After classes (Peekaboo x Mera1506)


Sep 25, 2010
Professor Severus Snape was sick of it, tired of everything. For years now, every day he had risked his life. Always the chance he could be caught out, always the chance his many secrets could be discovered. And what had he got from all this? What possible reward did he get? Nobody knew of everything he had done to safeguard them. Everyone simply hated him, suspected him, accused him of being a spy or a traitor. There was no reward for him, nothing for him to fight for, yet he fought anyway for some reason. Even the Slytherin's themselves had grown somewhat distrustful of Snape as of late, though that was probably more to do with him showing less favouritism toward them over the other houses this term.

With another glance at the clock Snape finally let out a silent sigh of relief. It was Friday and classes were finally over. "Alright...." He walked around to the front of the classroom, standing infront of his desk, arms folded in his usual intimidating stance. "Homework for this are to read Chapters 20 through 30 of your textbooks. I expect a detailed summary of those chapters on my desk by Monday morning..." There was a collective groan from the 5th year class, though when Snape narrowed his eyes the groan was cut short. "Any further outburts and I will add another 5 away your things and get going....I suggest you all begin your assignment as soon as possible..." The tall man turned his back to the class, withdrawing his wand from his sleeve to begin tidying his desk.
Fala thought of Snape as a rather interesting person and attractive as well. But he was her teacher, nothing would ever happen outside her (day)dreams and fantasies, at least that's what she thought. Focussing around him was hard enough on itself, but she had never really had trouble with potions. She had also thought that her crush would pass, it had started in her second year, it hadn't passed yet.

The fifteen year old stood about 5'8ft tall and was native American. For reasons she didn't know her parents had moved to England. A wand had in the beginning proven to be a pain in the ass, but herbology, potions and later care for magical creatures had been a walk in the park and classes that only required academics such as history of magic and the theoretical side of every course weren't that difficult either. But the practical side of charms, transfiguration and defense against the dark arts had been hard in the beginning, but were going alright now. Flitwick, McGonagall and whatever had to pass for a defense against the dark arts teacher had shown patience, even last year's joke of Lockheart had proven very willing to help, though last year it was the students in the year above her that had helped her most, Lockheart truely had been a joke, however her hard work had payed off.

Fala was already looking a lot like a woman, with great curves. DD breasts, round ass, those things had gotten boys way too excited in her oppinion. She didn't want a boy, she didn't need a boy, she needed a man. Her long black hair she always wore in a braid, that nearly reached her but. She had big dark chocolate brown eyes, full red lips and a well defined jawline. The fifth year Slytherin was one of few if not the only one who didn't complain about the homework assignment and always had, had a front row seat in potions. Though she had tried to hide her crush from him she had a feeling he had caught on sometime in the last two years.
Silently Snape was an excellent observer, not a thing happened in his classroom that he didn't know about, it was simply a matter of whether he chose to voice his knowledge of it or not. For the past 3 years now he had been observing something, and until now he had ignored it, allowed it to go on and thinking of it as nothing more than a mild annoyance, something that would pass. Unfortunately that seemed to have turned out not to happen....if anything the opposite had happened.
As usual, Snape saw Fala taking her time packing her things away, being the last student left in the classroom as always, though the two of them never exchanged words in those brief moments. Today was going to be different.

Just before Fala was about to leave the classroom, the door shut itself, Snape standing at the front with his wand extended. "Just a moment miss.....I think it's time we discussed something. For the past three years your performance in my class has been.....not to my expectations. Whilst you may be achieving passing grades, you are not living up to your full potential. You are always....distracted, never entirely focused on the task at hand...tell me..." He had been moving slowly, silently closer toward her as he spoke, his movements so subtle that she may not have truly realised he had moved at all until he was halfway across the room. "....Why is that?"
Fala blinked as the door shut itself just before she could leave. Her crush had started a bit over two years ago and was going on to the third year, why, she truely had no idea. She turned to face him as she heard that deep voice that she'd grown to love, that scared so many others for reasons she didn't understand.

