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Squishy's Ideas!

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Admiral Squish

Feb 1, 2009
Hey, all! I took a break from BM for a while (More like I just forgot to check it... for a couple months...) but I'm back now, and I'm ready, willing and eager to get back into the game. I'm pretty much open to anything you want to do, and I invariably find these games more fun if my partner is enjoying themselves.

So, I shall get straight down to business and tell you what I'm here a-craving. These are some of my favorite themes. Generally speaking, I'm willing to do anything involving any one of these. The more involved, the better.

Huge Breasts
Huge Cocks
Rough sex
Age difference (either way)
Body modification/Transforming
Branding (Not 'hot iron', but stuff like piercings or tattoos)
Sphere of Influence (Like being on an alien space ship, or in the glade of a powerful fey, or a monster's nest. The creature itself has some incredible power over the others in it's 'domain' via technology, magic, or anatomy.)

Now, let's cover some things I WILL NOT DO.

Yaoi (Nothing against it, it just doesn't do anything for me)

Still with me? Awesome. Now, Let's round this thread out with a few more specific ideas I be cravin'! The bolded part is the part I would be playing.

Basement Monster/Homeowner
This idea is so malleable it's funny. The basic idea remains the same, no matter the specifics. A homeowner moves into a new house and decides to check out the basement. They discover a monster of some sort down there, and things get fun. I've played a futa vampire who was way into body-modding the homeowner with her magic. I've played a lusty water spirit who got trapped in a hot tub. There was an alchemist who turned himself into a jekkel/hyde monster and locked himself away. There was an alien monster that arrived on a meteor milennia ago and was released when the homeowner dug a new floor drain. There was even a fertility demon sealed in a magic circle that was broken when the homeowner vacuumed it up.

This idea actually has a couple variations available. My usual favorite is the daughter is a rebellious girl (Usually a slut or a goth) who is really acting out to get her daddy's attention. Well, she gets it. And she gets it good. My favorite part is when he gets his own daughter knocked up and then, eventually, they bring their daughter into the incest.

Fertility Demon/(Huntress or Summoner)
This generally goes one of two ways. Either A) this massively powerful fertility demon is raping his way through a city and a huntress shows up to put a stop to him. She fails, and in the end, her makes her his personal fuckslave, making her go out and bring more demon hunters to him to add to his breeding harem. Or B) the fertility demon is trapped on the other side of the veil, or in a talisman of some sort, and either a girl manages to summon him accidentally or he tricks her into releasing him, and, as a show of gratitude, he makes her into his personal fuckslave and makes her bring him girls to breed.

Is any of the above interests you, please do not hesitate to PM me. I'm open to PMs or IMs, and I'm also available for threads, but I have a tendency to forget to check my threads sometimes, so I would prefer one of the first two. I've got AIM and YIM.
Ahh, the basement monster game? Been a while since I played that one. Anything specific in mind, or shall we figure this out?
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