at talking to others...
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