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Old Characters looking for a new idea

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Sep 9, 2010
Ok so recently I realized I have more then a few original characters that I haven't used in some time due to one reason or another so over the next few days I will blow the dust off a few of them. I will detail them, being a tad vague just to leave things open... and if you want to have one of them in a plot you have then let me know and we can try to work something out.

Most of them will be pretty much made for a modernish setting and if they are availible for other time periods then their information will denote that.

1. Simon, the twenty four year old punk rock fan was abused by his father when he was young and ran away from home at the age of sixteen, fleeing across several states until he found a new home at a comic shop in the town where he ended up, the stores elderly owner taking him in. OF course the abuse left marks on him though, he became heavily involved with an underground punk rock scene that still persists in the city and practices self mutilation, adding fresh scars to the ones that his father left on him in the hopes that one day he won't be able to know the difference. A little more then a year ago the man who took him in died, his heart failing due to advanced age but he left Simon the comic shop, now Simon splits his time between running the shop, volunteering at a local shelter for battered women and children, and of course drinking a copacious amount at an underground club known only as NAIL.

Simon is a big bag of crazy, the only real constant that can be expected from him is how he will react if he finds out someone has been hurting a kid in any way... and that is of course with batshit crazy rage. If you have a single functioning brain cell you will be very nice to kids when he is around. If you want something unpredictable and a one of a kind romance, or maybe just insane lust... the Simon is for you.


2. Jackson Porter had it all, at the age of thirty he was a well respected if slightly odd journalist who had cut his teeth with book reviews but after a unique take on a supposed political tell all memoir people had discovered he had a talent for making Politics more accessible and as the 2004 presidential campaign drew to a close he was scheduled to have his own tv show, debuting the day after the election. Of course since he had taken a hard line stance against the Bush policies, saying anyone who didn't Vote for Kerry should take a warm bath with their toaster, the opening episode was to have Anne Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, and Sean Hannity live on the air with him so he could gloat... it didn't go as planned though and what followed has been described as the most foul five minutes of television that has ever aired... an error keeping the feed from being cut as he got very creative with his expletives.

Fast forward five years later, he has recently managed to get a job, after only selling the occasional column to support himself since that crazy night, residuals from book sales helping to keep him from eating nothing but ramen. THis knew job cost him just about every favor he was owed but now he is teaching journalism and English Lit at a prestigious boarding school on the East Coast... hopefully he will be able to keep his drinking habit under control long enough to inspire a few students and maybe rediscover his lost love for the political game.


More will be coming soon, hit me up if you got a plot that one of these might fit in.

Oh and sorry, should mention het only, no offense to the guy on guy fans but that doesn't boil my tea.
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