"Why do I have a feeling you already know the answer to that." Fala answered. It was impossible for him not to catch on of course. Her grades hadn't been to his expectations, then again his expectations were much higher that those of any of the other teachers. It was simply so hard to focus with him around and combined with a partner who couldn't really tell one ingredient from the other it was a miracle she'd managed to get her team passing grades. But she couldn't help getting turned on, especially when he was walking right behind them inspecting their potions.
Of course Snape already knew the answer, knew all about her not so little anymore crush on him. He rarely asked a question to which he didn't already know the answer, but often it would mean nothing if he said it. This was one of those times....unless she said the words, then the answer meant nothing, she would learn nothing. It wasn't hard to spot the signs, not for a man of Snape's intelligence anyway. Besides, it wasn't like she was the first female student to develop a crush on him. Yes they were few and far between, but there had been others. Still, many of them had abandoned their crush within weeks when they quickly got to really know him.

"Perhaps I know the answer....perhaps I do not. Perhaps in the name of had better tell me the reason" He had given her a useless partner intentionally....he had suspected during her first year that she'd had a potential for potions, giving her a useless partner was merely the best way to test that. If she could perform well despite such a huge drawback then it would confirm his suspiscions. If she had let her partner drag her down with him then she wouldn't have been worth effort or interest in the first place. "So do tell me....why are you so....distracted? Why are you so unfocused? Do my classes not interest you enough? Do I not provide pull you away from your daydreams?"
Oh he deffinately knew. "You know. It's not like you to ask questions you don't know the answer to, at least not in class that is." Fala said and looked at him. He was giving her false reasons to draw her out, his usual defense to drive people away. He always wanted to drive people away, keep distance. He wasn't the only one who could observe, one of the reasons both were good at potions was their eye for detail.

"Because I have a crush on you." She said and couldn't help, but blush, there it was out.

"We both know that if potions wouldn't interest me the grades of my essays would be lower, since you're not around when I write them I can actually focus. Question, did you stick me with a hopeless partner intentionally?" She then asked, she wouldn't be surprised if he did. He was meticulous, there's very little if nothing he didn't do without a reason.
So it was true....Snape had known yes....but even so....his pride didn't blind him enough to think he was perfect, even he could get things wrong from time to time, but now that she had confirmed it....well at least it could make things a little easier for her now...the burden of it being a secret now lifted from her shoulders. "I see....a crush...." He slowly turned away from her, walking back towards his desk as she asked her question. "Like myself, I suspect you already know the answer to your question"

He stopped at his desk, turning to face her once more. "I wanted to measure your potential. You are clearly gifted in many ways" Was he referring to her just academicaly? Or perhaps he was referring to her in....other ways aswell....after all, many girls would consider a body like Fala's a wonderful 'gift'. "And whilst you have not disappointed, you have not excelled either. Your distraction still holds you back. Your lack of focus causes you to miss things. This 'crush' has got to stop if you are to ever achieve your full potential. You must do something to stop yourself being distracted, to stop yourself daydreaming"
"You rarely do anything without a reason if anything at all." She answered. His reaction was typically Snape of course, just an answer that one couldn't make heads or tails of, merely acknowledging the fact. He was hard to read, very hard to read when his guard was up and it always was it seemed to be up, almost always. On some occasions after leaving she'd peeked her head in to get one last look and she was saddened by what she'd seen. Somehow he seemed sad, defeated, broken, letting his guard down when he thought nobody saw. But of course she couldn't say anything about that and just left again.

And what did he mean by gifted in many ways? "I try that every time. Somehow nothing seems to work. I'm open to suggestions." She said, putting the ball back in his court. This conversation was amusing and she loved being around him. She was aroused as she was after every potion's class and this conversation deffinately wasn't making it any easier.
"And just what have you tried to relieve yourself of this foolish crush hm?" Snape folded his arms, watching her sternly, as if examining her, observing her every movement. "As for suggestions as to what you can do, why don't you tell me? What would it take to cause you to cease being distracted? Just what would it take for you to be able to focus in spite of this crush of yours?" Snape took another step towards her, though the way his body moved it was hard to tell, he seemed to neither move up or down as he stepped, the movement so subtle and precise it was almost like he was gliding towards her.

