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out of curiosity, where did you start roleplaying?

I started roleplaying in aol chatrooms, then someone introduce me to gaia online forums.
I've been roleplaying for 11 years. I'm 21, so I've been roleplaying for over half my life. Wow. I feel ollllld.

I started roleplaying on some site called Blackberry or something of that nature... I don't quite remember.

My first sexual rp was through PMs on the Harry Potter boards at the official HP site. Haha. I'm sure it was dreadful.
Clean RP: If you count live action roleplaying, as RP.. Probably on the playground in 4th grade. We used to pretend we were DBZ characters.

Sexual RP: Uh.. when I was 13, on yahoo chats/private messages of course.
Clean RP: Probably pretending to be Fireman Sam when I was about.. Four.

Sexual RP: In the 'Cyber' room on a pictionary game site called iSketch when I was about 16/17.. Would have been over dialup!
I don't roleplay, you all know that D=
Ok, I lie. I've actually been roleplaying since I was 12, back when MSN Community Boards were still relevant. In retrospect, that's actually sort of fucked up...
I don't know how much I like to count playing games as a child to role-playing. While technically it is, it seems to me that most people, even non RPer types, have done this at one point or another. Albeit, some of us never grew out of it. :3 I would liken playing games as a kid closer to LARPing then I would the type of role-playing, I'm going to guess that is being inquired which case I have been role-playing since I was a tot.

But, I digress.

Ah, I believe I started on AOL chat rooms. All clean stuff, though nothing of any sort of quality, that took place when I was...ten or eleven, I'd say. Then I moved to forums, where my RPing got intensely more serious and I was frequenting sites like RPGchat...

And adult RPing...I want to say I started that in maybe ninth or tenth grade. These were all done on messenger.

I've been role playing for maybe...five years now? Up until 2010, it had all been paper RP's.

I remember my first paper RP vividly, as it had been with my best friend and me and her where just bored in the middle of class. It was also my first sexual RP as well so...yeah. >.>
Noir said:
And adult RPing...I want to say I started that in maybe ninth or tenth grade. These were all done on messenger.


"No sir, I didn't break on TOS <3"
I broke the TOS back on DRP... not that it seemed to matter to Rage =P
I started roleplaying somewhere when I had been in middleschool. I graduated from highschool in 2007 and have been out of school for 3 years now. So I've been a roleplayer for quite some time actually.
Middle School Cafeteria, 7th grade, 2nd Edition D&D.
I think I was a half-elf wizard cause the DM didn't tell me shit about what I could play. My Character was formed in third edition as what he is today, Spencer MoonStone, Cleric of Aravan. I slew a dragon singlehandedly and killed hundreds of orcs.
I started roleplaying when I was 12 in GraalOnline but..
As far as the sexual stuff goes. I was 14 on Myspace.
The third Vaati to be there; still active actually. >8D Bwahahahah!

Some crazi daughter of Ganondorf caught me when I was in a moment of desperation and drained my innocence.
Reading the old mail though; for an amateur, I did alright. \(e___e)/ Wahahahahah!
Gaia..But it got super bored when everyone I knew got offline. : [ Now I'm kinda floating, maybe hoping to change that.
Tabletop/Pen Paper: 15 years ago
Online: MSN Groups- 13 Years ago
Sexual: Yahoo Chat- 12 years ago

Yes old Akuma is old XD
My first roleplay was in Watcher's 'room in the old MSN Chats. That guy was so smart he glowed in the dark. There were, like, "conferences" before a roleplay where Himself made sure everyone involved was on the same page. I had a helluva good time there, even though I was pretty much the only one who wasn't bracketed....

As far as sexual roleplay (cybernesis) is concerned, it was a part of my first 'play; it just sort of happened and I thought, "This is COOL!" I later discovered that non-sexual 'plays are rather rare, and it seems to me for good reason!
Online: -- 12 years ago.
Sexual : YIM! -- 7 years ago
Tabletop/LARP : DnD Third Edition, and LARP conventions -- 10 years ago.
I started role-playing when I was 12, on an MSN group about Lord of the Rings. I started doing adult role-playing that same year. When I was 12 I was passing for 15 or 16 on the internet, and no one questioned me. Some people even guessed I was closer to 20, just based on talking to me. So with people older I'd go as a teenager, and for people my own age I'll tell them honestly. I became interested in erotic fiction at a very young age, and I guess its probably bad that I was not only role-playing adult scenes at the time, but lying about my age to do it. Or at least not correcting people when they assumed wrong. In the end, though, once I turned 15 I realized what a creeper I was to lie about my age. =P

I've done tons of role-playing on GaiaOnline, and massive amounts through IM and emails since then.
First Roleplay, I can't remember the exact site. It's closed now, It was a Firefly Roleplay. Sexual RPing though would have had to have been AIM, I was 16.
Oh gawd i think i am the oldest on this site ... and probably one of the youngest as far as official role playing goes.

but omg i was a naughty little girl having erotic fantasy role plays in my imagination when i was only about 4 ... and they where very extensive .. which we wont go into lol..
and then i grew up and became a very naughty woman lol
Lets see about 15 yrs ago my childhood sweetheart ... who i had been away from for years found each other again.. but in this case I lived in NY and he lived in TO.. so mostly we had phone sex for the next year... and daily mail role playing ... pages and pages like 4 -5 pages a day.
Then i started online about 6 or 7 yrs ago ... although they where filled with dragons and magic mostly they where just cybersex lol.
It wasn't until recently i was introduced to role playing the way it's done on the forum.. i mean really recently like about 6 mons ago by one of my rp partners. and he actually gave me the link to BM and told me to study it and learn how to rp like you guys lol.
well we split up and ... well ... now here i am lol ...
Hmmm...I would have to say 23 years of rp-ing.
Started on paper with friends, it was fun to be the first one to get it first period on Monday...cuz it meant your RP partner had it all weekend! And you had at least 5 pages to read!
Then of course aol, yahoo, msn, myspace and thensome!!!!
Here! σ.σ

Tbh, I probably got the idea from Gaiaonline but I never actually did any rp over there I don't think.
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