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Random ahoy! RP for everyone!! Well, almost... (New plot)

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Jun 1, 2009
Hello there! A couple of things before bawling out the juice in here:

- I have a wierd schedule. Starting by the fact that I go by GMT timeline. Ending in having a real life with college, exams and everything in between. Right now I have time, but I might go, in extremis, a couple of days without replying. I appologize in advance for that.

- I don't have a RH or F-list or whatever, simply for the fact that I'm up for almost everything. Yes, really. Barring scat or vomit, anything under the sun. If you're not sure, ask. Doesn't hurt, I won't virtually rip off your internal organs for that, and odds are I'll say yes.

- Dominant or submissive? You decide what you want, as I can play both. Granted, I have more experience doing the underside, but that might be more due to some lazyness on my part than anything else.

- I can play either female or male characters, from the most flimsy and whoopsiedaisy fairy to the hardened rambo-esque graverobber. Any pairing between females, males and futas.

- I'm not picky about the length of the posts of the people I rp with. In fact, I tend to mimic their posts, unless something requires extra wording by itself. However, and though I do understand that sometimes one single line is all that can really be done, and entire rp of one liners is torture.

There. Now, with that out of the way...

or something like that...

I actually have very few defined plot ideas. That's why, in the long time I've been here, I've never done a thread of this sort. So. Remember.

Even if it isn't in here, ask :D!

I'm very very VERY flexible.

Hellblazer: Dante Alighieri has gone to hell, heaven and returned to tell the tale. A whole book, in fact. A couple of things were left unsaid though. An ongoing eternal bet between God and Satan to see who gets the most souls. And that he'd been given immortality and the role of overseeing everything remained where it should be. Or at least that they didn't interfere with the game for the humans, the 'Inside'. It started as a great thing, easy enough: kill monsters, banish meddling demons and angels, exorcisms, you know, the usual deal. Keeping the 'Outside' outside. Along the way though, some things got in between. Planeswalking gods from other dimensions. Sensual cheetah demon. Mate. A forbidden daughter. And a war that tore it all. After a few centuries, the prodigal son came back, heartbroken, to his old job. Only on probation. Any severe meddling outside his jurisdiction, and it'd be a couple of eons chained in Heaven. Ouch. So, we get to the present. Modern day. Legend on the streets speak of a man with God at his side. Close enough. Are you looking for him? Or running away? Or maybe you have information he desires... information for which he'd do ANYTHING to obtain... They say his daughter is alive...

- This can go anywhere, pretty much. From taking in a pupil by heavenly order, to an enamored angel, to a hate/hate relationship with another being developing into something more, to slavery in exchange for any scrap of information on his daughter's whereabouts. The sky is the limit. It's bound to be a very bloody sky though.

Unbreakable: Young, wild, with a strange golden skin and long white and black hair, big emerald eyes shining with feral intent, and a body ripe for the taking, Kalu is an alluring prey for any master worth their salt. There is just one problem. She keeps escaping dominion, time and time again. Lithe on her feet, with the stamina of a wild animal and a resolution of steel, the 20 year old runs for her life, obeying the ancient call of her mother's race of finding the one right mate for her. Also, unknown to her, in her veins runs a treasure that many would kill to obtain, raw, untainted power, capable of attracting the wrong kind of attention. Once again, she broke out of a master's grip, but something went wrong. The wounds Kalu sustained wore her down, and although the forest she escaped to provided her cover, the half demon wouldn't last long on her own, falling unconscious, in between the trees.

- Will you be the master searching for his or her property? A benevolent soul that aids the wounded girl and tries to protect her from those searching for her? The slavehunter dragging her back to the market for a new master? So many choices...

- Trivia: This is Dante's daughter. Fun stuff. Though no voluntary incest between them if the storylines do cross. Sorry <<.

Zydrate: This is based off of Repo, the Genetic Opera! Which is awesome. Any rp with this thematic would be pure win. This is just an idea.
It's well into the reign of Amber on top of GeneCo, and things have only become even more out of control. Never had surgery demand being so high. And so was Zydrate. It was the biggest boom of Graverobbers ever, so the company struck a deal. They'd buy the street Zydrate from them, turning the illegal activity into a legal thing. For those that complied. Of course, most didn't give a shit about the GeneCo. And so, just as the graverobbers increased, so did the Repomen. It's in the middle of this underworld that we find Eva Kayne, a skilled Graverobber in her own right. And how couldn't she be, having worked under the same company she was now stealing as a Surgeon? The girl had to quit that job though, after Luigi tried to add her to his body count. From the close encounter, Eva escaped with multiple slash wounds, a couple of stabs in her left hand, a scarred face and a blind eye. And a thirst for revenge. She could have gotten her eye back, yes. Her skin repaired. It was all just a surgery away. But no, owing GeneCo? Never. In time, she became one of the best in her... craft. Coupled with a handful of others, Eva became part of a network that stole a hefty share of GeneCo's Zydrate profit... And that's when the Repoman came in. Persistently pursuing her, almost day and night, in a large game of cat and mouse. To the Graverobber, it was a close call for survival plenty of times, the tension exciting her to no end. Until they day she was caught. Now it would be up for the Repoman to decide. Would he end this pursuit with her life here, after so long, months of challenges and mockery by his sensual prey? Or...

- This is just an idea. I love the Repo setting, and would love to rp something surrounding it. As long as I don't have to play cannon characters as my main, we're peachy keen <3.