"Have you tried to seek a relationship with one of your classmates? Someone else for you to focus your attention on? I've seen the way your classmates compete for your attention, both in and out of class" Of course if he had noticed that, it would mean he had been paying attention to her....but then again she was a member of his house, but still....he couldn't pay that level of attention to everyone could he? Perhaps there was at least the slightest hint of a greater attention in her in particular.
"I tried to find anyone who could catch my interest, but it's always just a competition to see who can get to have me first, I even overheard them making bets on it. It's when I decided no one should win, I'm not going to be treated like that, and looked at the other houses, well even worse there, truely pathetic to put it mildly." She said and then realized he'd have to pay a lot of attention to even know that.

"But what is it that made you pay so much attention to me that you know how boys want to get with me. I'm sure you wouldn't have time to pay that kind of attention to everyone." She countered, watching him carefully to what he might be up to. Of course she too knew of his reputation although not sure how much of it was true, he deffinately seemed to want people to believe every horrific detail was true.
Snape couldn't help the slight smile that crept onto her face as she described the members of the other houses as pathetic.... "Spoken like a true Slytherin..." The girl knew where her loyalty belonged at least...she knew that the other houses were blinded by foolish sentiment. She seemed to cotton on quite quickly to how much attention he had paid to her though, quicker than he might have expected from her. Perhaps the girl was more observant than he thought...or perhaps she was simply gradually opening up now that she had admitted her crush to him.

"You have potential....that is why I paid attention to you. I do the same with other students that I feel deserve it" The answer came without hesitation, without his gaze breaking away for even a moment. He was likely telling the truth, though exactly what he meant by 'students that deserve it' was still up in the air. "But we are not here to discuss me..." He had moved closer once again, now standing almost within touching distance of her. "We are here to discuss you aren't we? Now....just what can we do about this crush of yours and its affect on your performance in class?"
Students that he feels deserve it. Well that couldn't be more than a handfull of students. He was so damn close to her. "I have no idea in which direction you want to go with this proffessor. What do you mean by what we should do about it?" She asked. She thought she had to do something on her own, now he was offering help? Well she knew one thing he could do, fuck her brains out before every potions class, but that was unlikely to ever happen. "But if you have any suggestions I'm all ears." She said.
"You've already said yourself you've tried to do something alone and it hasn't worked. As the head of your house and as your Potions teacher, I thought it may simply be my place to offer you assistance. But if you want my assistance, you must ask for it first" He took a single step closer once again, looking down at the shorter girl, staring her directly in the eye, his own eyes cold and empty....but then again that was just how he felt. Cold, empty. The one thing Snape didn't know was that she had seen him like that how he truly felt. Alone and abandoned....he had sacrificed so much for the good of others and never received anything in return. "So I ask you again, what can we do about this crush of yours?"
Fala looked up and straight into those eyes, empty, cold. It was sad really, but she didn't seem intimidated in the least. "You know what I want, and at the same time I couldn't ask you to do that because of the enormous risk it entails." She said. She had grown to care about him, she didn't know why, however unlike both Dumbledore and Voldemort she had no agenda to run, but she did care about what would happen to him and didn't want to do anything that could put him in harms way.

If they were to get caught he would at least get fired, but with his reputation he'd most likely become food for the dementors. The circumstances that had lead up to the situation wouldn't matter to them. She did want him, badly, but unlike certain Slytherin she had a consciouss, at least when it came to the people she cared about and he happened to be one of them.
"I know do I?" Snape raised an eyebrow, leaning down a little more toward her...just enough for her to feel the heat of his breath against her dark skin, an intense contrast to his own cold, pale skin. "Perhaps so....and perhaps risk is not something I am so preoccupied with..." Snape had taken many risks during his now he had learned to simply forget the risk, it just distracted him, made things harder. "Risk means nothing to achieve your objective....perhaps that is a lesson you need to learn..." He slowly unfolded his arms, letting them fall down to his sides now. "And sometimes risk is all simply part of life....."
And some risks might simply not be worth taking. On the other hand was this speach about taking risk his way of encouraging her to go through with it, because maybe he wanted it? Risk was part of life sure. After a few moments of thinking she sort of smiled, though it could barely be seen. "True." She said.

