Come on in and look ;) (M/F)

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Jun 2, 2009
This is a new request thread. All the infor from my last one is on this one. Hope you enjoy! **** BEFORE PMING ME KNOW WHAT YOU WANT!!!! (Just wanting smut isn't enough!) HAVE AN IDEA OF A THEME AND WHAT YOU WANT INVOLVED!!! ****

Anyways I'm not a newbie at roleplaying. I have about 9 years of experience but I will admit my grammar is not among the elites on here but I try to give my partner something to work with and all I ask in return is my partner is to give me something in return.

I don't have experience in role playing submissive women. I tend to play the independent, strong willed, fighting type of women. And plays with strictly men.

I use/can play....

Virgin Slave (who hasn't been trained)
foreign student
Peasent girl
Female Knight
elemental witch/wiccan
Soldier (from the Halo series, one of the only games I enjoy, lol)
Furries: Wolf, tigeress, cat and a fox. (I don't play spirder girls. Tried it and nothing. You ask I will reject the idea ASAP!)

Have played a Mistress before but didn't play enough of the role. I tend to be kind hearted so I'm not the aggressive Mistress some men would wish to have.

I don't mind having pairings that are Furry/Human or anything along that line. Though I'm not a big fan of super rough sex (the constant beating), anal...I can leave it, rough housing is a turn on, being bitten and biting is among the turn ons.

Modern (Got to have a good plot for realistic)
Futuristic (Got to have a idea atleast)
Owner/Worker (I have a topic up for one person but it seems he's no longer interested)

A owner of a famous Brothel in the world sits back as his partners, clients and friends would watch one of his workers with lustful eyes. The woman they lust after isn't part of the list of play mates also she shows no interest on enjoying herself with different men. Even the high sexual drive of the handsome owner hasn't made a move on her since he's still trying to figure out why she's here. The girls there have daddy issues, the fuck you issues, sex addicts who found a clean work place and protects them, and the men well they enjoy the attention from men and women. Once he finds out why she works there it becomes a game to seduce her to lie on her back to be willing to take his dick into her and scream his name in pleasure.

(1) Witch/ Detective: A person has the gift to turn normal humans into monsters or into killers. Of course for a psyco killer this is all a game even though somone of a challenge comes in and makes it more of a wonderful challenge.

In the past few people were selected by the government to have their DNA altered which these certain people were sent into wars to end them, perform duties that seemed impossible or gather information. These were the Unlucky 13, some of these people controled the elements and were able to summon the souls of the dead to control the living.

This Unlucky 13 was formed in the year 2019 AD but as years went on these DNA alterations were blended in with normal humans. This breeding created some problems and some blessings. Now in the year 2301 AD a person who was able to master the dead arts of summoning souls and using them to cause them to posse people then change them into creatures to wreck havoc.

Now the city decided to assign a detective to run down this killer but to do this they need someone who has the same drive as the killer, another Sorcerer.

(2) Pairing: two old war buddies (same unit) (MxF)

These two seemed to always pair up when going out in the field. The pair saw it all and covered eachother's back until it was time to head back. The two did keep in contact for awhile but lost touch or the chick stopped replying to the guy.

The guy managed to get into some money either its the lottery, inheritance from a mobster or worked for it. Either him or one of his buddies decided to throw him a party but this wasn't the cheap kind. On that night the old war buddies get to see eachother for the first time in a few years. The woman is among the top assassins who is blackmailing her old clients to get more cash, is purely business.
Her next target is her old war buddy. Will she kill him? When she confronts him willhe be able to kill her or keep her alive but at his side as an employee?

(3) Prince/ Peasant Girl: (An old rp idea from Baraki) A Prince is being forced to marry so his advisor takes a certain amount of women and him and the Prince interviews them to cut the numbers down. The Prince finds a certain woman interesting and has a certain amount of time to get to know her before the date of his wedding. (Romance, drama and bit of conflict can be involved)

(4) Mob / Girl: A girl has been hunted down but little does she know her family makes up a powerful Mob Family called Soantos. There are two other people who make it up so in total there are three branches in the Soantos Family. Little did she know the head boss position was up for grabs between the three but found herself a victim as she falls of one of the men who desired to be the top man.

(5) No Title: The Shinsengumi (era of samurai police force basically outcast) have been putting their lives on the line and some of their best men were injured and the honor of fighting has grown intense. So one member of the Shinsengumi and a doctor comes up with a medicine that repairs all injuries but there is a price. Those who take it are vampiric need for blood (You can tell as their normal appearance goes to white hair and red eyes) also they can't be out in light as their night time is like our day.

Though on patrol the shinsengumi comes across a young woman who is attacked by their own vamperic force. They bring her back not knowing she has a bloodline of a demon or oni (she's human form but she heals quickly without the need for blood). The man who saved her is the leader of the Shinsengumi and he forces her to stay in his sights as in making her stay in the Shinsengumi's headquarters. Since she had nowhere to go she stays and helps out with the men but there has been many wars going on and more men are getting hurt.

In her way she gets one of the highly ranked men to train her so when the war came to their steps she gets into the front line to fight along their side. There she meets others of her kind in which reveals what she is to the other Shinsengumi, an oni. After that battle the leader orders the woman to stay out of his sights (he could think she was playing him for a fool or whatever). Heartbroken as she gives some of her blood to the man who is still developing the medicine in hopes of "transforming" humans into onis without the need for blood. Respecting his wish she stays out of the Leader's way but his men see him as a fool but stick close to her despite his orders. Will the Leader of the Shinsengumi keep risking his life and his men to keep a single oni woman from being taken by other onis to being forced to breed more of their kind?

(6) No title: When you were a kid you and your twin brother have heard your sister and her friends chatter and dream of their true love or prince charming. You thought this was stupid but your twin brother is bit different.