Pack: Wolves have grown rare. Hunted almost to the point of extinction, these magnificent creatures have been sighted less and less on their natural habitat. A young woman decides to search for them and one day comes across a male, establishing a strange connection between the two. As they get intimate, something begins to change. She begins taking on lupine aspects, like becoming able to comunicate with him, while he seems to become more and more humanesque, his intentions with her becoming clear soon enough: to attain his true form, unite the remaining wolves and rebuild his pack. As their relationship progresses and they keep on mating, both transform into lycans, her able to go from human to anthro while he from animal to anthro, the final stage of evolution. At this point, they're ready to search for the other lycans and regroup them into The Pack.

- This is merely the beginning of a plot that's been revolving in my head for a long time. We can take it either from a sci-fi angle, or a fantastic-magical one. Or another one if it goes to your head. Still, it's not defined.
- Obviously, it can be changed easily to fit any idea you might have (they're more than welcome). I believe this is the type of rp where the plot can be winged at our beck and call (all of them have that potential, but especially this one). However, I have a lot of mini plot twists that can go in there. Of course, be prepared to play more than one character in case that ocurrs. But that's the fun of a long term plot, isn't it?

Fertility: Once upon a time, a young summoner tried to show all of his mocking schoolmates and teachers that all of his blunders were but steps towards greatness. He tried to create a ritual that would summon the perfect war creature, with power beyond belief. Like all of his blunders before him, though, something went wrong. However, not all went wrong, and so, for the first time ever, the young man summoned something. It wasn't what he was expecting, but it was something. A strange hermaphrodite demon, to be exact. Long eared, with tufts of white fur on the edge, long hair fading to purple, lavender skin, golden hooves, lion tail, a pair of floating neon green wings and completely black eyes with different colored irises, one hot pink, the other dark blue. And plump ass with a nice set of knockers. The dungeon he was in though? Exploded and, with him, buried the knowledge of how to unsummon the demon. When others discovered her, Strakka, she was instantly put to good use, being a docile futa and all, and quickly learned the ropes to sex. With time, the naive, innocent demoness became a mean sex loving fiend and a cold mistress to boot with some most peculiar powers. Not only is she fertile, Strakka can gift (or curse, depending on the standpoint) others with fertility or take it away. Also, there's a few particularities about her. On a night with full moon, anyone she has sex with becomes instantly pregnant. During new moon, however, if she has any sex at all, she's the one who becomes instantly pregnant. Although these particularities have given her som rough times at points, experience and centuries of age have taught the futa how to deal with it... and turn the tables to her own flavor.

- Strakka can be used in a myriad of settings that I can't even begin to imagine. Ask and you shall recieve.
- However, if you have no idea of what you'd like, I reckon it'd be fun to either rp her at her beginnings or after she's matured. Or maybe even both. How she was trained in the ways of sexing and the discovery of her abbilities, and, centuries after she's parted ways with her trainer, to find that, in that future present, he or she were still allive.

Holy shit Batman!!!

BDSM: Not compulsory, but a very big bonus in my book. It's hot.
Beastiality/Anthros: I know they're not one and the same, but I'm putting them together for simplicity's sake.
Pregnancy: I just think it's a very real risk, and a very very interesting twist to be added to a story.
Fantasy: It's not that realism isn't cool, but I have enough real life as is. Most of the time, I like to have some form of fantastic or sci-fi element added to the rp, whether it be a wierd species or just simply the fact that everyone can fly, to the heaviest Lord of the Rings type scenario. I love it.
Tentacles: This type of rp I'd play the non tentacle-y character. Not comfortable with being the side with ovopositors. Yet.
Incest: As straightforward as it can get.

... Wha?

To be filled further at a later date, when I'm more assertively looking for something. Currently, it's easier for you to throw what you want in my face. Also, the pairings listed here don't have any plot attached. So idea help loved. Bolds are the roles I'd like to play, if there's any specific one.

- Master or Mistress / Slave
- Human or Anthro / Animal
- Anthro / Anthro
- Angel / Demon
- Vampire / Lycan
- Lycan / Lycan
- Vampire / Vampire sub
- Human or Anthro / Alien or Monster
- Whore / Patron or Pimp or Cop
RE: Random ahoy! RP for everyone!! Well, almost...

Lycanthropy AND pregnancy? Please roleplay with me!
RE: Random ahoy! RP for everyone!! Well, almost...

Hey!!!!! Whoa. Please PM me because I would love to plan a plot with you. I would love to be a submissive male vamp dominated by a female vamp. Also, I would enjoy pretty much anything.
RE: Random ahoy! RP for everyone!! Well, almost...

have a few ideas I could run by you, various types. anthro in most, pm if interested
RE: Random ahoy! RP for everyone!! Well, almost...

Would ou be up for a Slave X Samurai
Slave/Samurai RP in which the Samurai ,my charie, is actually the younger sister of the person she is pretending to be. Her brother was murdered and she assumes his name so as to be able to travel having learnt how to use a sword from her brother after the rest of their family died. On her journey for revenge she takes along her slave/maid (In ancient Japan they could be basically the same thing) and long time lover in public behaving like a harsh and cruel master as is normal while in private it is the lowly serving girl who takes control.

(At some point in the RP I would love it if there could be a situation which makes it necessary for them to pretend to have sex, with the Samurai taking the slave, so as to avoid suspicion of some sort)
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