She could feel his breath and smell it too. "You know that I want you. If you're willing to do this it means we need to fool everyone including Dumbledore and for that we would need a plan. Because without a plan getting caught is a certainty. Then it's not taking a risk, but being plain foolish." She replied, wondering if he would really want to do this with her and think up a plan or just leave it be. He knew she wanted him, but did he want her?
"You make one very large assumption....Fala...." It was rare for Snape to use anyone's given name, normally he would always refer to someone by their family name only. "....Another thing that you should learn...that you must learn....I always have a plan..." Truth be told, Snape had always been prepared for this eventuality....he had always suspected the day might come that a student may want him like this....and that he may not be able to resist...both the classroom and his own chambers were prepared, shielded. A simple spell would activate his protection, shield them from anyone accidentally walking in on them or overhearing them. If he so willed it, they would be, for all intents and purposes, invisible.

"As for Dumbledore.....he cannot be fooled, not by me, not by you, not by anyone. However you make the assumption that he would care about such things. So long as they remain private....he has other things to focus his attention on" Indeed in his youth Dumbledore himself had....'savoured the advantages' of being a teacher at this school...though there weren't even rumours of such things, let alone solid fact...not aside from the facts within Snape's mind. "So....are you prepared to take the risk?"
Her first name, now that was a first. So Dumbledore wouldn't give a shit, well that was a relieve, he was the one she had worried about mostly. "I am." She said and smiled, all this inclined he wanted it as well. He always has a plan, that was good. She usually planned things, but of course was still learning a great deal. Many time she'd wondered what it would be like with him and she was going to find out finally.
"Well then..." Snape leaned closer still, his face only inches from hers, his robes falling open slightly, a large bulge becoming visible in his pants. Clearly he wanted this just as much as she did....or perhaps his proximity to her had allowed her scent to fill his nostrils and cause her own arousal to arouse him. " final time....." His arms moved to suddenly place his hands on the desk behind her, trapping her between it and him, though he somehow doubted she would mind that. "I ask you....what shall we do....about this crush of yours?" The slight smirk on his face showed she could finally give the answer really on her mind, whatever it might be.
With his face so close his eyes betrayed his lust and when his robes felt open she saw a big bulge before looking in those eyes again, so big it only turned her on more and a throbbing feeling started between her legs.

He trapped her, well she didn't mind, of course she didn't. "Please take me." She said and hopefully it wouldn't be a one time thing either. Though in the end she wanted more then just sex, but with someone who seemed to be this afraid to bond with people that he tried to scare everyone into keeping a distance, that would be something she probably shouldn't mention for a while.
"Very well...." He leaned in a little more, so nearly touching her now. "I will take you....I will take you here and now...." His hands released the desk, but only to move to her shoulders and grasp those instead. "And I will take you whenever we should so choose...." Clearly Snape didn't intend this to be a one time thing....if he was going to take this risk then he was damn well going to get more than a one night stand out of it.

Suddenly Snape leaned down to kiss her, thrusting his tongue into her mouth, though the kiss was devoid of what could be described as 'passion'....that was a notion somewhat unfamiliar to Snape for rather obvious reasons. Perhaps though, it was something that the teacher himself could be taught.
Fala smiled, deffinately, this would proove to be fun. She returned his kiss, immediately putting her tongue into play to play with his and wrapping her arms around him to feel him against her. It felt a bit off, but she loved it. She could feel his erection press against her abdomenen.
Snape slipped his wand from one of his sleeves, waving it silently behind Fala's head to engage his protection spells. On a friday evening it was likely nobody would come here anyway, but still, better to be safe. Once the protection was engaged Snape began to grind himself against her, pushing the bulge in his pants against her abdomen, whilst making a point to squash her large, DD chest against him. He was pushing her against the desk now, his hands squeezing her shoulders a little more tightly.
Fala felt his arm move and opened her eyes. He did some sort of spell, his plan probably. She moaned softly as he grinded against her, feeling his desk press against her back now, her breasts soon squashed against his chest. She sat down on his desk and spread her legs, then began to unbutton her blouse. If he had a plan then there was no reason to make it quick, now was there.
Snape broke the kiss as she sat down on the desk, a thin string of saliva connecting their lips for a few moments before he moved his head, watching as she started to unbutton her blouse....a little slowly for his liking. She was teasing him, making him watch and wait....still....the anticipation was all part of the excitement. He licked his lips as her cleavage began to come into view....full and wonder many of the boys in the school wanted her. But they wouldn't have her....they couldn't have her....not whilst Snape had her....
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