Now here you are a high paid lawyer or doctor who NEVERS has a problem in your sex life. Though you've stumbled across a young woman who sees you a person not a handsome sex god so she smiles and walks away. She is your challenge.

Your sister is getting married to her Prince charming. So you invited that woman but she turns you down in public. Though you get your chance when she walks in on your brother's arm. Your twin brother is her best friend who she turns to. So for a week or two you and this woman you crave are in your parents' country home in Tennessee. Here is where you are determined to make her yours before the wedding starts.

(7) No title: Theres been talk of a war going to be happening in the year of 3418. In this year there's large robots that soldiers operate in combat on the ground, skies and even in the stars. Those who don't have the intelligence to get scholarships became mechcanics for the robotic suits.

Though what happens when a pro soldier who is young and been decorated with every medal is assigned to a rookie? Both are sent on the ground, skies or space but what happens when either is wounded and disappears? (Suit is damaged to the point the pilot is ejected out of sight). Does the teacher or student go searching for their partner which in turns makes them realize they've been missing something.

(8) No title: A Research Lab had kidnapped children and prisoners to do mutation experiments and the Elites has taken part in them as donors. The scienctists are making every experiment mutate to product a vaccine or posion to kill off Floods though the Elites has a different idea.

One woman who survived all experiments from the Lazban Labs as Test # 11480J. The mutation she went through kept her human form but her hair color has changed, her bones are stronger and she's faster and flexible. The day they cloned a Flood spiecmen it got out of control then broke out and the woman escaped. From here the Flood follows the woman and the elites follow her as there is a trigger word they would use in which she will turn around to kill all humans. (The reason the elites helped the scientists with giving them flood samples and such)

A spartan and his group finds the escaped woman but when they learned she was sentenced to death as the labs would harvest her body for the cells to kill the flood. The Command center hides her as a Soldier within your spartan's unit though she finds herself falling for him though the Elites find out the humans had their pet then over a radio they call out to every station, base and ships in the area and said the trigger word in which the woman shots one man in front of the Spartan.

(9) No title: The group has traveled further into the jungle where vines grew thicker as the group has began to sense they were being watched from the shadows. The villagers who told them there was an ancient furry tribe thats remained untouched but people from outside tirbal standards.

One night the group had came to a stop at a river side to rest. Weeks have went by as rescuers came upon their camp site to see it was destroyed by animals but mostly by Furries. In the middle of the camp site was a spear with a traditional symbol to go no further beyond the camp site. What has happened to the group that risked their lives to solve a world ecomonic issue? Is the group alive and still together or have something happened to them that turns the strongest stomachs?

(10) No title: A Prince is set to wed a princess from another country (be of your choice) but yet he feels like she doesn't understand him nor stand him. So a month (or less) he disappears to explore his wild side. A life time of being prim and proper has lost its luster. Upon exploring America he stumbles across a woman who has uncharted noble blood within her but yet she's untamed. The month he's free he spends it with her but yet he hasn't told her of his royal blood. The day finally comes where his fiance and family finds him so he has to chose who he wants to wed. A woman who can't stand him or a woman who awaken something primal within him?

(11) No title: There's been a tale of a being who could control every creature on earth plus the plants. This wasn't a witch but Gaia herself. The ledgen of her being a spirit was wrong as she was a real woman in a temple deep in a cave.

There has been a evil wizard and witch a pair who planned on killing an long living Kingdom off completely. The evil pair managed to gain control of dragons, make dealing with orcs and such but the only being who can either destroy or make their plans complete is Gaia. While the Kingdom is fighting off this evil force a quest has been placed on the heirs of the throne to kill Gaia where she lies. Though would the Oldest son kill her when he realizes she could help them secure their home? Or keep her at their palace to bring other lands together?

(12) No title: War has been brought on to the Spartans and they feel the slight overwhelming of their enemies. One General of the Spartans decided to go see the Prophet. While his stay the woman told him of a goddess who will turn the tide of this war and Spartans will make history. This young General curious as of what goddess this mad woman was talking about but he does not dare go against this woman's word.

In the future a young woman who was kidnapped and used as a science experiment. Their recent experiment is to send a human back into time then bring them back before harm has been done. They sent this Military Historian back into time and she lands in the river near the Spartan's camp. After they brought her back they men tied her up and left her in their General's tent upon his rent from the Prophet. When he does she is the one to show women can be warriors and she is the one to help make Spartan's mark in history.

(She could stay in this era or be ripped back to her own time after falling in love with the General. Though she'd find someone who is exactly like him in a different area of the world or country. So thiis could be two different rps rolled up into one thread)

13: Oops!: A storage unit is up for auction it looks like a total bachelor's pad unit with good items. The auction ends and the winner is a rather young woman who looks timid but in reality she's a fighter in the business, law and basically a man's world. Among the unit she finds a contract and old files tha dated back to the 60s and 70s. Alot of it was blacked out but she could piece it together. It was plans and agreements to make the perfect soldier or soldiers. The date this paln was put into action was in the 80s after five trails were successful.

A silent alarm has went off at the office telling the Director someone opened the storage unit of his previous director. Now he sends his best man to kill this person but once he sent his man this director finds out this woman is naturally trained as a soldier from a retired SEAL. The soldier finds the woman who he begins to make his move to kill her but old memories start flashing of a woman who was like the one he was suppose to kill. He uses the woman to unlock his past (Which is a side affect of going under treatments) and finds out his fiance has been waiting for him for five years. Does he return to the woman he was going to marry or to the woman who stood by him from the beginning?

Still coming up with plots!!
Very interested, would you consider as playing as a kind hearted mistress with me? I have a lot of scenarios for this. ^ ^
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