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Nadie and Jugger.

Nathan was about to say something, but instead his eyes went drowsy as he fell over. A dart was in the back of his neck and a small hole was in the window behind him. In the tree, was a man with horns going down his back to a spiked tail he had. In his hands was a blowdart gun.

(No, thats not my second character btw. I'll put an image up when its my second.)
"Nathan?!?!" Nadie said as she ran over and leaned down "Nathan, wake up" she said as she picked him up and shook him.

Tomoe hissed and growled as she sensed someone.
Bursting through the window like a roly-poly rolled up, he was attempting to hit Nadie but missed as he landed next to Tomoe, nearly crushing her as his body stayed in the ground, still spinning and sending debris everywhere to create a small dust storm.
Tomoe jumped out of the way and onto a dresser to avoid the attack.

Nadie grabbed for her sword. "Who are you"
Soon the creature stopped. It unrolled and glared at the girl. "You're the incubator of the Unwanted? The half demon, half human child...!? Are you not!?"
"Say what?!?!?" Nadie said as she backed away "I-I have no clue what you are talking about."
"As soon as it happened...all the demons sensed it. We know that a demon had mated with a human...a forbidden act as the child will not be accepted by the fact, many will be willing to kill any trace of a demon ever having relations with a human...if I die before you now, I will give you this warning at least: Until the child is born, you are at severe risk."
Nadie just stood there in complete shock.

Tomoe was watching the whole thing from the dresser.
The spiked armadillo-like creature pointed its claw out at the girl, smirking. "You'd best surrender yourself to me so that I can...dispose of the child...otherwise I'll kill you along with it!"
Nadie stepped back then placed her hand on her stomach "N....No!! I don't care if this baby is half demon. I will raise and love this child with the man I love" she said then looked over at Nathan.
Nathan was still unconscious from the blowdart. The armadillo just laughed as he approached Nadie, grabbing her by the throat. "Then I'll love murdering you in cold blood."
Nadie dropped her sword and struggled in the monsters grip. Just then a flash of light shot out of nowhere and in between them, separating them and sending the armadillo man flying. A light began to take form into a cat like woman. She glared at the demon and drew her sword.

"You will not harm her demon" the woman said.
The armadillo was sent into a wall, not in pain as his hard back took the hit. Growling at the two of them, he shook his head. "What the hell are you doing cat demon!? Kill her!"
"Not a chance" She said "I will not let you harm my master" she said then charged.

"M-Master?" Nadie said then looked around and Tomoe was nowhere in sight and put it together.
The armadillo growled as it began to slash and hack at Tomoe. It was slow...but it had some strong skin, hardly penetrable. She'd have to try and kill him using blunt force rather than any kind of blood loss.
Tomoe dodged with ease then slashed away but to luck penetrating his skin.

"Dammit" she said then tried to think of another way to defeat him.
The armadillo just laughed as it curled into a ball and began to spin rapidly, wanting to pierce her frail body with one of his spikes as he bounced toward her.
Tomoe jumped put of the way so the demon will hit the wall behind her and get his spikes stuck.
The armadillo let out a loud cry, something loud that actually woke up Nathan with a jerk as he looked up to see Tomoe kill the armadillo. The armadillo laid limp in the wall.
"Phew, that was close" Tomoe said as she wiped her brow.

Nadie ran over to Nathan "Are you ok?"
Nathan nodded as he took the dart out of his neck. "Who's the sexy, nude cat girl...?" He said looking at her as he tried to recollect his thoughts on what just happened.
"That's Tomoe" Nadie said then conked Nathan on the head again for the sexy remark.

Tomoe was disposing of the armadillo.
Nathan rubbed his head before standing up. "Either that dart thing had some hallucinagetic liquid in it...cause I don't believe this...or thats really our cat demon."
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