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RP plots and ideas.

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Dec 21, 2010
This is just a few plots and ideas I've had, feel free to look em over and let me know whatcha think. Organized by sex driven and story driven. Males and Females welcome. Can play as either gender, go nuts folks.

Sex Driven Rps:
1. An Ancient demon awakens to find that the entire world has changed since he had been under, he has found his old kingdom and harem has been destroyed, so he lets out the rumor that an ancient treasure is awaiting lucky adventurers! But, the dungeon the 'treasure' is located in is actually a magical alternate dimension that is controled by him, filled with traps and ways to 'slut up' any woman or man who has the mis fortune, or good fortune, to wander in.

2. A Queen/Princess is sick and tired of all of the requests she gets for marriage, and finally fed up she goes out and buys a slave to act as her husband, creating a fake background and whatnot for him. Though...the entire time he is living with her, he is secretly plotting, and slowly, ever so slowly, he is turning her into a pet for his own amusment.

Story Drive Rps:
1. An Ancient being a power, whom went to war against the gods, killing most of them and being sealed away by an object of great power. Is loosed on the world once more! But, before he can reveal himself and begin his conquest an new...and he learns that the person who has the knowdlege of the object that sealed away is also the last member of the family whom sealed him away! He must seduce her in order to gain knowdlege of this object! But he must be subtle, lest she grow suspicious....bwahaha.

2. (Demons seem to be a big thing with me lol.) A powerful demon whom is known for his compassion towards humans, but also about how he rules with a iron fist. Though his compassion does seem to have no bounds, even allowing a relgious group whom hates demons to preach on his land, though most ignore them. Though he holds no love for rebellion in his kingdom and he is known to crush it brutally and without mercy. The idea for this story is your character is either part of the relgious group, or a rebel group, or of an outside kingdom whom is under the threat of being conqured by him.

3. Basically the 2nd idea, but with the demon losing his powers and narrowly escaping death at the hands of a powerful magic user who managed to seduce her way past his magical defences. Seems like a good thing right? Wrong! The demon's kingdom collaspes, everything is sent into chaos, his generals rebell with only one remaining loyal to secure the capital. And the magic user knows it is all her fault, and that she must find the demon and help him regain his power, or the world will be lost to anarchy and death for years to come.

4. The goddess of a world is a benevolent and good one, ruling over her people kindly and fairly. Though one day, she feels a strange disturbance in the world, and when she goes to investigate, she finds a demon...normally disgusted by demon kind this one seems a little more, enticing to her, being as it is in an teens body, and that it seems to be more pure and innocent than most human children would be. The fun...just kinda goes from here :p

5. There is an ancient tower in the middle of nowhere, and a new adventuring male is looking to conqure what noone has ever conqured before! When he arrives at the tower he is greeted by a single being in a cloak who tells him that his strength and endurance will be tested, and when the adventurer goes in...the entire tower is filled with creatures, demons, and other things from the deep! He must conqure them one at a time, or suffer the fate of all the other men who enter the tower. Should he conqure it though, fame, fortune, and an army of monsters!

PM me if any of these tickle your fancy.
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