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Looking for Fallout RP [Plot]

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May 23, 2010
I'm looking for a female character for an RP based on the Fallout universe (But not necessarily Fallout canon). The plot is based around a vault dweller who is part of a still-active Vault (Experiment to be determined) and a wastelander who come in contact while still being separated in both worlds. This is a pretty open idea. I have no set location and the RP would take place sometime after the events of Fallout 3. Send me a message if you are interested in expanding this idea with me. The fun of RPing is creating a story together, so how about we do that?!
MarxistPanda said:
I'm looking for a female character for an RP based on the Fallout universe (But not necessarily Fallout canon). The plot is based around a vault dweller who is part of a still-active Vault (Experiment to be determined) and a wastelander who come in contact while still being separated in both worlds. This is a pretty open idea. I have no set location and the RP would take place sometime after the events of Fallout 3. Send me a message if you are interested in expanding this idea with me. The fun of RPing is creating a story together, so how about we do that?!

I am a big fan of fallout i could try it if you want
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