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Uncharted: Drake's... Elena Auditions.

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Jun 18, 2010
So I actually hate "fandoms." In fact, I hate that I just wrote "fandom." It's fan-fiction and it sucks and I hate it. People make horrible, desperate lists - "Edward x OC, Harry Potter x OC, The Justice League x OC" - in which the "OC" is obviously just their own lame ass. They really just want to have some half-wit fill the body of a cypher they find physically attractive. There is no real appreciation for the characters and, even worse, people are usually just absolutely incapable of playing the part. So why should I even bother asking? Well, because...

Elena from Uncharted is just so awesome. Smart, witty, capable, beautiful, funny, charming, classy yet down-to-earth... So hell, I figured I'd give it a shot.

So yes, I would like to play Nathan Drake and I'd like to find a girl to play Elena Fischer. Despite my usual kink list, I don't want to enlarge her breasts, or make tentacles come out of a portal and rape her, or to nearly drown her in a pool of sperm while a dozen clowns riding unicycles circle around with alligators on their shoulders... what? Oh don't judge...

I want plot and, more importantly, I want passion and, most importantly, I want personality. We (I) get approximately 4 hours of Elena Fischer every 2 years, and that is no where near enough!

Also worth mentioning is that while the games feature the murders of, saaayy, thousands of people, that is a construct needed to keep an interactive experience entertaining where dialogue and traversal options are limited due to technical constraints. I want this play, should I be lucky enough to find a girl capable of playing Elena, to be more "realistic," or at least movie-like. Maybe Nathan only kills five people...

So hey: *sales pitch incoming*

Do YOU like Uncharted? Do you think Nathan Drake is incredibly handsome and charming? Do YOU want to play Elena Fischer? Yes? YES? YES!!?

Yes. PM me. You know you wanna.
How dare you ask me to betray Elena. How dare you, I say, madam!

... I'll think about it.
Huh. Maybe "I hate this sort of shit but fuck it wanna try anyway?" wasn't the best sales pitch.
I knew none of you were up to the challenge... (reverse psychology?)
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