Jewel's Roleplaying Desires....(UPDATED 3/22/11)

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Dec 9, 2010
I am a para roleplayer normally, but I match people's post size for the most part, if you do semi or multi I will follow suit! I prefer at least semi-para, I don't like one liners or 2-4 sentences as they don't have enough detail for me.

Speaking of which, I am a detailed roleplay who is a huge fan of background stories and plot. While I enjoy the of roleplaying, I find that good story and plot add to the excitement, making it more enjoyable for all. I try to write with good grammar and spelling, I ask that my partner try too. I just really don't like a lot of bad spelling and text-speak (u, ur, fuk, plz).

Just so everyone knows, I'm bisexual so females are definitely welcome! Also, I do play male characters, so I will do whichever you desire, including yaoi and yuri! I like many different species, mostly humanoid like werewolves, vampires, anthros, nekos, and wolfgirls/guys.

I am a fan of darker roleplays, loss of control, blackmail, rape, domination, Master/slave/pet, abuse, physical and sexual, and the like. My only real hard no's are bathroom, incest, and snuff. I am very very rarely into fluffy stuff or romance. Well...I've included a list of my likes/dislikes in my signature, but many of them are flexible minus the no's for the most part. But I am willing to compromise for one of the no's if you're willing to give me some of my favs. ^.-
Here's the links again for those who want them!

I love fandom roleplay as well. Just as a note, my favorites aren’t limiting I’ll always listen to idea involving others. As far as the original characters...I personally don't play OC and will sometimes play against other's IF they aren't Mary/Gary Sue's. When I play the characters, I play them pretty canon with few exceptions like AU. Some of them include:

Plenty of possibilities here but please don't ask me for incest....I don't think I could do it.
Harry Potter
Some favorite characters to play are Hermione, Severus, Lucius, Draco, Harry, Luna, Narcissa, Ron, other Wesleys. To play against are pretty much the same but adding Voldemort, other Death Eaters…
Some favorite characters are House, Chase, Thirteen, Cuddy…
Lord of the Rings
My favorite characters Legolas, Aragon, Samwise, Frodo…
Anita Blake
I love alternate universes in this…but I love playing numerous characters from here. Not too many I don’t like or won’t play.
Some anime I know vaguely
Sailor Moon, Full Metal Alchemist, Original Digimon, some Pokemon
Mostly here I would like for the female main character to discover that it’s not all happily ever after. Perhaps Adam (The Beast) isn’t really reformed and Belle becomes more of his pet. Or Ariel is captured by pirates…something other than happily ever after. Or the male character doesn’t live with the princess…I’m sure we can think of something.
True Blood
Most of the characters are good here.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel
Almost all of the main characters and bad guys are good.

The list could be longer, if you have a specific fandom you love I didn't list, please ask!

Some general pairings without plot:

Some different specific scenes I have....

Forced Together:
Two people are captured together that aren't exactly fond of each other. The ones I've thought of are...
1) First person is paid to hunt their enemy by their enemy's former group/clan/coven. While trying to defeat the 'traitor', the pair are captured together by those who made the bounty. What will be the fate of the traitor and the hunter?
2) The heir to a fortune is kidnapped! But during the abduction, the farmhand is captured too since they can't leave any witnesses. Will father pay the ransom quickly?
3) During a racial war (we can pick the nationalities later), one soldier has been selected for his breeding potiental due to his looks and rank. While he has been enjoying his 'assignment', he finds himself going after a nurse who disagrees with the 'selective breeding' program but is assigned to care for the women and child. When the allied (enemy) forces attack their camp, the pair are captured together, much to her dismay. But what happens when she finds them at the mercy of these strangers and he's the only one she knows?
4) We create our own story!

For Sale
This one includes a variety of species that could be used, but the basic storyline is that a girl is taken into the slave trade to be sold. There are many ways this one can go...
1) Girl is a different species and considered subordinate to the man's species.
2) Girl is taken as collateral for a debt from husband/boyfriend/father, they don't pay up.
3) A guy decided to capture a wolfgirl for a huge bounty. But after he caught her…can he go without a taste?

Rescue me
This girl is a mess, became addicted to drugs at a young age and is falling apart. Now she's conning men for their money, using her lucious body to get the means for her next fix.
1) He can capture her and be kind trying to fix her.
2) He is pissed about this and decides to teach her a lesson.

Caught red handed
Oh dear, someone has been caught being naughty! Again this can go numerous ways...
1) Employee is caught stealing at work/lying about work/doing something against policy and to keep her job must do as the boss asks.
2) Married woman is caught masturbating and crying out a man's name that is not her husband.
3) Student cheated on an exam or assignment is giving the choice to be expelled or obey.
4) A thief steals a valuable item and the guard catches her only to find the item destroyed. Bringing in the thief to the royal/rich person. He give her the choice becoming his slave or being reported to the royal guard who will remove her hands for the offense.

More than a mutt
Your character is invited out with some buddies to hunt for the first time. While killing isn’t exactly your cup of tea, you agree to go as you don’t want to seem like a wuss. As you’re freezing your ass off in the cool fall weather, you mostly watch as your friends shoot a couple of smaller animals like deer and rabbits. Then suddenly, a wolf walks into view. A large white wolf with odd markings walks into view. The wolf’s bright blue eyes look into yours a moment and you see something in it…something more than just an animal. Your friend raises his run and you shout, “NO!” before shoving the gun away, saving her from the incoming bullet. After a moment the wolf nods at you, much to your disbelief. After another night of camping, you both awake to a loud noise and find a bear outside your camp! It comes to attack when suddenly the same wolf from before leaps out to save you! A fight ensues and soon the bear runs away, but the wolf collapses and turns into a woman, her body bleeding and…still having ears and a tail?! You decide to take her home and care for her.

Gotta Pay The Rent
A man with a broken down bar is having trouble keeping up with the bills when all his clients move to a more hip facility down the street. A few regulars still attend including a rather wealthy man who is keen on the bartender, the owner’s daughter. When word comes that the bar is being shut down, the rich man offers to keep the bar up for a price…his daughter. It would be only certain nights of the week and in exchange for various favors he would improve the bar and her life as well…everyone has to pay the bills somehow.

Trouble with the Bank
A woman comes in every day to complete the same transaction day in and day out. But you begin to notice something odd, the bank account she was drawing from was a local large business and the checks were forged. He informs her of this discovery and tells her he won’t inform the police for a price.

Hmm...I'll add more as I think of them.....

Toodles, hope to roleplay soon!
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